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COVID-19 vaccines

Safe care is our mission. Spokane VA health care offers the COVID-19 booster to all Veterans who are enrolled in VA health care.

COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Information

The health and safety or our Veterans and staff remain a top priority for VA. Vaccination remains the best way to protect everyone from serious illness. Protect yourself, your family, and your community by scheduling your appointment today. COVID-19 booster has been proven to be effective in diminishing the spread of the virus within our communities.

By appointment only by calling or ask for one at your regular Primary Care visit.

  • We offer the Moderna booster.
  • The CDC recommends the updated 2023-2024 formula for everyone 12 years and older, regardless of previous vaccination status.
  • If you are an enrolled Veteran who received a vaccination outside of the VA, please report it to your primary care team. 
  • If you remain undecided about the COVID-19 vaccine, click here to learn more about the importance of protecting yourself, family members, and the community. 
  • For more information about the COVID-19 booster, visit