2022 Police Academy Graduation

Family, staff and guests joined Salisbury VA Executive Director John Melton December 2 to celebrate three new VA police officers’ graduation from the Department of Veterans Affairs Law Enforcement Training Center, VA Basic Police Officer course and welcome them to the Salisbury team.
Asheville native Kevin Daniel Arroyo, Asheboro, N.C. Police Officer of the Year in 2019 has had other assignments in North Carolina and Connecticut.
Maurice Guidry, Jr. hailing from Fort Ord, Calif., is a 10-year Army Veteran, with 27 years police experience in Jefferson County, New York.
Jessie Lee Sexton, new to law enforcement, is an Army Veteran from Newport, Tennessee, with a degree in Criminal Justice.
The new police officers endured rigorous academic as well as physical and technical training, commensurate with that of community police officers, but with a special focus on dealing with Veterans in a health care environment.
Originally formed in 1930 as the VA Protective Service and developing into the organization we know today in 1973, The VA Office of Security and Law Enforcement is responsible for professional law enforcement and security services, while maintaining law and order, and protecting persons and property on VA campuses and buildings under the jurisdiction of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
According to Director Melton, “We’ve been entrusted by the American people to help each one live their best lives, regardless of the circumstances.” He continued, saying that, “Every one of our Veterans upheld an oath to protect and defend the constitution of this great nation, and many endured and overcame difficult challenges that earned our respect every moment they are with us.”
In closing, Salisbury Police Chief Jason Harrington joined Director Melton, inviting the audience to greet the new officers, offering his welcome, “Gentlemen, thank you for your dedication to serve in one of the most sacred missions we have, protecting and caring for those who served. Welcome to the team!