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January 30th 2025 the Dickinson Clinic will begin operating from its new location:

West Ridge Market Center

3275 West Ridge Drive

Suite P

Dickinson, ND 58601


January 29th 2025 the Williston Clinic will operate from its new location:

Harvest Plaza

3210 27th Street West

Suite 210

Williston, ND 58801

Grand Forks VA Clinic

Our outpatient clinic provides primary care, mental health care, laboratory and pathology services, and more. Below, you’ll find our address and hours, parking and transportation information, and the other health services we offer at our Grand Forks VA Clinic.

Location and contact information


3221 32nd Avenue South, Suite 700
Grand Forks, ND 58201-6075

Phone numbers

Main phone:
VA health connect:
Mental health care:

Facility hours

Hours may vary for different services. Select a service on this page to check the hours.

  • Mon: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Tue: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Wed: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Thu: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Fri: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Sat: Closed
  • Sun: Closed
Grand Forks VA Clinic
Static map

Prepare for your visit

Select a topic to learn more.

• Behavioral Health Interdisciplinary Program (BHIP)
• Suicide Prevention
• Wound Ostomy Care Nurse - Outreach

Primary Care
Point of Care (POC) Lab Testing 
     ○ Whole Blood Glucose (WBG)
     ○ Hemoglobin (Hgb) A1C
     ○ Urinalysis
     ○ Urine Pregnancy Test
     ○ PT/International Normalised Ration (INR) Blood Test
     ○ Streptococcus Bacteria (STREP)
     ○ Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)
Mental Health
Homeless and OIF Social Worker
Social Work
     ○ Mental Health
     ○ Teleaudiology
     ○ Telespirometry
Women Veterans Health Services
Nutrition Services
Oncology -National TeleOncology (NTO) Service (Durham VA Partnership)
Mobile Prosthetic and Orthotic Care (MoPOC) - (Weekly)
Cardiology (2023 Pilot Program) (Monthly)

Physicians Assistant - Allison Adams
Physician - Promil Bhutani
Physician - Nick Helwig
Nurse Practitioner- Jenifer Wynne
Psychiatrist - VACANT

CBOC - M-F 0800-1700
MoPOC - Mondays (Subject to Space Availability)
Cardiology - (1 time/month)(Varies)(typically Wednesday)

Cost: Free

Wheelchair availability: Grand Forks VA Clinic campus has wheelchairs upon arrival for patients who need them to access the building. 

Disabled American Veterans Transportation

Hours: Individual van schedules vary

We work with Disabled American Veterans and county Veterans Affairs directors to provide transportation for Veterans and authorized caregivers to get to scheduled medical appointments.

Click here to view North Dakota DAV & Veterans Affairs Van Routes and Schedules

DAV of Minnesota Transportation Program

The DAV of MN Transportation Program provides free transportation to Veterans to attend their medical appointments at the four regional VA medical centers, locally-based VA clinics, as well as VA, referred community clinics. The program has 40 vehicles stationed in over 20 communities around the state which have been purchased by DAV of MN through graciously donated funds and donated directly to the four areas VA Medical Centers.

Click here for specific information related to DAV Transportation in Northwest Minnesota

Northwest Minnesota -

Non-DAV van services

Many localities in the region provide other van services to Veterans.

Learn more about DAV and the other van services available in your county

North Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs Transportation 

Click here to go to the North Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs Transportation page. This page includes detailed transportation information by counties, the Highly Rural Transportation Grant (HRTG), and DAV/VA van routes and schedules. 

Minnesota Ride Link

Minnesota Ride Link provides quick and easy information about transportation services by linking Veterans, military families, and others to a single source of information for trips in their local area. 

Veterans Linkage: 1-

Beneficiary Travel

Beneficiary travel benefits include round-trip transportation from your home to the medical center, mileage reimbursement, or special mode transport. 

