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Contact us

Find phone numbers and contact information at VA Dayton Healthcare System for frequently requested services like patient advocates, medical records, billing and insurance, and more.

Patient help and resources

Need help? Contact a patient advocate

If you need help getting care or resolving an issue with VA, get help from one of our trained patient advocates.

Medical records office

Access your medical records online or request a copy of your records from our Release of Information office.

Billing and insurance

Pay your VA Dayton health care bill online, by phone, mail, or in person. You can also raise issues or address billing disputes.


Find out how to refill your prescriptions, where to pick up new prescription orders, and how to safely dispose of your medicines.

Phone directory and mailing address

Find phone numbers for many of the administrative and program offices at VA Dayton health care.

Mailing address

Dayton VA Medical Center
4100 West Third Street
Dayton, OH 45428

Main phone numbers

Local: 937-268-6511 or


To use TeleType for the Deaf (TTY) services: 711

A – F

See suggestions for omission on the phone directory.


 937-268-6511, ext. 7296

AFGE Local 2206

 937-268-6511, ext. 3072

Agent Cashier

 937-268-6511, ext. 2973


 937-268-6511, ext. 2965

American Veterans Heritage Center(AVHC)

 937-268-6511, ext. 7628

The American Legion

 937-268-6511, ext. 2967

Anticoagulation Clinic

 937-268-6511, ext. 3086

Assistant Director

937-268-6511, ext. 1760

Associate Director

937-268-6511, ext. 1706


Audiology/Hearing and Speech

 937-268-6511, ext. 7156

Benefits Counselor

 937-268-6511, ext. 3526

Blind Rehabilitation

 937-268-6511, ext. 5403

Cardiology Front Desk

 937-268-6511, ext. 2717

Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab

 937-268-6511, ext. 1438

Caregiver Support

 937-268-6511, ext. 5425

Community Care

 937-268-6511, ext. 3800


Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) Scan

 937-268-6511, ext. 3389

Cemetery (Dayton National Cemetery)


Chaplain Service

 937-268-6511, ext. 3394

Chief of Staff

 937-268-6511, ext. 2106

Compensation and Pension

 937-268-6511, ext. 3929

Community Living Center (Patton's Place) 

937-268-6511, ext. 2956

Community Living Center (Lincoln Estates)

937-268-6511, ext. 2941

Community Living Center (Kennedy Way) 

937-268-6511, ext. 1110

Community Living Center (Hero's Point) 

937-268-6511, ext. 3777

Community Living Center (Soaring Eagles)

937-268-6511, ext. 3737

CPAP Hotline/Supplies, Issues

937-268-6511, ext. 3619

Decedent Affairs

937-268-6511 , ext. 2222


937-268-6511, ext. 2102


937-268-6511, ext. 1417 or 1612

Disabled American Veterans

937-268-6511, ext. 3526


937-268-6511, ext. 2564 or 2562

Directors Office

937-268-6511, ext. 2738 or 2736

Domiciliary, Building 410 Mental Health Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program

937-268-6511, ext. 2216

Echo Lab (Cardiology)

937-268-6511, ext. 2019


937-268-6511, ext. 5336 or 4105

Emergency Room

937-268-6511, ext. 2335 or 2134

ENT(Ears, Nose and Throat)

937-268-6511, ext. 5282


Environmental Health/Toxic Exposure Coordinator

937-268-6511, ext. 3259


937-268-6511, ext. 2280 or 1285

Eye Clinic

937-268-6511, ext. 2105

Fisher House

937-268-6511, ext. 2887

G – M

Gastroenterology Clinic and Procedures

937-268-6511, ext. 2698


Genitourinary(GU)/ Urology Clinic

937-268-6511, ext. 2613

Green Desk

937-268-6511, ext. 2322 or 2387

Gynecology/ Women's Health

937-268-6511, ext. 3921


Hematology Clinic

937-268-6511, ext. 3972


Homeless Programs

937-268-6511, ext. 1402



937-268-6511, ext. 2891

Human Resources

937-268-6511, ext. 2495

Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

937-268-6511, ext. 2525

Infectious Disease (Infection Control)

937-268-6511, ext. 4419 or 2698


Integrative Pain Medicine

937-268-6511, ext. 7156

Interventional Radiology

937-268-6511, ext. 3484

Information Desk Front Lobby

937-268-6511, ext. 3654

Kinesiotherapy Clinic 

937-268-6511, ext. 7156

Lab (Main)

937-268-6511, ext. 2434

Low Vision (Blind Rehabilitation)

937-268-6511, ext. 5403


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

937-268-6511, ext. 3069

Maroon Desk (Enrollment and Eligibility)

937-268-6511, ext. 5336 or 4105

Medical Care Collection Fund (MCCF)

937-268-6511, ext. 3913 or 1813

Medical Service

937-268-6511, ext. 2110

Mental Health Clinic


Military Sexual Trauma (MST)

937-268-6511, ext. 1079

MOVE! Weight Management

937-268-6511, ext. 1699 or 1204


MyHealtheVet- Local Coordinator

937-268-6511, ext. 3404

N – Z

Neurology Clinic

937-268-6511, ext. 3906

Non-VA Care Coordination

937-268-6511, ext. 3800

Nuclear Medicine

937-268-6511, ext. 2685 or 2681

Nursing Service

937-268-6511, ext. 2918

OEF OIF Post Deployment Clinic

937-268-6511, ext. 2696


937-268-6511, ext. 3972


937-268-6511, ext. 1066

Optical Shop

937-268-6511, ext. 7602


937-268-6511, ext. 2105 or 1303

Orthopedic Clinic

937-268-6511, ext. 2197

Outpatient Imaging Reception Desk

937-268-6511, ext. 2103

Outpatient Surgery

937-268-6511, ext. 5488

Outpatient Surgery Pre ADM Testing

937-268-6511, ext. 1629

Patient Business Service

937-268-6511, ext. 3416

Patient Funds

937-268-6511, ext. 2972

Patient Representative

937-268-6511, ext. 2164

Patient Travel

937-268-6511, ext. 1293 or 5993


Persian Gulf Program

937-268-6511, ext. 3259

Pharmacy Inpatient

937-268-6511, ext. 2250

Pharmacy Outpatient 

937-268-6511, ext. 3027

Pharmacy Refills (Call Center)

937-268-6511, ext. 2189

Physical Therapy

937-268-6511, ext. 7156


937-268-6511, ext. 2971

Police (Emergency)

937-268-6511, ext. 3333 or 4911

Police (Non-Emergency)

937-268-6511, ext. 1184

Pre-Admission Testing

937-268-6511, ext. 1499

Prime Care Teleretinal Imaging

937-268-6511, ext. 4512


937-268-6511, ext. 3988

Psychiatry Unit

937-268-6511, ext. 3748

PTSD - Post Tramatic Stress Disorder

937-268-6511, ext. 1312

Pulmonary Lab

937-268-6511, ext. 2700

Quality Management Service

937-268-6511, ext. 1176


937-268-6511, ext. 2103

Radiation Therapy

937-268-6511, ext. 3391

Radiology Service

937-268-6511, ext. 2103

Release of Information (Medical Records)




Renal Clinic

937-268-6511, ext. 3184

Respiratory Therapy

937-268-6511, ext. 2475


937-268-6511, ext. 3149

SATP (Substance Abuse Treatment Program)

937-268-6511, ext. 2188

Social Work Service

937-268-6511, ext. 2122

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

937-268-6511, ext. 7156


Suicide Prevention Hotline

988 (TALK)

Suicide Prevention Service

937-268-6511, ext. 2675

Surgical Service Administration

937-268-6511, ext. 2150

Tele-Nurse Triage Administration

937-268-6511, ext. 5500

Transplant Coordinator

937-268-6511, ext. 2486

Travel Patient

937-268-6511, ext. 1293 or 5993

Tumor Registry

937-268-6511, ext. 2356

Ultra Sound

937-268-6511, ext. 3470

Urology Clinic

937-268-6511, ext. 2613

VA Regional Office


Veterans Heritage Center


Veterans Benefit Administration


Veterans Industries - VOC

937-268-6511, ext. 1517

Veterans Readjustment Center

937-268-6511, ext. 5040

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)

937-268-6511, ext. 2964

Vocational Rehabilitation Chapter 31

937-268-6511, ext. 1312

Voluntary Service( Center for Development and Civic Engagement)



937-268-6511, ext. 2763


Whole Health

937-268-6511, ext. 1287


Workforce Development & Medical Education

937-268-6511, ext. 2109 or 2829

Wound Clinic

937-268-6511, ext. 2554


Media and press

The Office of Public Affairs can assist local media with queries, interview requests, and expert information about the VA Dayton Healthcare System.

Phone: 937-268-6511, ext. 3637

After hours or on weekends, call the operator at 937-268-6511, and ask for the Administrator on Duty, AOD.

Give us website feedback

To report a technical issue or give us feedback about this site, email our web team at


Requesting health records maintained by Dayton VA Medical Center

Medical Records Office | VA Dayton Health Care | Veterans Affairs

VA Dayton Healthcare System
Release of Information Office
4100 West Third Street
Dayton, OH 45428


For questions about your medical records requests, 

Phone: 937-267-3911


Submit a FOIA request

Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), you have a right to federal agency records unless those records are protected from disclosure by specific exemptions or exclusions laid out in law.

Dayton VA Medical Center
Attn: FOIA Officer
4100 West Third Street
Dayton, OH 45428


Additional FOIA request information


Report suspected fraud or mismanagement

Contact the VA Office of the Inspector General (VAOIG) to report suspected criminal activity, fraud, inadequate patient care, or mismanagement of VA programs or government resources.

Phone: 800-488-8244

Submit a Complaint | Department of Veterans Affairs OIG

VA Inspector General Hotline (53e)
810 Vermont Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20420

Learn more about the VA OIG hotline.

Report patient care or safety issues

If you have any concerns about the care and safety of patients or residents, the first step is to contact hospital management. If management did not address or resolve your concerns, contact the Joint Commission.

Submit a complaint online:
Phone: 800-994-6610

Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 6018