Getting prescriptions and vaccines at a non-VA pharmacy
If you’re eligible for community care, you may be able to use an in-network community pharmacy to get certain types of prescription medications and vaccines. Keep reading on this page for more information about using non-VA pharmacies.
Prescriptions you can fill at a non-VA pharmacy
If you have an urgent care prescription, you can fill it at an in-network community pharmacy.
Your provider should make sure the medication is on our Urgent/Emergent Formulary (list of approved medications). They’ll need to enter at least the first 3 letters of the medication in the search box and then select Urgent/Emergent Formulary.
Check our Urgent/Emergent Formulary
We pay for up to a 14-day supply of urgent care prescriptions from in-network community pharmacies.
Here’s what you need to know:
- The pharmacy must be in the same state as your urgent care visit
- If you have a non-urgent prescription you take regularly or it’s more than a 14-day supply, you must fill it through VA
- If the prescription is for an opioid, we pay for up to a 7-day supply, or the state limit, whichever is less
- If you fill a prescription at an out-of-network pharmacy, you may have to pay the full cost
How to fill a prescription at a non-VA pharmacy
Ask your health care provider to send your eligible prescription to the community pharmacy in one of these ways:
- Using their electronic prescribing system
- By phone
- By fax
You can also bring the written prescription to the pharmacy yourself. You’ll need to bring a copy of the VA urgent care billing information card with you. Download a PDF of the urgent care billing information card to print out or show on your mobile device.
Getting vaccines at a non-VA pharmacy
If you’re eligible, you can go to a community care pharmacy to get these common vaccines each year. Make sure to bring your pharmacy billing information card with you.
You can download a PDF of the pharmacy billing information card to print out or show on your mobile device.
Download the VA pharmacy billing information card (PDF)
Flu vaccine
During flu season, you can get a free flu vaccine at an in-network pharmacy or urgent care provider. Vaccines are usually available from September to April.
Learn more about how to get a flu vaccine from a community provider
COVID-19 vaccine
You can get a free COVID-19 vaccine at an authorized community care location.
Learn more about how to get a COVID-19 vaccine from a community provider
Other common vaccines
If you already have a referral, you may be able to get these vaccines from an in-network community pharmacy:
- Tdap
- Shingrix (shingles)
- RSV and pneumococcal
If your health care provider determines that you need one of these vaccines, they should send the prescription directly to the in-network pharmacy.
If you don’t have a community care referral, contact your local VA health facility for additional guidance.
Find your nearest VA health facility
How to contact us for help
If you need help while at a community pharmacy, call us: