Orlando VA Healthcare System Hosts the Filming of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Upcoming TEDx Talks Series

In a remarkable display of collaboration and innovation, the Orlando VA Healthcare System (OVAHCS) played host to a groundbreaking event: TEDx talks specially curated for VA employees by VA employees from VA Central Office and around the country.
This endeavor aimed to inspire and empower VA staff, bringing together diverse perspectives and ideas that resonate with the organization’s core values.
The event was an intersection of the VA's commitment to healthcare excellence and the renowned TEDx platform's dedication to sharing ideas worth spreading. Set against the backdrop of Orlando's vibrant cultural hub, this event brought forward stories, insights, and visions that could shape the future of healthcare and service for the nation's Veterans.
With the theme "From Moments to Movements," the TEDx talks were carefully curated to spark inspiration and encourage innovative thinking. Experts from various disciplines within VA took the stage to present their ideas, experiences, and visionary concepts that have the potential to revolutionize the way Veterans' healthcare is delivered and administered.
The diverse lineup of speakers included healthcare practitioners, researchers, employee Veterans, and others. Each speaker shared their unique perspective on topics ranging from mental health, to leveraging virtual reality technology for improved patient care, empathy and morality, and more!
Dr. Anthony Ferretti, OVAHCS psychologist, and TEDx speaker, delivered a moving talk entitled,
“Unpacking the Boxes.” His heartfelt narrative about the devastating loss of his parents and navigating the leftover emotions takes you through strategic steps to help, “Unpack the Boxes,” Dr. Ferretti challenges the audience to deepen their connections with others and work through their emotional pain to find happiness and fulfillment in life.
“I believe that emotions connect people and that meaningful relationships are the key to happiness and fulfillment in life. Life begins and ends with relationships. My hope is that my TEDx talk will help people find ways to work through their emotional pain either on their own or with a professional and recognize the value of processing, confronting, and releasing their emotional pain by naming it, feeling it, sharing it and releasing it,” said Dr. Ferretti.
Presenters Caitlin Rawlins, Deputy Director, and Dr. Anne Bailey, Director of Clinical Tech Innovation for the Veterans Health Administration defined a new reality in health care discussing the use of virtual reality.
“Having the opportunity to share the TEDx stage with Caitlin and talk about the impact of immersive technology on the lives of our Veterans, their families and caregivers, and our staff has been an incredible honor and privilege,” said Dr. Bailey. “Our hope is that this will amplify VA’s foundational leadership in this space and help us get the word out to even more Veterans, families, and caregivers!”
Dr. Prince Taylor, Deputy Director for the VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement explains that the TEDx series has been developed to connect VA’s workforce and bring individuals closer together.
"Hosting the TEDx talks at the Orlando VA Healthcare System was a profound experience," said Dr. Taylor. “It allowed us to bring the essence of TED's mission - to share ideas and inspire - to our dedicated employees. We believe that by fostering a culture of innovation and creativity, we can further enhance the quality of care we provide to our nation's heroes."
This event not only showcased the dedication of the VA to continuously improve its services but also exemplified the organization's willingness to embrace new ideas and perspectives, ultimately amplifying the impact of the healthcare provided to Veterans.
The new TEDx series will launch during the first week of December.