Michael Welsh MS, RD
Deputy Medical Center Director
VA Phoenix health care
Michael Welsh serves as the Deputy Medical Center Director for the Phoenix CA Health Care System (PVAHCS).
As a member of the executive leadership team, he is responsible for Facility Planning, Community Care, Group Practice Managers, and Rural Health.
The Phoenix VA Health Care System has an $850 million operating budget, several major academic affiliates, and a non-profit research foundation. Established in 1949, the health care system includes over 3600 employees providing care at the Carl T Hayden VA Medical Center and 12 outpatient clinic in his role, Mr. Welsh will provides leadership for the outpatient clinics located in Gilbert, Mesa, Phoenix (4), Scottsdale, Payson (contract), Show Low, Globe, and Surprise, AZ, along with the new 203,000 sq. ft. Phoenix 32nd Street VA Clinic.
Mr. Welsh received his degrees in Human Nutrition from Arizona State University (ASU). He is a graduate of the 2011 VHA Health Care Leadership Development Program and the 2003 VA Management Development Program. He has been an adjunct professor for ASU, teaching medical ethics and is the Chair of the Nutrition Advisory Board, Arizona State University, School of Nutrition, and board member of the Arizona Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Mr. Welsh also served four years in the Navy and two years in the Army Reserve.
His former assignments include Interim Medical Center Director of PVACHS, Deputy Medical Center Director of PVAHCS, Associate Director of PVAHCS, Associate Director of Northern Arizona Health Care System, detailed as the Associate Director of El Paso, detailed as the Director of PVAHCS Southeast Community Based Outpatient Clinic, Chief of Nutrition, Hospitality and Food Services, and Veteran of the US Navy and US Army Reserve. He is the Chair of the Nutrition Advisory Board, Arizona State University, School of Nutrition, and board member of the Arizona Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.