Whole Health Tools
Whole Health Library website is being modified to comply with President Trump's Executive Orders.
This “Tools” section includes multiple resources clinicians can use at the point of care. They go into additional details about topics that are covered more generally in the overviews. Tools can be a great time-saver; you can introduce a topic to someone during a visit and then they can get additional information from the handout and check back with the team if they have any questions. Tools are informed by evidence as much as possible, and they can be useful elements of a Personal Health Plan.
Cancer Care

Clinical Visits

Complementary and Integrative Health

Endocrine Health

Food, Drink, and Supplements

- Achieving a Healthy Weight
- Adrenal Health
- Balloon Self-Hypnosis Technique for IBS and Abdominal Pain
- Botanical Medicines to Support Healthy Sleep and Rest
- Choosing a Diet
- Coming Off a Proton Pump Inhibitor
- Elimination Diets
- Food Safety
- Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease (GERD)
- Glycemic Index
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Lipids
- Mindful Eating
- Preventing Recurrent Diverticulitus
- Promoting a Healthy Microbiome with Food and Probiotics
- Supplements to Lower Blood Sugar
- Testing to Assess the Gastrointestinal Ecosystem
- The DASH Diet
- The Low FODMaP Diet
- Understanding Sweeteners
- What We Drink
Heart Health

Immune System Health

Mental Health

- A Quick Guide to Narrative Medicine in a Busy Practice
- Animal-Assisted Therapies
- Bringing Mindful Awareness into Clinical Work
- Burnout, Moral Injury, and Resilience FAQs
- Exercises and Readings for Narrative Medicine Groups
- Going Nowhere Keys to Present Moment Awareness
- Grief Reactions
- Health Care Professional Griever: The Importance of Self-Care
- Informing Healing Spaces through Environmental Design
- Media/Information Fast
- Mindful Awareness Practice in Daily Living
- Narrative Medicine
- Practicing Mindful Awareness with Patients
- Screening for Complicated Grief
- Taking Breaks: When to Start Moving, and When to Stop
- Whole Health and Life of a Clinician
- Work-Life Integration: Tips and Resources
- Workaholism
Moving the Body


- A Pain Flare Management Plan: Suggestions to Offer Patients
- Communicating About Chronic Pain: Instructions for Clinicians
- Diaphragmatic Breathing to Assist with Self-Management of Pain
- Goal Setting for Pain Rehabilitation
- Gulf War Illness
- Improving Work Surroundings through Ergonomics
- Low Back Pain
- Mindfulness Meditation for Chronic Low Back Pain
- Moving the Body in Chronic Pain: What Clinicians Need to Know
- Non-Drug Approaches to Chronic Pain
- Supplements for Pain
- Working with Pain Related Thoughts
Power of the Mind

Reproductive & Sexual Health

- Breastfeeding Tips and Resources
- Common Complaints in Pregnancy
- Dysmenorrhea
- Endometriosis
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Estrogen Dominance
- Fibroids
- Herpes Simplex Virus
- Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Improving Low Testosterone Naturally
- Menopause
- Phytoestrogens
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Supplements Used in Prevention of Preeclampsia and for Labor Preparation
- Tools for Supporting Natural Childbirth
- Treating Postpartum Depression
- Urinary Tract Infections
Self Care

Skin Health

Substance Use Disorder