Find out if you qualify for beneficiary travel benefits

Service Dogs are welcome a Fargo VA Health Care System Facilities

  • A service dog is specifically trained to do work for a person with a disability
  • Service dogs must be under control at all times.
  • Service dogs in training are not considered service dogs and are not allowed on VA Property
  • No Pets Allowed

The Fargo VA Health Care System policy states only authorized Service and VA Recreational Therapy dogs are allowed in the Fargo VA Health Care System buildings. 

Please make arrangements for your personal pets prior to arriving at the facility, as they will not be allowed in the building. 

Trained service dogs with public access rights help Veterans live better lives. Please respect these rules to help keep Veterans, their service dogs, and all of us safe and working well.

For your safety, No Guns, Knives or Other Weapons Allowed on Fargo VA HCS Properties

Introduction of weapons, unauthorized drugs and alcoholic beverages on Fargo VA HCS property is prohibited. (Title 18 USC Section 930 and Title 38 CFR Section 1218) Persons entering Fargo VA HCS property consent to inspection of all packages, luggage and containers in their possession when arriving. Refusal of consent to search is basis for denial of admittance. Violators are subject to arrest and prosecution. Refusal to consent to an authorized search by medical personnel is a basis for discharge. 

Whoever knowingly possesses or causes the presence of a firearm or other dangerous weapon on the grounds or buildings of Fargo VA HCS property, or attempts to do so, is subject to fine or imprisonment of not more than one year, or both. 18 USC Section 930a. Whoever intends that a firearm or other dangerous weapon be used in the presence of a firearm or other dangerous weapon on the grounds or buildings of Fargo VA HCS property, or attempts to do so is subject to fine or imprisonment of not more than five years, or both. 18 USC Section 930b. 

Members of law enforcement agencies of Federal, state, county, and municipal governments are not allowed to bring their weapons on Fargo VA HCS Properties to attend personal appointments. 

Other services at VA Fargo health care

Health services offered here

Select a topic to learn more.

COVID-19 vaccines

Common conditions: coronavirus, COVID-19

We offer COVID-19 vaccines to all Veterans enrolled in VA health care. This includes Veterans who live or travel outside of the U.S. and are eligible for the VA Foreign Medical Program.

Visit our office, with or without an appointment

Main Phone


Common conditions: heart disease, high blood pressure, heart rhythm disorders, angina, vascular diseases

Our cardiology specialists offer advanced treatment and care for conditions affecting your heart and blood vessels, including heart disease, stroke, heart rhythm disorders and high blood pressure.

Visit our office, by appointment only

Virtual visits may be available

Main Phone

Some Cardiology services are offered at our Grand Forks Clinic one time per month

Average number of days to get an appointment

We’ll work with you to schedule an appointment with the shortest wait time. In some cases, we may schedule your appointment at another VA medical center or clinic, or refer you to a non-VA medical provider in your community. For urgent health issues, we offer same-day appointments, telehealth visits, or walk-in express care. Check with your local VA medical center to confirm availability of these services.

New patient

76 days

Existing patient

16 days

Current as of March 17, 2025

Our cardiology specialists offer advanced treatment and care for conditions affecting your heart and blood vessels, including heart disease, stroke, heart rhythm disorders and high blood pressure


Point of Contact 

  • /3529

Caregiver support

If you are caring for a Veteran with serious illness or disabilities, we can help you support them—and take care of yourself. You may qualify for services like training, counseling or respite care when you need a break.

Visit our office, with or without an appointment

Virtual visits may be available

A referral is not required


Caregiver Support Program

Caregiver Support Program

If you’re a caregiver for a Veteran, you can get support by contacting one of our caregiver support coordinators. If the Veteran you care for was injured post-9/11, you may be eligible for even more services, including a stipend to help with expenses, training, and medical coverage if you aren’t already covered. For all caregivers, we can:

  • Help you get caregiver assistance available through VA
  • Provide progressive needs planning to help you manage degenerative conditions
  • Match you with services and benefits
  • Connect you with local resources and programs
  • Listen to you when you struggle

Learn more and connect with a support coordinator

Click Here to Learn More about VA Fargo Health Care System Caregiver Support Program

Caregivers provide a valuable service for Veterans and are "partners" with us in providing excellent healthcare. To support these efforts, VA Fargo offers a number of services to support you and the Veteran you care for. Our caregiver support team is standing by to help you find what you need, whether it's in-home help, someone to listen to, or anything in between.

  • /4507/4268/3872/4398/4516
  • Bismarck -

Complementary and integrative health

Complementary and integrative approaches like acupuncture, yoga, and meditation can improve mental health, help you manage pain, and promote wellness.

Virtual visits by appointment only

Whole Health

Whole Health is care that empowers and equips you to take charge of your health and well-being so you can live life to its fullest. It is care that goes beyond your disease and illness to focus on your values and goals. In a Whole Health approach to care, you will start hearing providers ask, ‘what matters most to YOU’ or ‘what do YOU want your health for,’ because what matters to you, matters to us! Whole Health centers around what matters to YOU and goes beyond your illnesses, injuries or disabilities.

Click here for more detailed information on VA Fargo's Whole Health Program and Service Offerings


Well Being Programs

Fargo VA Health Care System offers programs/classes that are designed to provide you with tools and skills to improve your health and quality of life. Whether it’s for wellness or to compliment conventional care, VA Fargo offers a variety of in person and virtual classes to enrolled Veterans such as: Gentle Yoga, Chair Yoga, Tai Chi: Tai Chi Chih, Eat Well, Be Well Cooking Class, Eating to Reduce Inflammation & Pain, Intro to Mindfulness Meditation, Qi Gong, Relaxation skills, Reiki, and the Christian Connection.

Click here for a detailed list of virtual and in-person classes at Fargo VA HCS


Whole Health Clinical Care

Providing outpatient care that is centered around healing environments and healing relationships. This will also include the use of modalities such as Acupuncture and Chiropractic. Fargo VA Health Care System offers the following services at our main Fargo Location:

  • Chiropractic Care
  • Acupuncture
  • Battlefield Acupuncture
  • Group Acupuncture
  • Medical Massage
  • Reiki
  • Clinical Hypnosis

Traveling to Fargo for your appointment? We offer several Walk-In and Call-Ahead services for Veterans to take advantage of our Whole Health Services.  


Point of Contact


Genomic medicine/medical genetics

We make sure you have access to state-of-the-art genetic counseling and diagnostic testing.

Visit our office, by appointment only

PHASER Program

PHASER Program

Blood Draws are Available at our Outpatient Clinics Monday -Wednesday (Noon cutoff on Wednesday)

Pharmacogenomic Testing

Genetic Testing -Available at all of our Clinics

Genetic Testing to Determine the Best Medication for You

Pharmacogenomics (PGx) Testing for Veterans PHASER Program offers a no-cost blood test to Veterans to understand how your body responds to medications. Are you having trouble finding the right medication to avoid side effects? Ask your provider to submit a request for you to get a PHASER test.  

Blood Draws are Available:

Fargo - M-TH (noon cutoff on Thursday)

Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) - M-W (Noon cutoff on Wednesday)

Point of Contact - /2881


If you have a diagnosis of anemia, lymphoma, leukemia or another blood cancer or disorder, we support you with expert care and treatment.

Virtual visits by appointment only

Main Phone

Oncology-National TeleOncology (NTO) Service (Durham VA Partnership)

We offer a range of hematology and oncology services. You can arrange appointments and consultation through your primary care provider. Our hematology and oncology services include:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Blood and platelet transfusions
  • Mediport flushes to clean and maintain the small medical appliance inserted under your skin, making it easier to inject drugs and draw blood
  • Evaluation and treatment of blood disorders and cancer
  • Dedicated outpatient infusion center, working closely with radiation oncology, interventional radiology, general surgery, diagnostics, palliative care, and social services
  • Bone marrow biopsies, to see whether your bone tissue is healthy and making a normal number of blood cells


National TeleOncology Program

The National TeleOncology Program is a VA-wide program that provides Veterans access to high-level, specialized cancer care close to home. The National TeleOncology (NTO) Program utilizes a “Hub and Spoke” model to support those facilities where oncology services are not available, more specialty care and/or gap coverage is needed. The “Hub” is comprised of physician oncologists, non-physician providers, oncology clinical pharmacy practitioners, and nurses who provide multi-disciplinary care to the “spoke” sites. Spoke sites are a combination of boots-on-the-ground physician oncologists, registered nurses, mid-level providers and pharmacists where oncology services are nurses who provide multi-disciplinary care to the “spoke” sites. Spoke sites are a combination of boots-on-the-ground physician oncologists, registered nurses, mid-level providers and pharmacists where oncology services are needed. The Hub NTO providers conduct patient appointments using CVT (Clinical Video Telehealth), VVC (VA-Video Connect) or by telephone with spoke support, allowing patients to obtain cancer care at their local VA or in the convenience of their own home.


Point of Contact

  • Oncology - /3522/3648/4153/3127/3944/3129

Homeless Veteran care

If you’re homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, we can help. We offer many programs and services, including free health care. And we can help you connect with resources in your community.

Visit our office, with or without an appointment

Virtual visits may be available

HUD/VASH Social Worker

The Fargo VA HCS Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Program is based out of our Community Resource and Referral Center in Downtown Fargo, ND and consists of the below programs. This program combines Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), rental assistance for homeless Veterans, with case management and clinical services provided by the VA. VA Fargo Health Care System provides these services in Fargo, Grand Forks, Bismarck, Dickinson, Williston, Minot, Belcourt, and Mahnomen

  • US Department of Housing and Urban Development - VA Supportive Housing (HUD/VASH)
  • Tribal HUD/VASH Program
  • Grant & Per Diem Program (Homeless Housing)
  • Passport Program (Housing)
  • Passport Program (Dental)
  • Homeless Veterans Community Employment Services
  • Veterans Justice Outreach


Below is a list of contact information for our Health Care for Homeless Veterans Program:

  • Homeless Veteran Outreach - ension 7421 or 7420 or /
  • Social Services - ension 7331
  • Peer Specialist - or 7427 or /
  • Community Employment Coordinator - or
  • Grant Per Diem Liaison - or
  • Veterans Justice Outreach - or
  • Coordinated Entry Social Worker -
  • Homeless Outreach / HUD VASH Coordinator Belcourt/Devils Lake or
  • Fargo HUD VASH - /7422/7411/7424/7423
  • Homeless Outreach Dickinson -
  • Homeless Outreach Minot -
  • Homeless Outreach Bismarck - or
  • Homeless Outreach Grand Forks - or
  • Homeless Outreach Williston - or
  • Homeless Outreach Bemidji - or





Laboratory and pathology

We offer blood tests and other advanced testing services to help you and your VA health care team monitor your health, find and understand any health problems and make informed treatment decisions.

Visit our office, by appointment only


Main Phone

Main Phone

Our laboratories provide a full range of accredited clinical and diagnostic testing services. Our laboratory and pathology services include:

  • Study of blood, urine, and other bodily fluids for illness management
  • Testing for infectious diseases
  • Cytopathology (study of unusual cells) and surgical pathology (study of tissue removed during surgery)
  • Autopsy services


VA Fargo Lab Points of Contact - Ancillary Testing-3187/3965, Chemistry 3982/3983 Hematology 3984/3185, Histology 3191, Microbiology 3196, Pathology Office 3976

MOVE! weight management

Common conditions: overweight, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure

We offer easy-to-follow weight management plans backed by the latest science. Our experts can help you reduce health risks, prevent or reverse some diseases and live a better—and even longer—life.

Call at your convenience

A referral is not required


There is no onsite dietitian at our Grand Forks Clinic. However, we do offer virtual appointments. Contact our main Fargo VA location to schedule an appointment!! .

MOVE Weight Management Program

MOVE Weight Management Program

MOVE Weight Management Program

MOVE Weight Management Program

Service Hours

  • Mon. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Tue. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Wed. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Thu. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Sat. Closed
  • Sun. Closed

MOVE! is a weight-management program designed to help you live a longer, healthier life. With the help of your MOVE! care team, you can eat a healthier diet, get more exercise, reduce your health risks, and improve your quality of life. The MOVE! program offers:

  • Weight-loss support groups to help you lose weight and keep it off
  • Healthy eating tips and cooking classes
  • Behavioral change strategies to help you live a healthier lifestyle

Learn more about MOVE!

The VA Fargo Move Weight Management Program is offered in-person, video, or phone group meetings 2x/month

Mental health care

Common conditions: addiction, depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD

If you’re struggling with issues like PTSD, depression, grief, anger or trauma, we offer counseling and other support. All VA health care facilities offer same-day help. You may qualify even without enrolling in VA health care.

Visit our office, by appointment only

Virtual visits may be available

Mental Health Social Worker

Average number of days to get an appointment

We’ll work with you to schedule an appointment with the shortest wait time. In some cases, we may schedule your appointment at another VA medical center or clinic, or refer you to a non-VA medical provider in your community. For urgent health issues, we offer same-day appointments, telehealth visits, or walk-in express care. Check with your local VA medical center to confirm availability of these services.

New patient

15 days

Existing patient

3 days

Current as of March 17, 2025

Our medical center and clinics provide consultation, evaluation, and treatment for a range of issues that may impact your mental health or emotional well-being. Our confidential outpatient services include individual and group therapy for:

  • Psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression
  • Marriage and relationship problems
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Anxiety, addictive behaviors, and personality disorders
  • Aggressive or self-harming behaviors

Learn more and connect with a care coordinator



Outpatient Mental Health Social Work

  • /3358/2264/4408/4041
  • Minot CBOC -
  • Grand Forks CBOC
  • Grand Forks & Grafton COBC-
  • Bismarck CBOC -
  • Fergus Falls CBOC - 
  • Evidence Based Practices Coordinator -

Behavioral Health Interdisciplinary Program (BHIP)(Team-Based Care) - A BHIP team is a group of mental health professionals working together to focus on Veterans' mental health and well-being. 

  • Fargo
  • BHIP Bemidji CBOC -
  • BHIP Dickinson CBOC -
  • BHIP Minot CBOC -

Rural Access Network for Growth Enhancement (RANGE) Program - is a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) program that helps improve access to mental health services for Veterans in rural areas. 

  • Fargo - /3153/3115 or
  • Bismarck -
  • Fergus Falls -

Local Recovery Coordinator (LRC) - There is a mental health provider at each VA Medical Center to help Veterans with serious mental illness (SMI) access recovery oriented services. The Local Recovery Coordinator provides education and support to Veterans, family members, and VA Staff members about mental illness and recovery. The LRC promotes activities that remove barriers and stigma that may be associated with mental illness and ensures that Veterans with SMI have access to the rehabilitation and recovery services needed to attain their goals. 

  • Fargo -

Substance Use Disorder - A number of resources are available to health care providers who work with Veterans and may be concerned about a Veteran experiencing substance use disorder (SUD).

Supportive Services for Veteran Families - For very low income Veterans, SSVF provides case management supportive services to prevent the imminent loss of a Veteran's home or identify a new, more suitable housing situation for the individual and his or her family; or to rapidly re-house Veterans and their families who are homeless and might remain homeless without this assistance. 

  • or



Nutrition, food, and dietary care

Our nutrition experts work closely with you and your care team to help make sure you’re getting the nutrition you need to get and stay as healthy as possible.

Call at your convenience

A referral is not required


There is no onsite dietitian at our Grand Forks Clinic. However, we do offer virtual appointments. Contact our main Fargo VA location to schedule an appointment!! .

