Work with us
At the VA Alexandria Health Care System, you can make a difference in the lives of Veterans and their families while you advance your career or volunteer your time. Explore our job openings, training programs, and volunteer opportunities.
Jobs and careers
We offer jobs and career opportunities in many fields, including clinical, administrative, and support professions.
You can visit USAJOBS to see all of the current openings at VA Alexandria health care and visit our jobs and careers page to learn more about the application process.
Internships, residencies, and fellowships
Each year, we help university and post-graduate students complete their training and pursue their careers. Find the opportunities that are right for you.
Visit our internships and fellowships page.
Student Nurse Technician (SNT) Program
Undergraduate program for junior (completed one full semester of nursing program) &/ or senior nursing students.
Thank you for your interest in the SNT program. The Alexandria VA Health Care System (AVAHCS) has opportunities for Student Nurse Technicians (SNT) in the following areas: Medical/Surgical, Telemetry, long term care, rehabilitation, Urgent Care (UCC) and Primary Care Teams.
Selected SNTs will be required to provide a copy of their BLS and skills check-off list. Positions are only open to Nursing Schools in the area accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) or Accreditation Commission for Education (ACEN) in Nursing.
Expand all +
- Be a U. S. citizen and meet physical examination standards.
- Have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0
- Complete the application process.
- Have completed the first semester in Nursing Program when applying by accredited nursing program.
Application process
Letter of recommendation from a clinical instructor
- Copy of your transcript (unofficial acceptable) through the most recent semester (minimal GPA 3.0)
- Resume - including the work area of interest.
- Applications- VHA-10-2850D and Declaration for Federal Employment (OF-306), use hyperlink
- Letter from School of Nursing indicating your status (must be in good standing) and anticipated date of graduation.
When to apply:
How to apply:
Connect with our staff:
Interested applicants send completed application by close of business day (4:00 pm) to:
Melanie Anderson, MSN, RN, (118)
RN Transition to Practice Coordinator
Alexandria VA Health Care System
2495 Shreveport Highway
Pineville, La. 71360-4044
Office: Building 2, 3rd floor, 320
Volunteer or donate
We depend on the goodwill and generosity of our donors and volunteers. By volunteering your time or making a donation, you can give something back to Veterans who have given so much to our country. As a volunteer, you'll provide many important services throughout our health care system and help make Veterans’ visits to our facilities more rewarding.
Visit our volunteer or donate page to learn more and get involved.
Doing business with VA Alexandria Healthcare System
If you're a vendor or contractor interested in working with VA Alexandria health care, please call Human Resources at 800-375-8387 to learn more.
Learn more about Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN 16), the network in which VA Alexandria health care is located, to get a better sense of who we serve and what we need.