Medical Foster Home Program
The VA Medical Foster Home (MFH) program provides a safe, supportive, long-term care option for Veterans in a comfortable home environment.
What is a VA Medical Foster Home?
Medical Foster Homes are privately owned homes that provide caregivers and supervision 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This caregiver can help the Veteran carry out activities of daily living, such as bathing and getting dressed. VA ensures that the caregiver is well trained to provide VA Planned care. While living in a Medical Foster Home, Veterans receive Home Based Primary Care. Medical Foster Home can serve as an alternative to a nursing home. It may be appropriate for Veterans who require nursing home care but prefer a non-institutional setting with fewer residents.
Medical Foster Home Caregivers
MFH caregivers and relief caregivers are thoroughly vetted and receive VA background checks. The VA inspects and approves all MFH. Additionally, these homes are continually inspected to ensure compliance.
While VA helps coordinate care, VA MFHs are not provided or paid for by VA. To be eligible for a MFH, Veterans need to be enrolled in home based primary care, and a home needs to be available.
Home Based Primary Care
The Home Based Primary Care (HBPC) team, including a doctor, nurse practitioner, nurse, social worker, dietitian, recreational therapist, pharmacist, and occupational therapist provides the Veterans medical care. Team members will visit as needed, to provide medical care management and support the Veteran and the caregiver. Other VA programs, such as Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) and respite, may also be used to support Veteran care.. Home based primary care is for Veterans who have complex health care needs for whom routine clinic-based care is not effective.
Who is Eligible for a Medical Foster Home
Veterans enrolled with the VA Health Care System and have care needs that can no longer be met in their homes, may be eligible.
Care needs may include:
- Assistance with activities of daily living, i.e., eating, bathing, dressing, etc.
- Medication management
- Laundry and meal prep
- Social and recreational activities
The Veteran is responsible for the cost of the MFH. The cost may be paid using a combination of private income, Social Security, savings, VA Pension, Aid & Attendance, or VA pay based on disability rating eligibility requirements. The Veteran and caregiver will sign a private care agreement that outlines the care needed, the rate, expectations of the caregiver and Veterans rights

Who can be a VA Medical Foster Home Caregiver?
Caregivers must:
- Own or rent the home and live there full time.
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Have caregiver experience (formal or informal).
- Complete the VA application and inspection process for the MFH program, including a criminal background check and references.
- Participate in on-going caregiver training.
- Provide compassionate care for no more than three residents.
- Have a written crisis and respite/relief caregiver plan.
- Follow the Veterans treatment plan, working closely with Home Based Primary Care.
Homes Checklist:
- Own or rent the home
- Live in the MFH and is it will be my primary residence
- The home is located, designed, equipped and maintained to ensure a home-like environment and provide safe care and supervision for all residents
- There is space to care for 1 to 3 Veterans, with separate bedrooms
- Agree to have the home inspected by a VA multidisciplinary team including a Safety Officer, Nurse, MFH Coordinator, Dietitian, and Rehabilitation Therapist.
- The home and Caregiver must comply with all state and local licensure requirements and regulations, including construction, fire, maintenance and sanitation.
- Meet the applicable provisions of the most current edition of the national Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Life Safety Code, which includes evacuating all residents within 3 minutes in a fire drill.
- The home is located within the service area of a VA HBPC team