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VHA National Desktop Library

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  • 5 Minute Consult*

    5 Minute Consult is a point-of-care tool providing information to quickly guide clinicians in diagnosis, treatment, and management of 2,000+ clinical topics. It includes algorithms to decide on lab tests and/or procedures. Also included are videos to help PT staff demonstrate for patients, and customizable patient education handouts.

  • AccessAnesthesiology*

    AccessAnesthesiology includes anesthesiology ebooks, videos, interactive self-assessments, case studies, practice guidelines, drug database, curriculum development tools and more.

  • AccessDermatology*

    AccessDermatology is an online resource devoted to the study, instruction, and practice of dermatology. It includes textbooks like Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology, as well as images, videos, and decision making tools for dermatologists. **Note: Access to this resource will expire on September 30, 2025.

  • AccessEmergency Medicine*

    AccessEmergency Medicine includes emergency medicine ebooks, videos, interactive self-assessments, images, drug database, curriculum development tools and more.

  • AccessMedicine*

    AccessMedicine includes medical ebooks, videos, interactive self-assessments, diagnostic tests, practice guidelines, drug database, curriculum development tools and more.

  • AccessMedicine – Hematology Oncology Collection*

    AccessMedicine – Hematology Oncology Collection includes hematology oncology ebooks, quick reference, interactive review questions, case studies, calculators, curriculum development tools and more.

  • AccessNeurology*

    AccessNeurology offers a new approach to neurology reference, research, and curricular instruction – all in one place. Updated regularly, this comprehensive online neurology resource covers the entire spectrum of neurology from the basics to specialty-specific content.

  • AccessObGyn*

    AccessObGyn offers a new approach to obstetrics and gynecology reference and research – all in one place. Updated regularly, this comprehensive online ObGyn resource covers the entire spectrum of obstetrics and gynecology. **Note: Access to this resource will expire on September 30, 2025.

  • AccessPharmacy*

    AccessPharmacy includes pharmacy ebooks, videos, interactive self-assessments, drug therapy cases, practice guidelines, drug database, curriculum development tools and more.

  • AccessPhysiotherapy*

    AccessPhysiotherapy includes physiotherapy ebooks, interactive videos, NPTE review, interactive self-assessments, practice guidelines, drug database, curriculum development tools and more. **Note: Access to this resource will expire on September 30, 2025.

  • AccessSurgery*

    AccessSurgery includes surgical ebooks, videos, interactive self-assessments, board review, drug database, curriculum development tools and more.

  •* allows you to explore human anatomy in a 3D interactive model.

  • AORN Accreditation Assistant for Joint Commission Standards*

    This tool aligns Joint Commission standards with the AORN Guidelines of Ambulatory, Critical Access Hospital, Hospital, Office-Based Surgery, and Sterile Processing.

  • AORN eGuidelines+*

    AORN eGuidelines+ is a one-stop online site where hospital, ASC, and health system subscribers can easily access the Guidelines, plus other integrated resources and tools that can help facilities and individuals more effectively implement evidence-based patient care.


    APA PsycARTICLES is a database offering complete access to the full text of more than 80 landmark journals in behavioral science and related fields ranging from education, to nursing, to business, to neuroscience.

  • APA PsycBOOKS*

    APA PsycBOOKS is a full-text database that provides electronic access to thousands of scholarly and professional titles published by APA, including recent titles in psychological and behavioral science, plus a substantial backfile of classic and historic works.

  • APA PsycINFO*

    APA PsycINFO is an expansive abstracting and indexing database with more than 3 million records devoted to peer-reviewed literature in the behavioral sciences and mental health, making it an ideal discovery and linking tool for scholarly research in a host of disciplines.

  • APIC Text of Infection Control and Epidemiology

    APIC is the most comprehensive reference for infection prevention and control. The Text covers everything from infection control program elements to best practices to prevention measures for specific patient populations and practice settings

  • Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation* (AAMI) Standards

    AAMI Standards provide international standards, recommended practices, technical information reports, and other resources covering sterilization, dialysis, biological evaluation of medical devices, quality systems, and medical equipment.
    Access is restricted to certain individuals. If you need a standard, contact your local Biomedical Engineer. If you do not know the name of your local Biomedical Engineer, contact the Library Network Office.

  • Beryl Institute

    The Beryl Institute is a global community that builds the capacity of organizations to elevate the human experience in healthcare and develops individuals who impact experience excellence. The Beryl Institute defines patient experience as the sum of all interactions, shaped by an organization’s culture, that influence patient perceptions across the continuum of care.
    (Onsite, VPN, or Citrix only)

  • Board Vitals*

    Board Vitals contains nine nursing test banks to help RNs, PNs, and Advanced Practice Nurses prepare for licensure and certification exams with practice questions, clinical case studies, and in-depth rationales.

  • CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) Manuals

    CARF serves as the preeminent standards-setting and accrediting body for rehabilitation programs and services.
    (Onsite, VPN, or Citrix only)

  • CINAHL Plus with Full Text*

    CINAHL Plus with Full-Text is a database of nursing journals and publications from the NLN and ANA. Subject coverage includes nursing, biomedicine, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines.

  • ClinicalKey*

    This clinical search engine includes access to full text books, journals, guidelines and multimedia. Contains Elsevier published content of 650+ Full-text Journals, 950+ Full-text Books, 250+ procedure videos, 70,000+ Medical and Surgical Videos, practice guideline and much more. Clinical Key includes Procedures Consult.

  • ClinicalKey for Nursing*

    ClinicalKey for Nursing offers 125+ Full-text Books,  70+ Full-text Journals, Evidence-based Nursing Monographs, Lab values, nursing scales, videos, images, clinical practice guidelines, evidence-based content and care planning tools.

  • Clinical Skills and Preceptor Course*

    Clinical Skills provides evidence-based skills and procedures for nurses. In addition to the basic or core skills package, the ambulatory care, respiratory care, and perioperative specialty packages are included. However, access to the ambulatory care package will expire on September 30, 2025. The Preceptor Course is also integrated into Clinical Skills.

  • eNCPT Electronic Nutrition Care Process Terminology*

    eNCPT is a comprehensive guide for implementing the Nutrition Care Process using a standardized language for assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and monitoring and evaluation. Click on the eNCPT tab then click on Launch Publication.

  • Evidence Analysis Library (EAL)

    Evidence Analysis Library (EAL) contains research on nutrition, nutrients, and foods used to promote health throughout the human life cycle, including evidence-based nutrition guidelines to treat diseases and conditions. Use together with the Nutrition Care Manual (NCM).

  • Exam Master PA*

    ExamMaster PANCE/PANRE offers practice exams, questions and explanations to help prepare for the Physician Assistant board review. NOTE: Accounts are only available to individuals whose PA Certification test date is within 24 months. Request an Account

  • HeinOnline

    HeinOnline is a legal research collection that features full-text searching of laws and regulations, case law, treaties and agreements, scholarly legal and criminal justice periodicals, and related materials.

  • Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Database

    The Joanna Briggs Institute EBP database is a comprehensive range of resources including evidence summaries, evidence-based recommended practices, best practice information sheets, systematic reviews, consumer information sheets, systematic review protocols, and technical reports.

  • Joint Commission Manual E-dition

    Joint Commission E-dition provides all standards and requirements for Joint Commission accreditation and certification programs. Access available (Onsite, VPN, or Citrix only)

  • Lexicomp for Dentistry*

    Lexicomp for Dentistry provides dental-specific pharmacology information and drug interaction analysis tools.

  • Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)*

    LISTA is a citation database covering librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more.

  • McGraw-Hill Medical*

    McGraw-Hill Medical allows you to search across all 9 Access databases at once. The Access databases include AccessMedicine, AccessAnesthesiology, AccessDermatology, AccessEmergency Medicine, AccessMedicine – Hematology Oncology Collection, AccessNeurology, AccessObGyn, AccessPharmacy, AccessPhysiotherapy, and AccessSurgery.

  • NatMed Pro*

    NatMed Pro (formerly Natural Medicines) provides information about dietary supplements and alternative therapies, including supplements safety, benefits, side effects, drug interactions and more.

  • NEJM LibraryHub*

    NEJM LibraryHub is your source for ideas, information, and tools that enable you and your institution to make full use of the rich content and multimedia available with your site license. Learn how other librarians are using NEJM Group products to support research, clinical learning, and teaching.

  • Nutrition Care Manual*

    The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Nutrition Care Manual (NCM) is a diet and professional practice manual, featuring evidence-based nutrition care information for 100+ diseases, conditions and topics. Included are patient education handouts, meal plans and calculators.

  • oneSOURCE Document Site*

    oneSOURCE offers manufacturers’ instructions for processing of surgical instruments and devices. Onesource databases includes: Surgical Instruments & Equipment IFUs, Tissue & Implants IFUs for biologic and non-biologic tissue products, Biomedical Service Manuals & Documentation, Facilities Maintenance Service manuals, and Dental IFUs and SDS/MSDS sheets for reusable dental instruments and equipment.

  • Open Dissertations*

    EBSCO Open Dissertations now includes the content from American Doctoral Dissertations. It is a free database with records for more than 800,000 electronic theses and dissertations from around the world.

  • Ovid Clinical EDGE*

    Ovid Clinical EDGE is a clinical, evidence-based tool that combines content from UpToDate, MEDLINE, and Ovid journals. Quickly access current journal research, evidence–based guidelines, and ebooks with full-text links.

