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Effective November 6, 2024, masks are required to be worn by all patients, visitors, and non-staff caregivers in the following departments; Emergency Department, Outpatient Chemotherapy, Outpatient Dialysis, 5C, RRTP, CCU, and Inpatient Medical Surgical Units.

VA Portland health care

At VA Portland Health Care System, our health care teams are deeply experienced and guided by the needs of Veterans, their families, and caregivers. Find a health facility near you, and manage your health online. Sign up for community events and updates.


3710 Southwest US Veterans Hospital Road
Portland, OR 97239-2964
Main phone:
VA health connect:
Mental health care:
Aerial photo of Portland VA Medical Center campus

1601 East 4th Plain Boulevard
Vancouver, WA 98661-3753
Main phone:
VA health connect:
Mental health phone:
Vancouver VA Medical Center, formerly Portland VA Medical Center-Vancouver

Manage your health online

Other services at VA Portland health care


Any Veteran or current military member is familiar with their particular service flag, and knows each has a lot of history, tradition, protocol and precedent behind them and how they're displayed together.

A military color guard carrying the US military flags marches in front of the Pentagon in Washington D.C.

Have you switched over to the new login system for your VA benefits?

Laptop computer with the MyHealteVet homepage displayed along with text that says New Deadline: March 4, 2025.


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