For each of the areas below, place a number, 1 5, in the outer ring according to the following:
1I would like more information.
2I am interested in setting a self-care goal.
3I would like more support in meeting my goal.
4I am working toward my goal.
5I have achieved my goal(s) in this area; this area is one of my strengths.
Please use these questions for further self-reflection.
What areas did you identify as your strengths? How do these areas of strength affect your health?
For what area would you be interested in setting a self-care goal? If you made progress in this area, would it influence any other areas?
Do you see connections between the areas of self-care, as they relate to your life? (For example, is there a connection between Food and Drink and Power of the Mind, because you know that your eating influences your mood?)