  • Ovid MEDLINE*

    Ovid MEDLINE covers the international literature on biomedicine, including the allied health fields and the biological and physical sciences, humanities, and information science as they relate to medicine and health care.

  • Pharmacist's Letter with CE and Live Webinars*

    Pharmacist’s Letter includes evidence-based information to support clinical decision making through concise recommendations, comparison charts, treatment guidelines, and monthly newsletters with the latest drug information.
    Instructions for Creating a New VA Account
    Instructions for Merging Previous Account into VA Account

  • Pharmacy Technician's Letter with CE and Live Webinars*

    Pharmacy Technician’s Letter includes comparison charts, treatment guidelines, patient education resources and monthly newsletters with the latest drug information.
    Instructions for Creating a New VA Account
    Instructions for Merging Previous Account into VA Account

  • PsychiatryOnline*

    PsychiatryOnline is a web-based research portal from the American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. providing online access to major print reference materials and journals in the area of psychiatry. Included are the DSM® Library featuring the popular Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - DSM-5-TR, and the American Journal of Psychiatry.

  • Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection*

    Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection is a comprehensive database covering information concerning topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational & experimental methods. This is the world's largest full text psychology database offering full text coverage for nearly 400 journals.

  • PTSDpubs

    The PTSDpubs Database is an extensive PTSD resource produced by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs although it is not limited to literature on PTSD among Veterans.

  • PubMed*

    PubMed contains citations and abstracts for biomedical literature, including MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.

  • Reprotox*

    Reprotox contains summaries on the effects of medications, chemicals, infections, and physical agents on pregnancy, reproduction, and development.

  • Sage Video – Counseling and Psychotherapy Collection*

    Counseling and Psychotherapy Collection contains research-oriented videos within the social science of Counseling and Psychotherapy. This collection includes a breadth of video types and lengths to support users such as case studies, tutorials, interviews with leading researchers, documentaries, footage of real-life professional contexts, quick reference definitions, and more. PDF with more information

  • Sage Video – Psychology Collection*

    Psychology Collection contains research-oriented videos within the social science of Psychology. This collection includes a breadth of video types and lengths to support users such as case studies, tutorials, interviews with leading researchers, documentaries, footage of real-life professional contexts, quick reference definitions, and more. PDF with more information

  • Sanford Guide Web Edition*

    Focused, evidence-based treatment recommendations for bacterial, fungal, mycobacterial, parasitic and viral infections with comprehensive anti-infective drug information, immunization recommendations, prophylactic antimicrobial therapy and comparative tabular data. Fully searchable content and browse-able disease topic outlines, updated regularly.

  • Skillsoft Books*

    Skillsoft Books (formerly Books 24x7) includes thousands of text books, as well as audio books, which can be viewed online or downloaded for later use. A free account is required or you can access via TMS. Quick Start Guide for SkillSoft

  • Sports Nutrition Care Manual*

    Sports Nutrition Care Manual (SNCM) contains research-based nutrition information written by authors who are Board Certified as Specialists in Sports Dietetics (CSSDs) from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. SNCM is authored by the Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group (DPG) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

  • STATdx*

    STATdx is a point-of-care diagnostic decision support system for radiologists.

  • Trip Database*

    The Trip Database searches curated content from vetted evidence-based sources, such as Cochrane, AHRQ, BMJ Best Practice, and federal agencies, to deliver top-tier, evidence-based healthcare information. Results are sorted into evidence-based pyramid categories for quick identification of guidelines, synopses, systematic reviews, and more.

  • UpToDate (use if on the VA computer network)

    UpToDate is a guided evidence-based, clinical decision-making solution with dynamic and interactive algorithms as well as lab monographs.
    For remote access use with your UTD username/password. Tip Sheet for CME/Remote Access Registration

  • USP-NF*

    USP–NF is a combination of two compendia, the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the National Formulary (NF). Monographs for drug substances, dosage forms, and compounded preparations are featured in the USP. Monographs for dietary supplements and ingredients appear in a separate section of the USP. Excipient monographs are in the NF.
    Individual accounts must be created to access the USP-NF. Please see the instructions to create an account.

  • VA/DOD Clinical Practice Guidelines*

    Recommendations for the performance or exclusion of specific procedures or services derived through a rigorous methodological approach.

  • VisualDx*

    VisualDx is an visual-based differential diagnosis tool designed for the point of care. Search by disease or quickly build a differential based on chief complaint, medication, or travel finding. Includes more than 46,000 images and 3,300 diseases across general medicine. 
    VisualDx Flyer

External Link Disclaimer: The tools marked with an * are External links. By clicking on these links, you will leave the Department of Veterans Affairs website. VA does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of the linked website.

For questions or concerns about the VHA National Desktop Library, please contact the Library Network Office.