Appalachian Rural Outreach Tour - Summersville, WV

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American Legion Summersville Post 131
500 Water Street
Summersville, WV
Huntington RO Public Contact representatives and Vet Center staff will be Hitting the Road with the Vet Center's mobile RV. Stops will be made along the way in Wheeling, Shinnston, Summersville, and Princeton.
The Huntington Regional Office invites our West Virginia Veterans, families, beneficiaries, and survivors to attend a mobile claims clinic coming to the cities identified. Veterans and others can get assistance for benefits inquiries, file claims, and speak to Veteran Service Organization representatives.
Summersville, WV at the American Legion Post 131 - April 18 9am - 3pm
– the Post is at 500 Water St in basement of City Hall. City Hall is at 400 N Broad Street (City hall is on corner of Water and N Broad St) – Clinic will be outdoors In Pavilion across street from City Hall.