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Writers of the Storm Veterans Mental Health event for Veterans and Staff

Julius Nicholson, VA Behavioral Health, with Writer's of the Storm Veterans discussing Mental Health Awareness Month.

Writers of the Storm, poetry, music, art, open mic, event, Mental Health Month


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Outdoor Atrium

6900 North Pecos Road

North Las Vegas, NV



VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System is hosting an open mic, music, poetry and art event at the North Las Vegas VA Medical Center  Outdoor Atrium next to the VCS Patriot Café. 

Writer's of the Storm, event is held to promote positive creative expressions for May's Mental Health Awareness Month.

Writers of the Storm presented an opportunity for Veterans and staff to express themselves through poetry, photography and musical endeavors. Participants expressed their recovery journey, which proved to be a healing event for everyone in attendance. 

For more Information, Contact

J.R. Nicholson, Medical Support Assistant, Behavioral Health


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