Saginaw North VA Clinic Coming Soon

Aleda E. Lutz VAMC is pleased to announce our new offsite location, the Saginaw North VA Clinic, located at 2830 McCarty Rd., Saginaw, MI 48603, will be opening soon.
We are projecting to open our doors this Spring and anticipate a ribbon cutting ceremony as well. Audiology, Optometry and Low Vision Services will transfer from the medical center to the new clinic. It is an 18,000 square foot building and the additional space will allow us to better serve our Veterans; it almost doubles our clinics footprint. The new space has a 33% increase in number of eye lanes, increased space for specialty audiology evaluations (such as balance testing), a low vision training room and a blind rehabilitation kitchen. There is also a spectacle shop, which is off the lobby area, allowing Veterans to peruse possible eyeglass options.
“Relocating these services from our medical center allows much needed room to expand other services at the hospital,” stated Mr. Merrill, Chief of Lease Management Service, “who have also outgrown their current spaces.” “We are very excited for these growth opportunities to expand services to our Veterans as our patient population continues to grow.”
The Aleda E. Lutz VAMC in Saginaw, Michigan operates an 81-bed skilled nursing and rehabilitation Community Living Center. It provides care to over 38,263 Veterans in a 35-county geographic area, from mid-Michigan to the Mackinac Bridge. Veterans also receive care at one of our nine VA Community Based Outpatient Clinics located throughout Michigan. More information about this VA can be found at VA Saginaw Health Care | Veterans Affairs.