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WVAMC Volunteer is Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Service Award Honoree

From left to right is University of Delaware Hospitality in Healthcare Management students and professor.
From left to right is University of Delaware Hospitality in Healthcare Management student Lauren Pellegrini, Hospitality in Healthcare Management Professor and Wilmington VA Volunteer Cathleen Rossi-McLaughlin, and Hospitality in Healthcare Management student Ainsley Sowers.

“My entire career has been one great story,” said Wilmington VA Medical Center volunteer and U.S. Air Force Veteran, Cathleen Rossi-McLaughlin as she answers phone calls in a busy room at the medical center filled with her fellow volunteers.

This year, Rossi was named Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Service Award Honoree for the state of Delaware. She put in almost 500 volunteer hours at the Wilmington VA in 2023, where she ensures Veterans have a positive experience. Rossi also served the past 30 years as a board member for Delmarva’s Red Cross. 

Most recently, Rossi has spent the last three years passing on her passion for serving Veterans and her plethora nursing experience to her students at University of Delaware’s (UD) Adjunct Faculty. 

“Her stories are invaluable to these students,” said executive director of the Red Cross of Delmarva, Theresa Young, in her nomination letter to name Rossi, Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Service Award Honoree. “She also has a segment each semester on compassion fatigue and the need to self-care if one is to care for others.” 

Rossi found out from the Wilmington VA’s Chief of Voluntary Services, James Coty, about a teaching opening at UD. With her invaluable background in the medical field, Rossi was given the opportunity to teach a Hospitality in Healthcare Management Course. 

“Rossi is passionate about coaching and leading future medical professionals,” said Coty. “She had come to my office and relayed a bad customer service experience she recently had. When I asked if she would be interested in being the lead for the Hospitality in Healthcare students from UD, Rossi enthusiastically took the reins and developed this course for us. The students have been making a significant impact on the Veterans and staff at the Wilmington VA.”

I was explaining to James that there are so many ways that patient care could be better and he told me that there was an opportunity to make a difference for future generations, said Rossi. 

Rossi’s course aims to “make hospitals and medical practices truly hospitable and prepare students to deeply connect to the human side of patient care and experience.” 

“Professor Rossi has taught me that patient experience is important,” said Lauren Pellegrini, a UD junior pre-med student taking Rossi’s class. “It’s about the personal aspect not just healthcare. Working with my professor, she is very personable and makes people feel comfortable.”

Rossi’s students come to the Wilmington VA weekly throughout the semester to experience first-hand what it is like working in a real hospital. 

“It has been a great experience,” said Pellegrini. “Everyone here is so nice and welcoming. I have learned a lot from the doctors and every Veteran has a story to tell. I am more aware of what people have been through.”

Rossi’s students get to shadow Wilmington VA medical support assistants, physical therapists, radiology technicians and other health care staff. This allows students to observe how different staff engages with their patients. They then reflect with their classmates about their individual experiences afterwards. 

“I tell all my students ‘you are going to have the honor of working with our Veterans,’” said Rossi. “I love this opportunity of making at least one Veteran’s situation better or to put a smile on a Veteran’s face.”

Other than her 53 years of nursing experience, Rossi served 20 years as a U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel. Rossi was a flight nurse and was tri-qualified on three aircrafts. To this day, she still meets with her fellow flight nurses every Veteran’s Day.

“Anyone who knows Rossi will tell you what an inspiration she is,” said Young. “The heart and compassion to serve others is incredible to see. Rossi is the family you never knew you had and are grateful for every minute with her.”

Rossi was also head hunted to work at Nemours Hospital where she coordinated eight medical teams to provide relief in Haiti during Hurricane Sandy. Since then, she has volunteered for the past 12 years at the Wilmington VA.

This passion for service and Veterans was fueled by her father who was a U.S. Navy commander in WW2 and her brother who was a Naval Academy graduate. 

“I’ve always known I wanted to be a nurse and then I was blessed with this phenomenal career,” said Rossi. “I love that I can share this passion with others.”

It’s Volunteer Week 2024! Learn how you can Volunteer and what opportunities are available at the Wilmington VA by going to Volunteer Or Donate | VA Wilmington Health Care | Veterans Affairs or call 302-994-2511, ext. 4061.