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Returning service member care

VA Tomah health care provides health care and other benefits to the newest Veterans returning from service, even if you are still on active duty or an activated member of the National Guard or Reserve. Talk to a Post-9/11 Millitary2VA staff member about making use of your health care benefits.

Post-9/11 Military2VA staff members

Ashley Greeno

Ashley Greeno LCSW

Social Work Supervisor

VA Tomah health care



Jennifer Kukuk LCSW

M2VA Program Manager

VA Tomah health care



Isaac Cline APSW

M2VA Case Manager

VA Tomah health care


David Meyer

Outreach Coordinator

VA Tomah health care


Care we provide at VA Tomah health care

We can help you access service and benefit programs tailored to the needs of returning service members, including:

  • Polytrauma care
  • Rehabilitation
  • Mental health care
  • Counseling
  • Family benefits counseling
  • Referral assistance

Additional benefits VA provides include:

  • Five Years of Enhanced Health Care. You are eligible to receive enhanced VA health care benefits for 5 years following your military separation date. Whether or not you choose to use VA health care after separation, you must enroll with VA within 5 years to get health care benefits later on.
  • Dental Benefits. You may be eligible for one-time dental care but you must apply for a dental exam within 180 days of your separation date.
  • Post-9/11 M2VA Program. Every VA Medical Center has a team standing by ready to welcome OIF/OEF/OND service members and help coordinate their care.
  • Primary Health Care for Veterans. VA provides general and specialized health care services to meet the unique needs of veterans returning from combat deployments.
  • Non-Health Benefits. Other benefits available from the Veterans Benefits Administration may include: financial benefits, home loans, vocational rehabilitation, education, and more.

Vet Centers

Vet Centers are counseling centers that help Veterans readjust after deployment. The Vet Center in La Crosse provides counseling for individuals, groups, married couples, and families. They also provide guidance and referrals for other VA and community resources.

Learn more about Vet Centers