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National Veterans Creative Arts Competition

National Veterans Creative Arts Competition

creative arts competition national local veteran what matters to you


Fri. Aug 30, 2024, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm PT


913 Northwest Garden Valley Boulevard

Roseburg, OR



Roseburg VA Health Care System (RVAHCS) is inviting Veterans to take part in our local creative arts competition. This competition serves as the local level for artwork evaluation before advancing to the National Veterans Creative Arts Competition. The RVAHCS theme is "What Matters Most to You". With the VA's expansion of the Whole Health System of Care, we ask, what matters most to you about your health? What are your health goals? Expressing these ideas through creative arts is a wonderful way to showcase your values and health priorities.

Key points:

  • Artwork for all categories should have been created between October 2023 and August 2024, except for the Combat Experience category.
  • The deadline for submissions is August 30, 2024.

RVAHCS is accepting entries in the following categories:

Art Division

  1. Color by Number Kit - Involves applying paints, colored pencils, markers, etc., to the outlined numbered areas.
  2. Acrylic Painting - The creation of original work by applying acrylic paint to a surface. The surface is not limited to canvas; it can be on wood, plaster, leather, metal, glass, etc.
  3. Watercolor  - The creation of work using watercolor paint. The surface is not limited to canvas; it can be on wood, plaster, leather, metal, etc.
  4. Colored Drawing - A colored drawing consists of lines of two or more colors and may be done using colored pencils, markers, etc. 
  5. Pastels  - An art medium in the form of a stick, consisting of pure powder pigment and a binder. A pastel is usually a painting rather than drawing because the color is applied in masses rather than lines. Note: Oil pastels should be entered into the Oil Painting category.
  6. Pottery - A functional piece of fired ceramic ware (bowl, vase, pot, etc.) The form must be wheel-thrown or hand-built, not slip cast in a mold. Poured ceramics belong in Slip-Cast ceramics categories. Sculptural clay pieces should be entered into the Sculpture category. Porcelain is included in this category.
  7. Stained or Painted Figurines (formerly known as Stained or Painted Ceramics) - Pre-made 3 dimensional figurines (ceramic, plaster, plastic, metal, or wood) stained or painted by the Veteran that did not come with diagrams or instructions. Judging is based solely on application of stain or paint.
  8. Figurine Painting Kit - Pre-made 3 dimensional figurines (ceramic, plaster, plastic, metal, or wood) stained or painted by the Veteran by following a diagram and/or instructions included in the kit.
  9. Pyrography  - An original design burned into a surface by using wood burning tools. This process is typically done on wood but can also be done on leather and other surfaces. Reference images must be original to the Veteran. Any pre-made designs (including photo reference not original to the Veteran) must be entered in Transfer/Engraving Kit. Laser engravings are not accepted.
  10. Black & White Photography - A monochromatic photograph using black and white and varying shades of grey or sepia tones. Photographs can be printed on any surface but must be mounted and/or framed and ready to hang for display. This category includes both film and digital forms of photography. Sepia and other tonal prints such as cyanotypes (blueprints) should be submitted into this category. Photographs can be edited using apps.
  11. Color Photography - A color photograph. Photographs can be printed on any surface but must be mounted and/or framed and ready to hang for display. This category includes both film and digital forms of photography. Photographs can be edited using apps.
  12. Carving - Decorative art achieved by carving away unwanted materials from an original piece of material. It may be relief or in the round. Material used includes stone, wood, ivory, and other hard substances. Carved pieces that are embellished with paint or other materials will be judged on the quality of the carving only. Enter pieces in which embellishment is 50% or more of the design into the Mixed Media Category.
  13. Woodworking - This refers to pieces of constructed of wood that have a functional/useful purpose, such as a jewelry box, a clock, etc. Wood lathe work or wood turning is included in this category. Pieces that begin as pre-made "blanks" (i.e. pens, birds) should be entered into the kit category.
  14. Wood Building Kit - A wood building kit such as pens, birdhouses, carousels, cup racks, spice shelves, etc.
  15. Crocheting/Knitting/Knotting  - The interlocking of fibers using a variety of techniques including, tatting, fly tying, macrame, etc., to create 2D or 3D pieces.

Art Division Special Recognition Categories 

The intent of these categories is to reinforce the concept of the arts as therapy, where an individual uses artistic expression to facilitate successful treatment outcomes. Entries and their accompanying written statement/narrative should focus on how the arts are used by the individual(s) to rise above limitations. Judging for the categories below equally take into consideration the written narrative as well as the skill involved in the artwork. Entries in all four of the categories below MUST also include: 

  • A Word document containing a typed statement/narrative (50 to 250 words) composed by the Veteran and/or their VA staff contact person explaining how art relates to the Veteran(s)’ experience. Entries submitted without a write-up will not be judged. 
  • Consent forms 10-3203 and 10-5345 (links referenced on Page 10) must be signed and dated by the Veteran. The staff contact person submitting the entry for the Veteran should retain and safeguard the signed consent forms at their VA facility.
  1. Physical Health Recovery - Entries that recognize individuals who exhibit creative expression through the visual arts while possessing significant physical challenges. Entries must meet one of this competition’s Art Division category definitions. 
  2. Mental Health Recovery - Entries that recognize individuals who exhibit creative expression through the visual arts while possessing significant emotional or mental health challenges. Entries must meet one of this competition’s Art Division category definitions. 
  3. Combat Experience - The Veteran must have experienced combat duty during World War II, Korean War, Vietnam, Gulf War, Grenada, Panama, Kosovo, Somalia and other recognized combats or current combat operations. The artwork and narrative must relate to the Veteran’s personal experience in that war or conflict but does not need to be a graphic representation of that combat experience. Unlike the other art categories, there are NO restrictions as to when the Combat Experience artwork was created; however, entries submitted previously into this category are not eligible to compete again. Entries must meet one of this competition’s Art Division category definitions however, kits are not accepted. 
  4. Group Art - A single art entry created by a group of Veterans. Entries must meet one of this competition’s Art Division category definitions. The narrative should explain the creative process, goals of the group, and other helpful information. Entries submitted without a write-up will not be judged. Judging for this category equally takes into consideration the typed narrative as well as the skill involved in the artwork. Group size is not restricted; however, only up to 5 eligible Veterans from the winning entry will be funded by the Festival. Veterans from multiple VA medical facilities can work together, but the entry must be submitted by only one VA local staff contact person. All size and weight restrictions must be followed.

