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VA Heart of Texas Healthcare Network Virtual Veteran Tele-Town Hall

VISN 17 Virtual Veteran town hall information

Veteran, town hall, tele-town hall, outreach


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The virtual Veteran town hall is an opportunity for Texas Veterans, their caregivers and families to communicate directly with VA Heart of Texas Healthcare Network senior leaders. 

Lead by Dr. Wendell Jones, VA Heart of Texas Healthcare Network, Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 17, encompasses most of the state of Texas - approximately 240,000 square miles - and has administrative offices in Arlington. VISN 17 oversees seven health care systems: VA North Texas, Central Texas VA, West Texas VA, Amarillo VA, El Paso VA, South Texas Veterans and VA Texas Valley Coastal Bend. Of the 1.6 million Veterans in the VISN 17 area, more than 636,000 are enrolled for care with us.

This large geographic area ranges from urban centers such as Dallas/Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Austin, to largely rural areas such as Bonham and Kerrville, to the rapidly expanding lower Rio Grande Valley. Several military installations in El Paso, Central, and South Texas afford the Network many opportunities to collaborate with the Department of Defense.

Topics to be discussed include:

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