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In 2025, you’ll need to use a or account to sign in to all VA websites and apps, including My HealtheVet. If you don’t have one of these accounts yet, we encourage you to create one now. Sunset Dates: My HealtheVet sign-in option after March 4; DS Logon option after September 30. 

Returning Service Members

VA Salisbury health care provides health care and other benefits to the newest Veterans returning from service, even if you are still on active duty or an activated member of the National Guard or Reserve. Talk to a care coordinator about making use of your health care benefits.

Seamless Transition 

The Post 9/11 Military to VA (M2VA) team is committed to helping make each service members transition from active duty military to civilian life as smooth as possible. The team can assist Veterans access VA health care, benefits, and other community resources.

The Transition Patient Advocate (TPA) provides public relations and an initial point of contact. The TPA also provides military and community outreach, helps Veterans understand services, and works with customer service representatives to resolve issues. The TPA will provide guidance for wounded Veterans transferred from military hospitals and other VA facilities and will collect resource information to assist Veterans looking for additional services, programs, or groups.

Connect with a care coordinator

Timothy Nason

Transition Patient Advocate

VA Salisbury health care



Care we provide at VA Salisbury

We can help you access service and benefit programs tailored to the needs of returning service members, including:

  • Polytrauma care    
  • Rehabilitation
  • Mental health care
  • Counseling
  • Family benefits counseling
  • Referral assistance
  • Dental Care
  • Vision Care
  • Social Work
  • Community Resources 

Points of Contact for Returning Combat Veterans

If you have served in Operations Enduring & Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF), please contact us in any of the following ways:

  • Call the Post 9/11 M2VA Transition Patient Advocate at .

Case Managers

Case Managers, who are either nurses or social workers, coordinate patient care activities and help you navigate your way through the VA system.

A Traumatic Brain Injury Case Manager is available to assist with coordination of services for those Veterans diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury.

A Polytrauma Case Manager assists with coordination of services for those Veterans who have injuries to multiple body systems, to include: Traumatic Brain Injury, Severe PTSD, Burns, Amputations, Blindness, and Spinal Cord Injury.


You have 5 years from your date of discharge to receive free health care for any condition that may be related to combat service. Whether or not you choose to use VA health care after separation, you must enroll with the VA within 5 years to get health care benefits later on.

All Veterans are encouraged to enroll in the VA Health Care System. To begin the process, please complete an Application for health care benefits.

Vet Centers

Vet Centers are counseling centers that help Veterans readjust after deployment. The Vet Center in Charlotte provides counseling for individuals, groups, married couples, and families. They also provide guidance and referrals for other VA and community resources.

Learn more about Vet Centers