Ensure you review all Art Division Rules below. 

If you are interested in submitting artwork or if you have questions, please contact Melissa Heard at 541-440-1000, ext. 45307 or When sending an email, please use the subject line "National Arts Competition."


Art Division Rules


1. All artwork entered (except for the Military Combat Experience) must have been completed/photographed after October 1, 2023. Artwork submitted in a prior year in any form of completion may not be entered again. 

2. Veterans need to communicate (as early as January 2024) with their local VA facility to find out their local competition deadline date.

3. No one Veteran will be allowed to enter more than three art categories and one group category in the art division. Veterans may only submit one entry per category. 

4. Veterans may only submit one entry per category. A Veteran may not have more than one entry in a category moving forward to the national level of the competition. 

5. Veterans who have received a gold medal in the same category from any of the 5 divisions (art, creative writing, dance, drama, and music) for two consecutive years must enter a different category the third year. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the entry being disqualified. 

6. References to diagnosis and explanations of emotional or personal content related to the Veteran will not be read or communicated to the national judges. The exception to this rule is an entry submitted into a category that requires a write-up. 

7. Complete the art entry form with detail about the mediums and techniques used. This information is crucial to the judging process and is shared with the judges. 

8. All art entries must be created solely by the Veteran and/or Veterans submitting the art entry. 

9. Entries that contain a combination of art and writing should be entered into the Mixed Arts category in the Drama division – see page 46, Category #13. 

10. Reproductions of another artist’s original two-dimensional artwork, photographs, or computer-generated art (including inkjet, Giclee and other types of reproduction methods) will not be accepted. The use of Giclee is only acceptable in the following categories: Printmaking, Black and White Photography, Color Photography and Digital Art. 

11. All two-dimensional artwork must be exhibition ready (ready to hang for display). 

12. If an entry contains a craft kit, it must go into a craft kit category. All materials needed to complete the project are supplied in the kit. Embellishments may be made to the assembled kit using non-kit items. Entries containing more than one kit will be disqualified (with the exception of the combined kit category). 

13. GUNS, BLADES, KNIVES or other WEAPONS will not be accepted due to VA regulations banning these items from VA facilities. 

14. Chess sets, dipped art, and puzzles (including puzzle kits) will not be accepted. 

15. Entries that include personal collections such as spoons, medals, or coins (where the content of the entry is not created by the Veteran) will not be accepted. 

16. Two electronic jpeg images may be submitted for each two-dimensional entry. Please include one image of the art entry in its entirety and one image of the art entry in more detail. (Optimal image file size is 1 MB or greater but no larger than 10 MB.) 

17. Three electronic jpeg images for each three-dimensional entry will be accepted. Please include one image from the front of the art entry in its entirety, one image from the back or side of the art entry in its entirety, and one image of the art entry close up in more detail. (Optimal image file size is 1 MB or greater but no larger than 10 MB.) 

18. Sets in the fine arts and applied arts may contain no more than three pieces. The pieces must relate to one another in an obvious way for the judges to classify as a set. No sets are allowed in the kit categories, unless a single kit contains a set such as a set of suncatcher Christmas ornaments in which case, no more than 3 pieces may be submitted for judging. Further clarification of sets: • Examples of two-dimensional sets are diptychs, triptychs, or series—no more than three separate pieces of artwork that are clearly intended to be displayed together as ONE PIECE with equal size and framing. Imagery/content must relate to each other in clear and obvious way. • Three-dimensional sets must relate to each other in an obvious way and may contain no more than three pieces for judging purposes. 

19. Artwork Size Restrictions - Each national art entry must be able to fit into one box. The box can be up to 150 lbs., up to 165 inches in length and girth combined. Length cannot exceed 108 inches. To measure packages, use the following formula: length + 2x width + 2x height. 

Step 1. Determining Length - Measure the longest side of the package, rounding to the nearest inch. This is your length. 

Step 2. Determining Girth (2x Width + 2x Height). Measure the width of the package, rounding to the nearest inch. Multiply this number by 2. Measure the height of the package, rounding to the nearest inch. Multiply this number by 2. Add these two numbers together. This is your girth. 

Step 3. Add the length and the girth together. This is your package measurement.

 *Entries that exceed the weight and measurements indicated above will be disqualified. 

20. Veterans who are invited to the Festival and accept the invitation to attend must commit to participating fully in the Festival week to the best of their ability. The Festival week is structured with daily workshops, seminars, rehearsals, exhibitions, and the stage show performance. Veterans should not view their attendance at the Festival as a vacation experience. While there are downtimes, attendance and full participation is required at all scheduled events.

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