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For information on a data breach please see our Press Release here: Veterans Affairs (VA) Eastern Colorado Health Care System notifies Veterans of personal information breach

Visual Impairment Services Team (VIST)

The Visual Impairment Services Team are responsible for the coordination of services for severely disabled visually impaired Veterans. VIST provides and/or arranges the provision of appropriate treatment in order to enhance functioning such as making referrals to Blind Rehabilitation Centers, Blind Rehabilitation Outpatient Services, VICTORS, VISOR, and low vision clinics.

Eligibility Requirements

Care is determined by three key criteria:

  1. Veteran is eligible for VA health benefits (or is an active-duty service member) and,
  2. Possesses a visual impairment or
  3. Has received a designation of excess disability (impact on functional abilities).

What is VIST?

The Visual Impairment Program is a part of the VA Eastern Health Care System. This program provides services to our Veterans with blindness and visual impairment in the blind rehabilitation service (BRS) continuum of care. If you or a loved one is a Veteran who experiences the challenges of vision loss, please reach out so we can connect you with the resources and services designed to meet your needs.

Connect with a care coordinator

Laurie Hallman

Supervisory Blind Rehabilitation Specialist

VA Eastern Colorado health care


Visual Impairment Services Team (VIST)

VIST coordinators provide lifetime care coordination for Veterans with visual impairments and often serve as the entry point into the continuum of care. The eligibility of prospective patients to receive BRS care is determined by three key criteria:

  1. Veteran is eligible for VA health benefits (or is an active-duty service member) and,
  2. Possesses a visual impairment or
  3. Has received a designation of excess disability (impact on functional abilities).


  • Assessment, treatment planning, referral and follow-up
  • Education and counseling to Veterans, their family and/or caregiver
  • Review of VA and non-VA benefits
  • Education and outreach within the VA and community
  • Referrals to appropriate therapies and resources, including:
    • Eye Clinic and/or Low Vision Optometry
    • Outpatient Blind Rehabilitation Clinics (including home-based training)
    • Comprehensive inpatient Blind Rehabilitation Centers
    • Audiology, Physical Medicine and any other appropriate provide

Visual Impairment Services Outpatient Rehabilitation (VISOR)

VISOR occurs in an outpatient clinic setting with specialty vision rehabilitation therapists. They assist eligible Veterans and active-duty service members with a visual impairment in developing the skills needed for personal independence and successful reintegration into the community and family environment. The eligibility of prospective patients to receive BRS care is determined by three key criteria:

  1. Veteran is eligible for VA health benefits (or is an active-duty service member) and,
  2. Possesses a visual impairment or
  3. Has received a designation of excess disability (impact on functional abilities).


VISOR programs are outpatient rehabilitation clinics in which advanced ambulatory low vision care services are provided.

  • Temporary lodging may be offered for short stay programs.
  • Low vision optometry exam and functional vision evaluation
  • Provide assessment and therapeutic instruction on how to maximize remaining vision to complete tasks, such as accessing printed material, financial management and food prep/kitchen safety
  • Training on how to use assistive technology to address functional deficits as a result of visual impairment
  • Assessment and instruction to increase awareness of the environment and safety

Blind Rehabilitation Outpatient Specialist (BROS)

BROS provide assessments and therapeutic instruction within a variety of settings. Home providers meet Veterans in their home to address needs related to vision loss.


  • Community and/or home-based assessment to determine rehabilitation needs
  • Goal development and individualized treatment planning
  • Interventions and counseling to help with adjustment to sight loss
  • Assessment and instruction to increase awareness of the environment and improve safety
  • Provide therapeutic instruction on how to maximize remaining vision to complete tasks, such as accessing printed material, financial management and food prep/kitchen safety
  • Training on how to use assistive technology to address functional deficits as a result of visual impairment