Faculty Development
Faculty development information and resources.
David Topor, PhD, MS-HPEd
Psychologist; Interim Associate Chief of Staff for Education (ACOS-E)
VA Boston health care
Email: david.topor@va.gov
Madeline Boduch, MPH
Health Systems Specialist, ACOS-E
VA Boston health care
Email: Madeline.Boduch@va.gov
Faculty development
First Friday faculty development presentation series
First Friday of the month; 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time. To be added to the announcement distribution emails, please email: David.Topor@va.gov
2024-2025 Schedule; 12:00PM Eastern
2024 presentations
2023 Faculty Development videos
- December 1, 2023: Fostering innovation in the health professions
- November 3, 2023: Cultivating Excellence: The Why, How, and What of Faculty Development
- October 6, 2023: Penning the pandemic: A reflective writing workshop
- June 2, 2023: Beyond Diagnosis: Teaching Management Reasoning
- May 5, 2023: Consciousness as a memory system
- April 7, 2023: Think-Pair-Share and asking questions in the clinical setting
- March 3, 2023: Best practices in curriculum development for medical education
- February 3, 2023: Cultural competency: Issues of diversity in supervision
- January 6, 2023: Whole Heath Education for Health Professions Trainees: A Novel Curriculum
2022 Faculty Presentation Videos
- December 2, 2022: Teaching Cultural Intelligence
- November 4, 2022: American College of Physicians Resources for Clinical Educators
- October 7, 2022: Competency Based Medical Education: National Efforts to Advance Education and Improve Health Care
- May 6, 2022: Designing Surveys for Medical Education: Key Principals and Pearls
- April 1, 2022: Teaching with the Brain in Mind
- March 4, 2022: Teaching Age Friendly Care to Health Professions Trainees: Strategies for teaching the care of older adults
- February 24, 2022: The Emotional Impact of the Prolonged Pandemic: How to Thrive and not just Survive
- January 7, 2022: Simulation: From Theory to Practice
2021 Faculty Presentation Videos
- Why We Teach (and why digital education is an asset), December 3, 2021
- My Life, My Story: Connecting with Veterans and Health Professions Trainees Through Story, November 5, 2021
- Perennial Challenges in Health Professions Education, October 1, 2021
- Structural Racism 101, June 4, 2021
- Power Up Your PowerPoints, May 7, 2021
- Breaking old habits in health professions, April 02, 2021
- Effective Communication Techniques, February 05, 2021
2020 Faculty Presentation Videos
- December 04, 2020: Diagnosing Your Learner: Strategies for Assessment to Support Individual Growth
- November 6, 2020: Using an Interprofessional Focus when Developing a Training Program
- Oct 16, 2020: the Learning and Workplace Environments: Implications for UME & GME
- June 5, 2020: Interprofessional Teams: Using Words to Teach
- May 01, 2020: Facilitating Inclusion of Trainees with Physical Disabilities: Addressing Trainee, Program, and Institutional Concerns
- April 3, 2020: Strategies to teach trainees to provide competent care to transgender veterans
- March 20, 2020: Timely Tips for Tele-Visits & Tele-Teaching Practical strategies to care for patients and engage learners over a screen
- March 6, 2020: How to Teach Trainees about Memory Loss and Dementia
- February 7, 2020: The Learner Selfie: The Use of Self-Reflection in Training
2019 Faculty Presentation Videos
- December 6, 2019: Scholarly Communication and Scientific Publishing: The Emerging Landscape
- October 24, 2019: Teaching Decision Making Capacity Assessment: Lessons and Challenges in Development, Dissemination, and Diffusion
- June 7, 2019: Clinician Burnout
- April 26, 2019: Considerations of Cost and Value in Health Professions Education Research
- April 5, 2019: VA Telehealth - Implications for Health Professions Trainees
- March 1, 2019: Teaching Ethics to Trainees
- February 3, 2019: Integrating Whole Health Lifestyle Medicine into Health Professional Training: A VA Boston Initiative for Physician Assistant Students
- January 4, 2019: “FDT: Responding to the Opioid Epidemic/Rethinking Healthcare Education: Expanding the Curriculum"
2018 Faculty Presentation Videos
- December 7, 2018: Teaching the Evidence-Based Management of Suicide Prevention
- November 2, 2018: Assessment FOR Learning
- October 5, 2018: Interprofessional Education Curriculum Development: Strategies, Opportunities and Challenges
- June 1, 2018: “If You Build It…”: Principles for a Productive Medical Simulation Experience
- May 4, 2018: What the Burnout Epidemic Teaches Us
- April 6, 2018: The Art of Scientific Storytelling
- March 2, 2018: The One Minute Learner
- February 2, 2018: Using Narrative Medicine to Teach Patient Centered Care Competencies
- January 5, 2018: Shaping the Future of Healthcare through Academic Practice/Partnership
2017 Faculty Presentation Videos
- December 1, 2017: Making Learning Memorable: Strategies for Engaging Talks and Teaching
- November 3, 2017: Interprofessional Education and Faculty Development: Using Strategic Planning to Develop and Implement Programming
- October 6, 2017: "Speaking Up: Teaching Evidence-Based Strategies for Enhancing Communication.”
