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PACT Act Claims Clinic

Wednesday, May 7, 2025
8:30a.m. to 5:00p.m.
No appointment necessary.
Nathan Goff Armory
206 Armory Rd., Clarksburg, WV 26301

IMPORTANT **Please bring DD214/discharge paperwork and any
other supporting military/medical records for your claim.**

Traveling Veteran Services

To coordinate routine services while traveling, please contact your PACT Team by phone, or access MyHealtheVet

Care Coordination for Traveling Veterans

Traveling Veteran Responsibilities:

Prior to traveling:
For your continuity of care: If you will require medications, injections, blood tests, or any type of medical follow-up during the time you are away from your preferred facility.

  • Inform your Primary Care Provider or Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) members of your plans to travel as far in advance as possible.
  • Leave your temporary address and contact phone number with the PACT team along with the dates you will be leaving and returning. This will allow us to send any medications and correspondence to your temporary address while you are gone.
  • Request a copy of your health summary and medication list to take with you.
  • Make sure you have enough supply of medications (or enough refills) to last until you return. It   is important to request your medications at least 10-14 days prior to running out.                                     

Your PACT Team or Specialty Provider will consult the Traveling Veteran Coordinator to coordinate your care with the VA facility or clinic closest to where you will be traveling or temporarily residing.

For Further Assistance, please contact the Traveling Veteran Program at .


Urgent/Emergency care during travel:

Urgent Care while traveling:

• Use the VA Locator to search for nearest VA-contracted UC in your area Find a VA Facility

• Additional VA Urgent Care information (including eligibility and possible co-pays).

Emergency Care while traveling:

• During a medical emergency, you should immediately seek care at the nearest emergency department (ED).  Go to nearest appropriate VA or community ED.

• Use the VA Locator to search for nearest VA-Emergency Dept in your area.

• If receiving care at Non-VA facility; Inform the emergency care provider to report your emergency treatment to the VA Centralized Emergency Care Reporting Center as soon as possible after your treatment starts by using:

   The VA Emergency Care Reporting portal.


    Calling the VA 72-Hour Notification Hotline. 

• Additional VA Emergency Medical Care information.

Seamless Care Coordination

• Facilitate enrollment of Veterans into local system and transition if re-locating
• Efficiently communicate with other VA’s and Traveling Veteran Coordinators to expedite care.
• Communicate with Preferred VA any
care requests and needed care upon return home
• Receiving and forwarding requests from Preferred VA
• Local LAJVAMC 24hour VA Call Center for any new medical concerns:
 Local: 304-623-3461 ext. 3690
 Toll-free: 800-733-0512

Pharmacy Information

• Veterans must provide a temporary address while traveling to ensure timely delivery of   medications
• Veterans should check to be sure they have enough medications/refills to last entire length of trip
• Alternate VA may dispense a ONE TIME 15-day supply of some active medications
• Alternate VA will not dispense controlled substances even if there are refills remaining
• If Veteran receives new prescriptions while traveling, contact the local VA to determine how they can be filled
Outpatient Pharmacy Lobby Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. M-F
Pharmacy Phone Center 304-623-3461, press 1
800-733-0512, press 1 (toll free from outside the Clarksburg area)
Phone Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET (including holidays)

Veteran's Foreign Medical Program

Benefits program for U.S. Veterans who are residing or traveling abroad and have VA-rated, service-connected disabilities.

For assistance regarding foreign health
care services contact:
VHA Office of Community Care
Foreign Medical Program
PO Box 469061
Denver, CO 80246-9061

VA & Urgent Care Locator: