Celebrating our volunteers
Volunteers are a priceless asset to our Nation’s Veterans and to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The Erie VA cannot sing the praises of our volunteers enough; their commitment and dedication to serving our Veterans is astonishing. They provide assistance transporting patients throughout our facilities, transportation to and from appointments, engagement and companionship during visits, courier services for the lab, and so much more. They play a mission critical role within our organization and we appreciate and celebrate each and every one of them.
Erie VA volunteer highlights
- Erie VAMC has 335 volunteers serving in multiple capacities and locations, including Crawford, Ashtabula, Warren, and Venango CBOCs as well as the Erie VAMC main facility.
- The Erie VAMC has the highest number of volunteer hours served in VISN 4.
- The Erie VAMC has the largest Volunteer Transportation Network Program in VISN 4 and resides within the top 5 largest Programs throughout the country.
- The Erie VAMC's volunteers have continued dedicating their time throughout the entire COVID-19 pandemic.
- Programs such as Guardian Angel Program and Pet Therapy generate out of Voluntary Service.
- The majority of our volunteers have multiple volunteer assignments and volunteer more than one day a week.
Meet some of our volunteers
Click the links below to view volunteer profiles.