Telehealth HIV and PrEP
The Telehealth HIV and PrEP clinic provides the same quality care for Veterans living with HIV or Veterans prescribed HIV pre-prophylaxis (PrEP) medication as the face-to-face Infectious Disease clinic appointment, with the added benefit of no drive to Portland. Appointment can be done on Veterans' personal mobile devices or in their own home via a virtual care telehealth visit with VA Video Connect (VVC) or telephone. Labs can be drawn at the Veteran’s closest VA clinic.

For VA Video Connect Appointment: Veteran must have a smart phone or laptop/desktop computer with camera, internet access, and be comfortable using computer/camera/email. A VA-provided device may be available.
For Telephone Appointment: Veteran must have access to a phone.

Telehealth HIV Prevention (PrEP) & HIV Care
Telehealth HIV / PrEP is now provided to ANY VA-enrolled Veteran in their home or on their device via VA Video Connect (VVC) or telephone!
Our team will assist you with setting up everything you need for your virtual visit. It’s never been easier!
Access expert HIV or PrEP care anywhere!
- Call our confidential number below for more information
- Infectious Disease Physicians with specialized HIV experience
- No in-person appointments
- Medications mailed directly to you
- Your Team: Physician, Pharmacist, Nurse, Admin, Virtual Care Technician