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All veterans must have 2 secure sign-in account options ( and for all VA websites and apps. The My HealtheVet option will be removed after March 4, 2025, and the DS Logon option after September 30, 2025.

Take action now: Prepare For VA’s Secure Sign-In Changes | Veterans Affairs



Contact us

Find phone numbers and contact information at VA Asheville Healthcare System for frequently requested services like patient advocates, medical records, billing and insurance, and more.

Patient help and resources

Need help? Contact a patient advocate

If you need help getting care or resolving an issue with VA, get help from one of our trained patient advocates.

Medical records office

Access your medical records online or request a copy of your records from our Release of Information office.

Billing and insurance

Pay your VA Asheville health care bill online, by phone, mail, or in person. You can also raise issues or address billing disputes.


Find out how to refill your prescriptions, where to pick up new prescription orders, and how to safely dispose of your medicines.

Phone directory and mailing address

Find phone numbers for many of the administrative and program offices at VA Asheville health care.

Mailing address

Charles George VA Medical Center
1100 Tunnel Road
Asheville, NC 28805

Main phone numbers

Local: 828-298-7911

To use Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) services: 711

A – F

Admissions: 2509

Amputee Clinic:

Anticoagulation: 5356


Barium Enema: 5319

Bone Density: 5319

Bronchoscopy: 4067

Canteen: 4176

Cardiac Cath Lab: 4176

Cardiology Clinic: 5413

Chapel: 2554

Chemotherapy: 5480

Colonoscopy: 5572

Community Care:

Compensation/Pension: 3960

Coumadin Clinic: 5356

Day Surgery: 5572

Decedent Affairs: 5234


Dermatology: 5356

Echo Cardiogram: 5413

Eligibility/Means Test: 2509

Endocrine: 5356

Endoscopy: 4066

ENT(Ear Nose Throat):

ESA-Anemia: 5356

ETT/Injection Cardiology: 5413

Eye Clinic: 5620

Eye Glass Shop: 4456

Foot Care Clinic: 4317


G – M

Gastro Clinic/Liver: 5356

General Medicine: 5356

HBPC: 5703

Hematology Clinic: 5480

Holter Monitor: 5413

Hope and Recovery Center:

Imaging/MRI/CT: 5319

Infectious Disease: 5356


Laboratory: 2529

LGBTQ Support: 5707

Lodging Voucher: 2505

Melanoma Clinic: 5207

Mental Health:

Minor Surgery: 5207

MOVE Clinic: 5513

MyhealtheVet(Online Patient Portal): 3511

Myocardial Perfusion: 5413


N – Z

Nephrology: 5356

Neurology: 5356

NIC/Skilled/Home Adult Day: 4799

Non-Invasive Vascular: 5207

Nutrition: 5356

Occupational Therapy:

Optical Shop: 4456

Oncology: 5480

Orthopedics: 5207

Pacemaker: 5413

Pain Management: 4395

Patient Advocate: 5200

Pet Scans: 5319

Pharmacy: 2558

Phys Med/OC/CT/PT/RT:

Podiatry: 4317

Post 911: 5366

Pre-Op Assessment: 5565

Primary Care 1: 4422

Primary Care3: 4446

Prosthetics: 2542

Pulmonary Clinic: 5413

Retina Clinic: 5620

Rheumatology: 5356

Risk Reduction: 5356

SARRTP: 5466/5496

Service Officers: 5331

Homeless Program: 1198

Speech Therapy:

Spinal Cord:

Sleep Disorder Clinic:

Social Work: 5335

Special Registry: 14343

Stress Test: 5413

Surgical Clinic: 5207

Tele Health: 4464

Teleretinal Imaging: 5145

Thoracic Surgery: 5207

Tobacco Free Program: 5056

Transition and Care Management: 5366

Travel Pay: 5319

Transportation: 2916

Ultra Sounds: 5319

Upper GI/Xray: 5319

Urology: 5207

VA Community Care:

Veterans Readiness: 1135

Voluntary Service: 2514

Vascular: 5207

Wheel Chair Repair: 5675

Whole Health/Nutrition: 5356

Women's Clinic: 4375

Wound and Ostomy: 5207




Media and press

The Office of Public Affairs can assist local media with queries, interview requests, and expert information about the VA Asheville Healthcare System.

Phone: 828-298-7911, ext. 4446
Email: Coming Soon!

After hours or on weekends, call the operator at 828-298-7911, ext. 4446 and ask for the administrator on duty.

Submit a FOIA request

Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), you have a right to federal agency records unless those records are protected from disclosure by specific exemptions or exclusions laid out in law.

Requesting records maintained by VA Asheville

Email: Coming Soon!
Fax: Coming Soon!

Asheville VA Medical Center
Release of Information (136D)
1100 Tunnel Road
Asheville, NC 28805

For questions about your request to VA Asheville

Phone: 828-298-7911, ext. 4446

Additional FOIA request information

Report an issue

Give us website feedback

To report a technical issue or give us feedback about this site, email our web team at Coming soon!

Report suspected fraud or mismanagement

Contact the VA Office of the Inspector General (VAOIG) to report suspected criminal activity, fraud, inadequate patient care, or mismanagement of VA programs or government resources.

Phone: 800-488-8244

VA Inspector General Hotline (53e)
810 Vermont Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20420

Learn more about the VA OIG hotline.

Report patient care or safety issues

If you have any concerns about the care and safety of patients or residents, the first step is to contact hospital management. If management did not address or resolve your concerns, contact the Joint Commission.

Submit a complaint online:
Phone: 800-994-6610

Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 6018