VA Fargo Nutrition Services

VA Fargo Nutrition Services

Service Hours

  • Mon. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Tue. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Wed. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Thu. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Sat. Closed
  • Sun. Closed

Care we provide at the Fargo VA Health Care System

Our registered dietitians can help you maintain or improve your health with good nutrition tailored to your needs. Through group and individual sessions (in-person, virtually, by telehealth, and over the phone) we provide nutrition education and counseling in areas such as:

  • Pre-diabetes and diabetes
  • Heart health - cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Digestive health and anti-inflammatory nutrition
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Chewing and swallowing
  • Pregnancy and postpartum nutrition
  • Weight management

Primary care

Your VA primary care provider will work closely with you to plan for all the care you need to stay healthy and well throughout your life, including immunizations and vaccinations. They will also work with family members or caregivers who support you.

Visit our office, by appointment only

Virtual visits by appointment only

Main Phone

Average number of days to get an appointment

We’ll work with you to schedule an appointment with the shortest wait time. In some cases, we may schedule your appointment at another VA medical center or clinic, or refer you to a non-VA medical provider in your community. For urgent health issues, we offer same-day appointments, telehealth visits, or walk-in express care. Check with your local VA medical center to confirm availability of these services.

New patient

12 days

Existing patient

2 days

Current as of March 17, 2025

Care we provide at the Fargo VA Health Care System

A strong network of family and internal medicine specialists and services can offer you the best possible care. Internal medicine doctors (internists) prevent, diagnose, and treat adult diseases. Doctors who specialize in family medicine provide primary health care to the entire family. Your primary care team can coordinate the many services you receive such as:

  • Labs and blood work
  • Mental health care
  • Women's health care
  • Radiology
  • Social services
  • Telehealth

Prosthetics and rehabilitation

We provide and help you use medical aids, hearing aids, state-of-the-art adaptive home equipment and other equipment to help you preserve and increase your mobility and independence.

Visit our office, by appointment only

A referral is required




Service Hours

  • Mon. 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Mobile Prosthetic and Orthotic Care (MoPOC) services are offered at the Grand Forks Clinic Every Monday (Dependent upon weather, etc.)
  • Tue. Closed
  • Wed. Closed
  • Thu. Closed
  • Fri. Closed
  • Sat. Closed
  • Sun. Closed

VA is the world’s largest and most comprehensive provider of sensory aides and prosthetic devices. Veterans enrolled in the VA health care system and referred by a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician can receive a full range of services and equipment like:

  • Artificial limbs and surgical implants, including artificial joints and pacemakers
  • Wheelchairs and other medical devices
  • Aids for Veterans who are blind, have low vision, or are hearing impaired
  • Adaptive equipment and modifications to make your vehicle or home more accessible
  • Other devices and services to help increase your mobility, dignity, and independence
  • Clothing allowance for Veterans with devices that damage their clothing


Prosthetics Representative -



Mobile Prosthetic & Orthotic Care (MoPOC)

MoPOC offers state of the art, accessible prosthetic and orthotic (P&O) services for rural-based Veterans and those who experience barriers traveling to VA facilities. MoPOC brings convenient and comfortable P&O specialty care to VA Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) and Veterans’ homes. Mobile units are staffed by VA Certified Prosthetists/Orthotists and equipped with a suite of tools and technologies to deliver onsite, seamless care. Veteran services include the fabrication, modification and fitting of custom prosthetic and orthotic devices.

Fargo VA HCS MoPOC Rotational Schedule

Monday: Grand Forks CBOC
Tuesday: Fergus Falls CBOC
1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month: Bemidji CBOC

2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month: Jamestown CBOC
Thursday: Administrative Day
Friday: No Travel Day


The Amputee Clinic provides specialized and comprehensive management of Veterans with amputation(s), utilizing an interdisciplinary team approach. This includes offering the latest practices in medical interventions, prosthetic limbs, assistive technology and rehabilitation strategies to restore function and thereby optimize quality of life. 

Amputee Clinic -


If you’re struggling with a mental health problem—or just need to talk with someone—we can help. We offer treatment and support such as therapy, alternative treatments  and medications when needed.

Visit our office, by appointment only

Virtual visits by appointment only

Main Phone

If you’re struggling with a mental health problem—or just need to talk with someone—we can help. We offer treatment and support such as therapy, alternative treatments  and medications when needed.

Social work

Social workers are here to help Veterans, families and caregivers with almost any need, from help with finances or housing to questions about treatment to just feeling overwhelmed. We are here for you.

Visit our office, by appointment only

Virtual visits may be available

Social Worker

Social work is integral to health care. We can help you and your family manage stress-related problems due to injury or illness, and find VA community resources to meet your needs like:

  • Home health services
  • Legal services
  • Transportation
  • Community living


Social Work Associates

  • /3874


Community Based Outpatient Clinic Social Workers

  • Bemidji CBOC -


Patient Aligned Care Team - PACT is the cornerstone of the New Models of Care initiative that is intended to transform the way Veterans receive care. PACT assists VHA in transforming Veterans' care by providing patient-driven, proactive, personalized, team-based care focused on wellness and disease prevention resulting in improvements in Veteran satisfaction, improved healthcare outcomes, and costs. The PACT model is built on the well-known concept of the patient-centered medical home staffed by high-functioning teams.

  • Pain & PACT -
  • Fergus Falls & Williston CBOCs -
  • Devils Lake & Minot CBOCs -
  • Bismarck & Dickinson CBOCs -
  • Grand Forks & Grafton CBOCs -
  • Rural, Bemidji & Jamestown CBOCs -


Care Coordination and Integrated Case Management - A VA practice framework called Care Coordination and Integrated Case Management (CC & ICM) seeks to engage, coordinate, and collaborate with health care professionals and community partners. It’s designed to ensure comprehensive, Veteran-centered care that enhances access, health outcomes, and social and emotional well-being. The facility Care Coordination Review Team (CCRT) assigns lead coordinators to high-risk Veterans who frequently use VA care. With a lead coordinator, the Veteran doesn’t need to reach out to multiple providers. Instead, they can use their assigned Lead Coordinator to help them manage the many parts of their VA care.


Emergency Department Social Worker


Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP) - The VA’s Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP) is committed to helping Veterans, their partners, and VA staff who are impacted by IPV. 


Post 9/11 Military 2VA Transition and Case Management - Every VA medical center has a specialized Post-9/11 Military2VA (M2VA) team ready to welcome you as you transition from service member to Veteran. Your Post-9/11 M2VA team will assist you, your family, and caregivers in navigating the VA health care system and support you in achieving your health and wellness goals.


Advance Care Planning & Life-Sustaining Treatment Decisions Initiative (LSTDI) - If you become very sick or hurt and cannot speak for yourself, you can decide in advance the kinds of treatments you want by Completing an Advance Directive


Oncology/Renal Social Work

Suicide prevention

Call our Veterans Crisis Line at 988 and press 1 for free, private help anytime 24/7. Our local suicide prevention coordinators can also connect you with ongoing counseling and services.

Virtual visits may be available

If you're a Veteran who is thinking of hurting yourself—or you know a Veteran who’s considering this—we can help. Our Fargo VA Health Care System suicide prevention coordinators can get you the support you need. They work with our behavioral health providers and community organizations to assist Veterans who are managing emotional or mental health crises.

To connect with a Veterans Crisis Line responder anytime day or night:


The following is a list of contacts for the VA Fargo Suicide Prevention Program:

  • Suicide Prevention Coordinator(s) - /3370/3335/4142
  • Suicide Prevention Case Manager(s) - /4087
  • Suicide Prevention Community Engagement Program Coordinator -


Click here to view VA Fargo's Suicide Prevention Page


We work with behavioral health providers and community organizations to help you and your family during times of crisis. We offer:

  • Suicide prevention care coordinators
  • Suicide prevention case managers
  • Gun safety locks

Learn more and connect with a care coordinator



With VA telehealth, you can get care from your health providers without having to travel. Get checkups and treatment, talk about your care and more—from home or elsewhere.

Visit our office, by appointment only

Virtual visits by appointment only

We use the latest in secure digital technology to set up remote visits with our health care providers. We offer video conferencing, home telehealth services, and store-and-forward telehealth that lets you securely send your health information to experts at VA facilities. We offer telehealth visits with providers in:

  • Mental health
  • Retinal care (eye)
  • Bariatric surgery (visit remotely with your weight-loss surgery team before and after your operation)
  • Dermatology
  • Rehabilitation
  • Primary care
  • Cardiology
  • Diabetes Education
  • Chaplain Services
  • Compensation & Pension
  • Home Telehealth
  • Hospice
  • MOVE! Weight Management
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Nutrition
  • Oncology
  • Orthopedics
  • Palliative Care
  • Pharmacy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Pre/Post-Surgical
  • Pulmonary
  • Rheumatology
  • Speech
  • Social Services
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Spirometry
  • Substance Abuse
  • TeleRetinal Imaging
  • TeleAudiology
  • TeleWound
  • Teledermatology
  • Urology
  • Women's Health
  • CVT to Home (Computer, tablet or cellphone)
  • Genomics

Learn more about VA Fargo Connected Care

Learn more about telehealth


Below are a list of Points of Contact for Telehealth Services:

  • Fargo VAMC - /3974/2705/2702/2734
  • Schedulers - Ext. 3267/4424/4409/4449


Community Based Outpatient Clinics

  • Bemidji CBOC - /2253
  • Bismarck CBOC - /2247/2237
  • Dickinson CBOC -
  • Devils Lake CBOC -
  • Fergus Falls CBOC - /2238
  • Grafton CBOC -
  • Grand Forks CBOC - /2229
  • Jamestown CBOC -
  • Minot CBOC - /2626
  • Williston CBOC -
  • Lisbon Veterans Home -


Home Telehealth

  • /2714/2719/2716/2735/2702/3178/4208/3974

Women Veteran care

Common conditions: women's primary care, mental health, obstetrics, gynecology, pap smear, mammogram

We offer women’s health services to meet your specific needs such as disease screenings, mental health treatment, recovery from military sexual trauma, maternity care and female-specific medical equipment.

Visit our office, by appointment only

Virtual visits may be available

Main Phone

The Fargo VA Health Care System supports the health, welfare, and dignity of female Veterans and their families by ensuring equal access to timely, sensitive, and quality care. A Women Veterans Program Manager can help you get the services you need.

Our women's health program offers complete health care for women Veterans of all ages. Our primary care providers specialize in women’s health. They work closely with specialists in gynecology, obstetrics, female urology, oncology, medicine, radiology, surgery, and breast illness. Our services for women Veterans include:

  • Ultrasounds, mammograms, Pap and HPV tests
  • Mental health care and counseling
  • Lifestyle wellness services
  • Menopause treatment, including hormonal therapy
  • Family planning, contraceptive care, and infertility evaluation

Learn more and connect with a Women Veterans Program Manager

VA Fargo HCS Women Veterans Program Points of Contact

Call 1-855-VA-Women to access the VA Women Veterans Call Center

Wound care and ostomy

We provide thoughtful, compassionate diagnosis and treatment for Veterans with acute or chronic wounds or those who need ostomy care.

Visit our office, by appointment only

Virtual visits may be available

Main Phone

Healing your wounds is an important step in your recovery and rehabilitation. Our wound care team will assess your wound, determine where you are in the healing process, and provide a treatment plan for your care. If you’ve had ostomy surgery and are living with either a temporary or permanent stoma (a surgical opening to allow urine, feces, or body fluids to exit your body), we can help you manage the care of your stoma, make good product choices, and cope with the effects of ostomy surgery. We provide care and support for:

  • Open, non-healing, and hard-to-heal wounds
  • Localized incisions and infected or draining wounds
  • Bedsores (also known as pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers)
  • Amputations
  • Wounds or leaking seals around your stoma
  • Skin rashes


Wound Care Clinic:

Wound Care: /3846


Images of a wound are taken and uploaded for viewing by a provider at a remote location.



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