Internships and fellowships
VA Central Arkansas health care provides training programs for students at the college, university, and postgraduate levels. Explore our training programs to find out about how we can help you start your career as a health care professional.
Opportunities for health care professionals
Internships, residencies, education
Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System has a robust health care professions education program. We partner with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) and train students, residents, and interns in many medical and surgical specialties and subspecialties. In addition, the VA's Nation Nursing Education Initiative (NNEI) programs offers scholarships to help VA nurses.
Medical and dental education
- Medical residencies
- Medical fellowships
- Medical students
Associated health education
- Audiology
- Occupational therapy
- Pharmacy residency program
- Physical therapy
- Psychology internship program
- Dietetics
- Social Work
- Speech pathology
Advanced fellowships
- Neuropsychology postdoctoral fellowship
- Clinical psychology postdoctoral and inter-professional fellowship program
- Undergraduate and graduate student research and clinical practicum placements
Nursing education

Shanna Palmer M.D.
Associate Chief of Staff Education
VA Central Arkansas health care