Transportation for Veterans to their Appointments
VA's Veterans Transportation Program offers Veterans many travel solutions to and from their VA health care facilities in support of VA-sponsored medical appointments. This program offers services at little or no cost to eligible Veterans through the Disabled American Veterans (DAV), VA Veterans Transportation Services, VA shuttle busses, and, for eligible Veterans, reimbursement through Beneficial Travel. Find out more below.
Veterans Transportation Service (VTS)
NOTICE: This page provides transportation details for those served by the Portland VA Medical Center only. If you are not served by the Portland VA Medical Center, please visit the national Veterans Transportation Program site located here:
VTS is a VA program that transports Veterans and other persons to or from VA or VA-authorized facilities and other places for the purposes of examination, treatment, or care. VTS is a part of the Veterans Transportation Program (VTP), which also includes the Beneficiary Travel (BT) program and the Highly Rural Transportation Grant Program (HRTG).

Eligibility & Priority for Transportation
VTS resources will be allocated using the following criteria, which are to be assessed in the context of the totality of the circumstances, so that no one factor is determinative:
The eligible person’s basis for eligibility. Enrolled Veterans will receive first priority, followed in order by non-enrolled Veterans; servicemembers; family caregivers; persons receiving counseling, training, or mental health services under 38 U.S.C. 1782 and 38 CFR 71.50; CITI beneficiaries; and guests. Persons eligible under more than one designation will be considered in the highest priority category for which that trip permits.
- First in time request.
- An eligible person’s clinical need.
- An eligible person’s inability to transport themself (e.g., visual impairment, immobility, etc.).
- An eligible person’s eligibility for other transportation services or benefits.
- The availability of other transportation services (e.g., common carriers, Veterans’ service organizations, etc.).
- The VA medical facility’s ability to maximize the use of available resources.
The VA Travel Portal For VTS
Veterans who are eligible for VA health care benefits and have a VA-authorized appointment are automatically eligible for transportation through the VTS program. You can use our self-service portal to request a ride to your appointment. With this Portal you will have the ability to track your driver’s location and estimated pickup time. You can use a computer, android device or an Apple product.
For those who would like to schedule a ride with VTS they can go to the VA VetRide Travel Portal at 24 hours a day. This website provides a safe and reliable transportation portal to all Veterans requiring assistance traveling to and from VA health care facility and authorized non-VA health care appointments. This program offers these services at little or no cost to eligible Veterans.
Request at your convenience
Passengers using this service have the ability to request rides at their own leisure.
Schedule in minutes
Intuitive interaction that will create your schedule in minutes.
Safety is one of our priority. We will make sure you arrive in your destination as smoothly as possible.
How to Use the VetRide Portal:
Go to the VA VetRide Travel Portal on any computer or smart mobile device.
(Veterans without the ability to use VetRide must request VTS support directly by calling 503-273-5044.)
- Select the "Enter Zip code” icon in the center of the webpage
- Select " VA Portland HealthCare System" and the Icon “Request a Ride”
- This will then bring you to the main “LOGIN” page where you will enter your Username and Password and you will click the Icon “Sign into VetRide” (If you do not have a Username and Password, call VTS directly and we will send it to your e-mail account.)
- Once you have entered the Portal you can easily schedule a ride as the system is very intuitive.
- Requests must be placed no less than 36 hours in advanced of your appointment
- All requests for support must be in support of VA authorized healthcare.
- All travel must take place within a 20-mile radius of the main Portland VA.
- Please ensure you indicate roundtrip on your trip request if you expect VTS to provide a return ride back to your home.
- Once your request for VTS support has been reviewed and verified, you will receive periodic updates on the status of your requested support via phone, email or SMS as indicated in your profile
VTS Customer Satisfaction Survey:
If you like what we do, or you want to make our Service better please call the VTS Customer Satisfaction Survey at 855-682-4048.
Local transportation options:
Many medical centers and clinics are also served by other local transportation services. To find those, review the transportation services information for the facility you want to visit.
Providing safe and reliable transportation to all veterans requiring assistance traveling to and from VA health care facility and authorized non-VA health care appointments. This program offers these services at little or no cost to eligible veterans.
Office Hours:
- 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday
- 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Saturday.
- We are closed on Sunday and all national holidays
In the event your call is not answered, please a message with the following information and VA Portland will schedule your ride the next business day. If your ride cannot be scheduled, you will receive a call explaining why your request could not be fulfilled.
