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What to do if you haven’t switched to or yet

First, don’t worry. You can still use your My HealtheVet health portal and other VA online services. But you’ll now need to sign in to them with a modern, secure or account.

If you’re ready to create your new account, follow our step-by-step guidance. If you need help, we can connect you with support. And if you need more time or don’t want to get a new account, we can help you find ways to manage your VA health care and benefits by phone, mail, or in person. Thank you for helping us protect all Veterans’ identities and prevent scammers from stealing your benefits.

Choose the sign-in account that’s right for you

VA now offers 2 online sign-in account options: 

  • Maintained by the U.S. government
  • Maintained by a non-government partner

Both accounts meet the latest federal security standards. And both accounts offer you access to manage your VA benefits and care—as well as other government benefits—online. 

When to choose

You’ll need to choose if any of these descriptions are true for you:

  • You live outside the U.S., or
  • You don’t have a Social Security number, or
  • You don’t have a current, unexpired driver’s license or other state-issued ID, or
  • Your phone is on a plan that’s not in your name, and you want to complete the full process online

Create your identity-verified account 

You’ll complete both of these steps the first time you create your account. After that, you’ll only need to sign in and use the multifactor authentication (MFA) method you set up. 

  1. Create your new account online and set up at least 1 MFA method to keep your account secure. For example, you could use a 6-digit code you receive by text or phone call. 
    Get step-by-step instructions for how to create your account

  2. Verify your identity for your new account by providing your personal information and photos of ID documents. With both and, you’ll start the verification process online. Both accounts then offer different options for how to complete the verification process. If you can’t upload photos of your ID documents online, both accounts offer the option to complete your verification in person.
    Get step-by-step instructions for how to verify your identity

You can also access our videos for step-by-step guidance on how to create your account and verify your identity online.

Access videos for how to set up your online VA sign-in account

Get help to create your account 

We know it can be difficult to create your new account. And we’re here to help. 

You may be able to resolve some issues on your own by following our tips. If you can’t, we can help you connect with more support. 

Get support for common issues with and

Manage your health care and benefits in other ways

You can always manage your VA health care and benefits in other ways until you get your new or account—or if you don’t want to get a new account at all.

Get mental health care

If you’re in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, get free, confidential help anytime, day or night. Call our Veterans Crisis Line at 988 and select 1.

To access free VA mental health services right away:

Refill prescriptions

By phone

Call the number on your VA prescription bottle for the automated refill line. You can also find the refill number for your VA facility’s pharmacy on the facility’s website.

Find your VA health facility’s website

You’ll need this information:

  • Your full Social Security number
  • Your prescription number (shows as Rx number on the prescription label)
  • Your date of birth 

By mail

Mail the refill request form that comes with your prescription to the provided address.

Note: Don’t drop off the form at the pharmacy when you pick up your new prescription. We can’t process refill requests on the same day that new prescriptions are picked up.

Make health appointments, ask questions, or get lab and test results

Contact your VA health care team directly to make an appointment, ask questions, or get recent lab and test results. You can call the facility’s main phone number or go to the facility website to find more direct numbers.

Find your VA health facility’s contact information

File your travel reimbursement claim

By mail or in person with VA Form 10-3542

Fill out a Veteran/Beneficiary Claim for Reimbursement of Travel Expenses (VA Form 10-3542).

Get VA Form 10-3542 to download

Mail or take your completed, signed form and receipts in person to the VA facility where you received care. File your claim within 30 days of the appointment or of when you become eligible for reimbursement. If you mail your claim, we consider the postmark date the date of submission.

Find your VA health facility

At your facility using your smartphone or a kiosk, where available

Different facilities may offer one or both of these options:

  • Smartphone: You may get a text message before your appointment that prompts you to start the check-in process. Or you can check for a poster at your facility when you arrive that tells you how to check in with your smartphone. The check-in process doesn’t require full sign in. And you may be able to file your travel reimbursement claim as part of that process.
    Learn more about how to check in on your smartphone
  • Kiosk: Your facility may have a kiosk where you can file your travel reimbursement claim. If you want to use this option, ask the front desk staff if a travel pay kiosk is available.

Manage your other VA benefits

By phone

Call our main information line at 800-698-2411 (TTY: 711) (TTY: 711). We’re here 24/7.

Or, find the direct number for the program office you need.

Get helpful VA phone numbers

In person or by virtual visit

Schedule an in-person or virtual visit with a regional office near you.

Find your nearest VA regional office

What to know if you’re a court-appointed guardian for a Veteran

We’re working on a solution to allow court-appointed guardians to sign in to VA online services with a or account on behalf of the Veteran they care for. But this solution will take time to implement in a way that fully protects Veteran privacy and security. 

  • If you’re a court-appointed guardian who already has legal paperwork on file with VA and uses a My HealtheVet user ID and password to manage a Veteran’s health care online, call us at 877-327-0022 (TTY: 711). We’re here Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET. Tell the representative you’re a court-appointed guardian. They’ll verify your information and connect you with a temporary way to sign in.  
  • If you’re a family member or caregiver who is not a court-appointed guardian, know that VA maintains our same policy for access. You’ll need to follow the same rules as you did with a My HealtheVet user ID and password, with the Veteran signing in to their own account. 


VA benefits

  • Health care

    Apply for VA health care, find out how to access services, and manage your health and benefits online.

Need more help?

MyVA411 main information line: 800-698-2411