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How to check in with your smartphone for some VA appointments

At some VA health care facilities, you can now check in for appointments with your smartphone. More facilities will offer this option in the future. You can still always check in for an appointment with a staff member at all facilities. Read this page to learn how to check in with your smartphone when this option is available.

How to complete pre-check-in for some appointments

  1. Confirm your appointment by text message and wait for a pre-check-in text if available.

    If your facility offers this option, they’ll send you a text message to confirm your appointment. You may get this text up to a week before your appointment. After you confirm, they’ll send you another text to start your pre-check-in process. Pre-check-in helps you save time when you arrive for your appointment.

    Note: You must receive VEText appointment reminders to use pre-check-in. If you’ve opted out of VEText reminders, you can restart these reminders by texting START to 53079 or by replying START to any previous VEText message.

    Screen shot of VA's pre-check-in text message that reads:
    Screen shot of VA's pre-check-in text message that reads:
  2. Tap on the link to start your pre-check-in.

    When you start your pre-check-in, we’ll verify your identity in 2 ways:

    • We’ll match your smartphone number with the one we have on file for you.
    • We’ll ask you to provide your last name and your date of birth.

    Note: Data charges may apply.

  3. Answer the questions to complete your pre-check-in.

    We’ll ask you to confirm this information:

    • Your current contact information
    • Your next of kin
    • Your emergency contact

    We’ll confirm when you’ve completed pre-check-in. When you arrive at the facility, you can then use your smartphone to tell us you’re here and complete your check-in.

    Note: If you need to update any of your information, a staff member will help you on the day of your appointment. Be sure to bring your insurance card with you to your appointment.

How to check in with your smartphone at some VA health facilities

  1. Check for a check-in poster at your facility when you arrive.

    If your VA health facility offers this check-in option, you’ll find a poster like this one.

    Note: If you don’t find a check-in poster, you can always check in with a staff member. If you need to update your contact or other information, you’ll need to check in with a staff member.

    Poster with instructions to check in with your smartphone at a VA facility
    Poster with instructions to check in with your smartphone at a VA facility
  2. Text to start your check-in up to 45 minutes before your appointment. 

    Text check in to 53079.

    Note: You can check in up to 45 minutes before and 15 minutes after your appointment time. If you need to check in earlier or later, you’ll need to check in with a staff member.  If you have more than one appointment in a day, you’ll need to check in for each appointment separately.

  3. Wait until you get a text back with a link.

    This should only take a few seconds.

  4. Tap on the link to start your check-in.

    When you start your check-in, we’ll verify your identity in 2 ways:

    • We’ll match your smartphone number with the one we have on file for you.
    • We’ll ask you to provide your last name and your date of birth.

    Note: Data charges may apply.

  5. Answer the questions to complete your check-in. Then choose “Check in now.”

    We’ll ask you to confirm this information:

    • Your current contact information
    • Your next of kin
    • Your emergency contact

    You can also choose to file a claim for travel reimbursement as part of the check-in process. We’ll ask you a few questions about travel pay to find out if you can file during check-in.

    Then, we’ll confirm that you’re checked in and tell you where to wait. A staff member will come get you when it’s time for your appointment to start.

    Note: If you need to make a change to any of your information, you’ll need to check in with a staff member. If you want to file a claim for travel pay reimbursement after you check in, you can file online, in person, or by email, fax, or mail.

    Learn how to file a claim for travel pay reimbursement

  • Review and keep a record of your VA lab and test results (like blood tests) online.

VA benefits

  • Health care

    Apply for VA health care, find out how to access services, and manage your health and benefits online.

Need more help?

  • Health benefits hotline: 877-222-VETS (8387)
  • My HealtheVet help desk:
  • eBenefits technical support:
  • MyVA411 main information line:
  • Telecommunications Relay Services (using TTY) TTY: 711