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Veterans Talking to Veterans at the National Museum of Military Vehicles - Dubois, Wyoming

Wyoming Commission presents Veterans Talking to Veterans at the National Museum of Military Vehicles. The first 200 Veterans through the door before 9 am will receive a free beautiful commemorative messenger bag!


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The National Museum of Military Vehicles, USS Wyoming Room

6419 US-26

Dubois, WY



The Wyoming Veterans Commission, Mentor Agility, and the National Museum of Military Vehicles will showcase Veterans Talking to Veterans with a FREE Memorial Day Special Event in Dubois Wyoming on May 27th. The event will be as much informative as entertainment for the whole family with Veterans Talking to Veterans storytellers and coaches, honored speakers, film premiere, and Veterans Resource Fair.

Distinguished guest Governor Mark Gordon will open the ceremonies and be in attendance with the First Lady Jenny Gordon. Following the Governor, Lee Alley, the recipient for the Army's Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, Bronze Star, and two Purple Hearts and is also the author of  Back from War: Finding Hope and Understanding in Life After Combat will give a commencement speech. Later in the morning, speaker Conrad Washington, Director for the VA Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (CFBNP), will discuss their broad spectrum of national VA resources and information for Veterans through partnerships with local organizations nationwide.

Of special note, Wyoming PBS will premiere State of Mind: The Battle Inside - Veterans and PTSD, a soldiers’ perspective of the mental health crisis, as they open up about their battle with post traumatic stress. Immediately following, join a guided conversation between the audience, filmmaker Mat Hames, and a panel of experts. 

The FREE Veterans Talking to Veterans at the National Museum of Military Vehicles event will feature a Veterans Resource Fair to connect Veterans to national and state resources. With the intent to inform and entertain, meet organizations like Red Cross, AARP, and the VA and how they work to better the lives of Veterans.

The VA will have both national and statewide representation. For example, in an effort to spread the word,  the Veterans Affairs Life Insurance will be on hand with a national representative to discuss a new Veterans benefit available as of January 1, 2023. They offer a guaranteed acceptance of whole life coverage to Veterans with service-connected disabilities. To better understand this new benefit, a small workshop briefing and Q&A will be available in a breakout session.

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