- August 4, 2017: Inter-professional Education and Faculty Development: Using Strategic Planning to Develop and Implement Programing
- June 2, 2017: Thinking about "Thinking": An Approach to Teaching Clinical Reasoning Skills
- May 5, 2017: Integrating Quality Improvement Teaching to Trainees into Routine Patient Care
- April 7, 2017: Multigenerational Educational Environments: Seeing It as an Asset
- March 3, 2017: Teaching Trainees to Provide Culturally Competent Care to the LGBT Community
- February 3, 2017: Feedback: It’s all about the learner!
- January 6, 2017: Using technology to engage learners before, during, and after a teaching session
2016 Faculty Presentation Videos
- December 2, 2016: Strategies to Manage Work/Life Balance for the Busy Educator
- November 4, 2016: WOOP - A Four-Step Strategy for Faculty to Achieve Personal and Professional Goals
- October 7, 2016: The ADTC - Prioritizing and Integrating Education into Clinical Care
- August 5, 2016: Tips for Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation
- June 3, 2016: Reducing Educator Burnout
- May 6, 2016: Lifestyle Medicine
- April 1, 2016: Using Innovative Technology to Engage and Evaluate Learners in the Health Professions
- March 14, 2016: The Cognitive Science of Teaching and Learning: Improving Education for Healthcare Providers
- February 5, 2016: The Hidden Curriculum in Health Professions Education
2015 and prior Faculty Presentation Videos
- November 6, 2015: CLINICAL REASONING: Teaching What You Can’t Google
- October 2, 2015: Educational Portfolios Documenting Your Educational Innovations
- October 3, 2014: Feedback It’s all about the learner!
- September 5, 2014: Developing as an Educator at VA Boston

The Veteran Educator
Have you ever wondered what strategies experienced educators use to teach? How they became leaders in education? Why they love teaching at the VA?
We discuss these issues and much more on our new podcast, The Veteran Educator!
This podcast is geared towards VA health professions educators but is relevant for every mentor, teacher, and learner. Hear from leading educators at the VA, OAA, Harvard University, and other academic affiliates as they provide professional and career advice for the healthcare professional education community.
The podcast can be downloaded from most podcast streaming services—including Apple, Google, and Spotify—or you can listen directly from the website on your phone or computer. (Thank you EES!) https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-veteran-educator
Please spread the word about our podcast to other educators and learners inside and outside of VA. We are excited to promote the rich educational environment at the VA, provide professional development pearls for our educators, and share useful tips to our learners from all health professions!
Linking Education Across Residency-training Networks - LEARN - Curriculum
A curriculum meant to provide a broad overview of educational theory and principles, ways to integrate these principles into your teaching, and strategies for personal and professional development. These activities are meant to be used in conjunction with coaching sessions, which will allow for the development of additional learning activities that are tailored to specific learning needs and goals.
VA Boston Healthcare System (VABHS) Excellence in Education Award:
Award criteria are based, in part, on the VA David M. Worthen Award for Career Achievement in Educational Excellence award criteria.
The VABHS Excellence in Education Award is given annually to a VABHS employee from any health care profession who has made significant contributions to education and training at VABHS.
A nominee must be employed at least 5/8-time in VABHS as of the application closing date.
When the contribution is a collaborative effort of two or more individuals, then all relevant individuals may be nominated as a team.
Previous nominees are encouraged to reapply. Updated nomination packages are required for previous nominees.
Prior winners of the VABHS Excellence in Education Award, the VISN 1 Educator Award, or the David M. Worthen Award for Career Achievement in Educational Excellence are not eligible.
These materials should be submitted as part of the nomination package:
a. A current curriculum vitae, resume, or other summary of education and pertinent work history.
b. 3 letters of support (each no longer than 2 pages) that specifically comment on the nominee's contributions to the educational mission of VABHS. Up to 3 additional letters (total of 6) may be submitted.
c. Description of significant achievements that have enhanced educational programs within VABHS, such as leadership on national taskforces, accreditation bodies, or educational organizations; publications combining education, learning, and healthcare; or implementation of educational innovations that influenced other programs over time.
Note that the award may be given to exceptional teachers if (1) their teaching is outstanding as recognized by trainees, peers, and supervisors, (2) the effects of their teaching reaches beyond their individual clinical service, and (3) their commitment to teaching has been amply demonstrated.
The submission must address each of the following categories (NOTE: The nomination will be rejected if any other format is used).
(1) Statement of Goal or Problem Addressed by the Contribution.
(2) Summary of the Contribution.
(3) Process or Method of Accomplishment.
(4) Description of the measurement of the education improvement due to this contribution.
Nominations will be evaluated on these criteria:
a. Significance of the educational endeavor (such as publication or presentation at regional/national/international conferences, or other testament as to the value of the teaching).
b. Contribution to VABHS's educational mission.
c. Extent to which the contribution strengthens existing, or encourages new, beneficial relationships between several clinical services and/or VHA and other educational organizations.
d. Originality, creativity, and innovation of the achievement.
e. Potential for transferability to other clinical services, other medical centers, other VISNs and other learning organizations.
f. Nature and extent of tangible and intangible benefits of educational achievements.
g. Complexity of the subject(s) addressed by the achievement.
The completed nomination package must be submitted to the VABHS ACOS-E Office by November 15th of each year.
Submit nomination materials to David Topor (David.Topor@va.gov).
Award Winners:
2017: Dr. John Renner
2018: Dr. Jenny Moye
2019: Dr. Laura Grande
2020: Dr. Tony Breu
2021: Dr. Andrea Schwartz
2022: Dr. Amy Hill
2023: Dr. Susan Nathan
2024: Dr. Marcus Ruopp