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Effective November 6, 2024, masks are required to be worn by all patients, visitors, and non-staff caregivers in the following departments; Emergency Department, Outpatient Chemotherapy, Outpatient Dialysis, 5C, RRTP, CCU, and Inpatient Medical Surgical Units.

Active Movement Classes

VA Portland offers a number of Whole Health-related active movement in-person and virtual classes which provides many health benefits. Sign up for classes now by calling  503-273-5114.

Live Whole Health logo with circle

Whole Health Active Movement

  • All classes are offered online;
  • Veterans can connect easily through e-mail;
  • No referral needed
  • All classes can be modified for Veterans comfort and level of ability;
  • Sign up for classes now by calling  503-273-5114.

Benefits of Movement

  • Improves mental health
  • Decreases risk of falls
  • Supports immune system
  • Increases circulation
  • Promotes good sleep patterns
  • Improves coordination and memory
  • Improves physical fitness level
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Increases energy level
photo of yoga instructor and four Veterans doing yoga

Tai Chi/Qigong

Tai Chi is a slow-motion martial art which involves the flow of movement and practices to help calm the nervous system while strengthening muscles and improving balance. Qi Gong is a traditional Chinese mind-body practice, sometimes described as moving meditation. Focus is on breathing and meditation, self-applied massage techniques and gentle movement patterns. 


Yoga concentrates on physical health and mental well-being. The style taught at the VA is Hatha yoga, which uses body postures and breathing/relaxation techniques with the goal of bringing about a sound, healthy body and a clear, peaceful mind. Yoga works to make the spine supple and to promote blood flow throughout the whole body. Yoga postures also stretch and align the body, promote balance and flexibility. 

Strength and Conditioning

The strength and conditioning classes are offered in many styles to meet the needs of each veteran that range from: 

  • strength classes,
  • isometric classes,
  • stretching classes,
  • balance classes, and
  • aerobics classes.

Strengthening is done using equipment that is readily available to veteran in their home. Isometric strengthening is conducted without any equipment. The aerobics class is to increase heart rate and get the blood flowing. The balance class is designed to help prevent falls, improve lower extremity strength and improve gait. All these classes are focused on the whole body and promote strength, endurance and heart health. 

Open Gym

Open Gym groups are for Veterans of all ability levels. This group is based on stretching/strengthening using various equipment that is readily available to Veteran in their home. Weights, thera-band, different weighted household objects, and isometric strengthening (no equipment needed). This class focuses promoting strength, endurance and cardiovascular health. This class structure follows a warm up, followed by static and active stretches for the whole body. The class ends with functional movement patterns for safe, practical movement.

Detailed class schedule.

Active Movement staff: