What would you recommend?
Juan and Alli are 28- and 23-years old respectively, and they present to discuss their plans to start a family. Juan has done two tours of duty in Iraq, and having obtained a civilian job in the construction industry, will be in the United States for the foreseeable future. Alli is also retired from the military and works as a teacher. She met Juan when they were deployed in Iraq together. She is in good general health and has never been pregnant before. The couple is eager to conceive and would like to talk about what they can be doing in preparation. They have many questions about diet and lifestyle and would like information about resources.
What would you tell Juan and Alli and how would you implement a Whole Health approach to care?
Our Reproductive Health overview provides additional information about Juan and Alli and discusses dietary supplements, acupuncture, chiropractics care, and other integrative and complementary practices. You will learn how to advise your patients on which supplements improve fertility and which practices alleviate discomfort during pregnancy. We also offer Whole Health tools on topics related to reproductive health below.
Evidenced-Based Overview on Reproductive Health
Whole Health Tools
- Books Your Patients May Be Reading about Different Perspectives on Childbirth
- Breastfeeding Tips and Resources: Getting Families Off to the Right Start and Keeping Them on Course
- Common Complaints in Pregnancy
- Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 & 2 Infection
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Supplements Used in Prevention of Preeclampsia and for Labor Preparation
- Tools for Supporting Natural Childbirth
- Treating Postpartum Depression