- last name,
- first name and
- last 4 of your SSN and
What you need to know
- All Reservations are required and scheduled based on need.
- Reserve your ride as soon as you make your medical appointment and no later than three business days prior to the appointment. (see Determining Priority for Transportation)
- VetRide is a ride share type of prepared to share the ride with other Veterans as we strive to support as many customers as resources will allow.
- Your scheduled pick-up time may be considerably earlier than requested in order to accommodate other Veterans being served.
- Vehicles will travel in several directions during your trip and make stops to serve other Veterans.
- Travel time will vary based on trip distance, traffic conditions and other Veterans being served.
- Please be ready to leave 15-minutes prior to your scheduled pick-up time.
- Veterans are advised to bring sufficient medications and drinks/snacks (or funds to purchase) as may be needed throughout the day as they wait for the other Veterans to complete their medical care appointments and present for their return trip.
- As VTS serves more than one customer on each trip, Veterans failing to present at the designated/agreed upon pickup time for their return trip are responsible for arranging their own transportation home.
Our Drivers/Vehicles
Vehicle operators are there to provide safe transportation to/from VA authorized healthcare only, if an escort is needed...they must be present with the Veteran or VTS will not be able to provide support.
Vehicle operators must be able to park their vehicles in a safe location that does not block or impede traffic, allows the operator to maintain sight of their vehicle(s) at all times and has an accessible path of travel.
Local transportation options
Many medical centers and clinics are also served by other local transportation services. To find those, review the transportation services information for the facility you want to visit.
About Disabled American Veterans (DAV) services
Through the Volunteer Transportation Network (VTN), VA volunteers with DAV transport Veterans to and from VA medical facilities for medical appointments.
The shuttle stops by city are listed on the link below. All rides must be scheduled at least four days in advance
Arrange a ride
If you’d like to schedule a DAV van ride, contact the hospital service coordinator who serves your county.
Portland DAV 800-949-1004 Ext. 57804 or call 503-721-7804
Roseburg DAV 541-440-1000 Ext. 41293 or call 541-440-1293
Southern Oregon DAV 541-826-2111 Ext. 3619
Bend (local rides only) 541-383-2793
Portland VA Medical Center
3710 SW U.S. Veterans Hospital Road
Portland, Oregon 97239
Phone: 503-721-7804
Please note that DAV vehicles can only provide rides to ambulatory passengers and are NOT wheelchair accessible and are not equipped to carry oxygen canisters larger than can be carried in a sling or backpack. DAV riders MUST be able to access/egress vehicles without any assistance. For information on accessible transportation options, review our other Veteran shuttle services.
Guidelines for using DAV vans
DAV van passengers are expected to follow certain guidelines, established by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the DAV National Headquarters. These guidelines include the following:
- All riders must be ambulatory (able to board and exit the van without the driver’s help).
- The DAV van driver is only allowed to stop the van for rest stops, emergencies, and to pick up and drop off passengers. Passengers should not ask the driver to make side trips to take care of their personal business.
- Passengers are not permitted to smoke, chew tobacco, drink alcohol, use foul language, or bring weapons, drugs, or any illegal substance on the van. Van drivers are not required to provide transportation to any Veteran who is intoxicated, abusive, or who poses a threat to the driver or other passengers.
- Passengers should not do anything to distract the driver.
- Passengers should wear seatbelts at all times. Any passenger who refuses to wear a seatbelt will be denied transportation.
- If a Veteran needs another individual (for example, a caregiver) to ride in the van with them, they need to get authorization from their VA attending physician or VA-certified nurse practitioner.
- Veterans being discharged or granted passes can ride on a DAV van during the van's trip back to its home county only if space is available. The Veteran must be ready to leave when the van leaves the VA medical center.
- Veterans should be dressed and ready to leave for the hospital at the time specified. Drivers can’t wait for Veterans who aren’t ready to leave at the appointed time.
- Veterans can only bring with them items that they can hold on their lap or store under the seat.
- The DAV van is not an emergency vehicle. The driver may refuse to transport any Veteran who appears to be too ill to ride the van.
- Veterans who use the DAV Transportation Network will not be eligible to receive reimbursement for travel expenses.
(M-1, Part 1, Chapter 25, July 8, 1991)
Volunteer Drivers are Wanted
Please consider being a driver to help get Veterans to/from their appointments and make a difference.
Call VA Portland Volunteer Service today to inquire. 503-273-5042 .