Fisher House Connecticut
Fisher House Connecticut is a "home away from home" for families and patients receiving inpatient treatment at the West Haven campus or Yale New Haven Hospital (at VA expense). This facility is available free of charge to families of Veterans being treated for long-term illnesses.
Fisher House provides high quality, temporary lodging to families and caregivers of active-duty service members and Veterans who are undergoing in-patient treatment or extended, episodic outpatient treatment through the VA either at the West Haven campus or at Yale New Haven Hospital (YNHH).
The Fisher House enables family members to be close to their loved one during hospitalization by providing comfortable, cost free lodging, only a short walk away from the VA medical center or a shuttle ride to YNHH.
The Connecticut Fisher House has 16 private suites, a shared fully equipped gourmet kitchen, a spacious dining room, an inviting family room, modern laundry room, and outdoor patio. Each of the suites come furnished with telephones, televisions and DVD players. There is free Wi-Fi throughout the home.
How do I make a reservation?
Referrals to the Fisher House are made through the patient’s treatment team. If you would like to make a reservation, please ask a clinician from your family members’ treatment team to submit a referral to the Fisher House staff. Requesting a reservation does not guarantee lodging. Lodging is dependent on eligibility and availability.
Who is eligible to stay?
The following are general criteria for staying at Fisher House Connecticut:
- Housing is medically necessary for pre- or post-care.
- Guests must be medically stable and capable of self-care or be accompanied by a caregiver able to provide care.
- Guest must be required to travel more than 50 miles from the Veterans home to the VA.
- Can stay in an unsupervised setting.
- Have no communicable diseases.
- VA Connecticut is a smoke-free campus. Smoking is not permitted anywhere on campus, including in or around the Fisher House.
- Firearms and/or weapons, and alcohol and/or illicit drugs are not permitted.
- No food or drink items are permitted outside of the kitchen and dining rooms. You may not have food or beverages (other than water) in your room.
- Pets are not permitted. Only certified and trained service animals are allowed in the Fisher House and require prior approval.
- No additional guests are permitted in the rooms without prior approval.
Contact Us
Support the Connecticut Fisher House
The Connecticut Fisher House depends on donations from individuals and groups to support its mission and to provide for the needs of our Fisher House guests. Donations can be made in several different ways:
Mail Checks to:
VA Connecticut Healthcare System
Fisher House (135F)
Attn: Amanda Salthouse, Fisher House Program Manager
950 Campbell Avenue
West Haven, CT 06516
Make Checks Payable to:
VA Connecticut Healthcare System
Write on the Memo Line:
VACT Fisher House GPF 9015
You can also donate electronically which will allow you to give to the Connecticut Fisher House in a quick, safe way by pledging your support online. You choose the medical center, the amount and the account!