Davis Fire Resources

If you are affected by the Davis Fire, please know that resources are available to you.
Community Resources
Evacuation Shelter
The Washoe County Human Services Agency (HSA) and the American Red Cross of Northern Nevada Chapter are transitioning the location of the shelter for those impacted by the Davis Creek Fire from the Washoe County Senior Center to the Neil Road Recreation Center, located at 3925 Neil Rd., Reno, Nev.
Animal Shelters
Fuji Park and Fairgrounds Large Animal Shelter
Fuji Park, 601 Old Clear Creek Rd, Carson City, NV 89701, USA
Silver Saddle Ranch Large Animal Shelter
Carson City, NV 89701, USA
UNR Equestrian Center Large Animal Shelter
1290 Valley Rd, Reno, NV 89512
Bartley Ranch Arena
6000 Bartley Ranch Road, Reno, NV 89511
Bartley Ranch Regional Park has four horse arenas. Two of the arenas are located within the main area of the park near the Historic Ranch Outbuildings. The other two arenas are located in the eastern portion of the north parking lot area near the Rancharrah gate.
This shelter is not equipped to hold avians please contact our dispatch office at 775-322-3647 for assistance with birds. Please bring your own water buckets and feed.
Silver Saddle Ranch
2648 Carson River Rd, Carson City 89701
Rafter 3C
227 Sheckler Rd, Fallon, NV 89406
In & Out Pet Boarding
245 Washington St, Reno, NV 89503
Washoe County Animal Control is available recover pets and large animals in the evacuation area by calling 775-322-3647 #1 (8 a.m.-10 p.m.). Dispatch will need the address, description of animal, where it is located on the property, and number of animals.
Special Hotel Rates
Hotels in the Reno/Sparks area are providing special rates for evacuees. Availability is fluctuating, please call hotels to ask for rates and availability.
Alert/Community Notifications
You can sign up for community alerts, which send out notifications regarding hazardous weather, floods, earthquakes, fires, etc. Below are the links for you, your family, and/or your patients.
- https://sheriff.douglascountynv.gov/services/reverse_911
- https://www.carson.org/our-city/alert
- https://www.lyon-county.org/777/Emergency-Management
- https://www.washoecounty.gov/em/RegionalAlerts.php
For frequent commuters, you can also sign up for road alerts at 511 Nevada (https://www.nvroads.com/) which is helpful to avoid unexpected road closures and/or detours.
Fire Information
More fire details are available on InciWeb: Nvhtf Davis Fire - | InciWeb (wildfire.gov)
You can monitor the Fire and Smoke Map (airnow.gov) for more information on air quality.
For more detail on evacuation locations visit: www.perimetermap.com.
NV Energy has restored power to several thousand customers. At the peak there were 17,000 customers without power. Currently, there are 3,116 customers without power, which include those who are closest to the fire and where powerline infrastructure has been damaged and is being repaired. To learn more about outage preparation visit: http://www.nvenergy.com/outages.../outage-preparation-tips.
Watch Duty App: Watch Duty Wildfire Map
VA does not endorse any business or service listed. Resources are likely to change as the fire progresses, please reach out to the services for details.