Volunteer or Donate
The Fargo VA Health Care System is always seeking the generosity of donors and Volunteers. The purpose of the Fargo VA Health Care System's Center for Development & Civic Engagement is to support our nation’s heroes by partnering with local service organizations, area businesses, and individuals from our community.

VA has many programs that you can volunteer your time with such as becoming a Volunteer Transportation Network Driver, greeting Veterans at the main entrance as a Red Coat Ambassador, or becoming part of the Compassionate Contact Corps by contacting socially isolated Veterans through phone calls. Your time commitment is up to you.
Volunteer opportunities are available for adults over the age of 18 and students who are at least 14 years old (summer youth program). Volunteers fill a number of vital roles to improve the overall health care experience for our nation’s Veterans.
- Visit our VolunteerMatch.org page to view open volunteer opportunities within the Fargo VA Health Care System.
- Contact one of the CDCE Specialists by calling
ext. 3395. Specialists can answer any potential volunteer questions and share new positions that may be approved in the future.
In order to qualify as a VA HCS volunteer, all applicants must complete a background check, tuberculosis test. These extra precautions help to ensure the safety or our Veterans, staff, and fellow volunteers.
During the onboarding process, volunteers will receive position-specific orientation and training to equip them with the skills they’ll need to be successful in their role. Each volunteer is asked to agree to a minimum 50-hour lifetime volunteering commitment before onboarding is complete.
Volunteer Programs
Red Coat Ambassador Program
Red Coat Ambassadors are volunteers, stationed throughout the Fargo VA Medical Center, who provide a positive, personal first impression for those visiting by helping them with questions, directions, and assistance.

Volunteer Transportation Network (Driver)
The Volunteer Transportation Network VTN is a system of transportation drivers operated by volunteers. This service is free of charge and transportation is available on a first come, first served basis to Veterans who do not have available transportation to and from their medical appointments at the VA medical center.
Compassionate Contact Corps
Volunteers provide telephone conversation to enhance the well-being and quality of life of lonely or socially isolated Veterans seeking connection.
Become A Volunteer
Contact the Fargo VA Health Care System Center for Development and Civic Engagement
at 701-239-3700 extension 3395 or email vhafarvol@va.gov to inquire about open positions. Schedule an appointment to complete the onboarding process. Please do not to move on to the next step until you have spoken to a Center for Development and Civic Engagement representative at the Fargo VA.
Complete the Volunteer Application, Form 10-7055.
Print and sign completed form.
Review the Volunteer Handbook
You will use the handbook found below to complete step four (4).
Complete the Volunteer Handbook Knowledge Quiz
Print and sign the completed quiz. Quiz file found below
Print and sign the VA Privacy Training:
Bring all completed documents to your appointment with Center for Development and Civic Engagement staff.
During your meeting, you will begin the process to obtain a Volunteer ID Badge (will include a background check), receive a blood draw to screen for exposure to Tuberculosis, receive a hospital tour, and meet with or schedule a time to meet with your assigned supervisor.
Items to bring to your appointment:
- Driver’s license
- One additional form of ID from the following list: Passport, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, Military ID, and an ID Card issued by a federal, state, or local government agency (or entity provided it contains a photograph).
- Volunteer Application, Form 10-7055
- Knowledge Quiz
- Statement of Commitment and Understanding
- Proof of influenza vaccination (if obtained outside of the VA). Volunteers are eligible to receive a free flu vaccine from the Fargo VA each year.
- Proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Volunteers are eligible to receive free COVID-19 vaccinations.
- Vehicle information to include license plate number, make, model, year, color, and number of doors in order to obtain a Volunteer Parking Lot pass.
Volunteer Transportation Drivers must complete New Driver Orientation in person. Contact your County Veterans Service Officer to initiate this process.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination (if received). Volunteers are eligible to receive free COVID-19 vaccinations. Unvaccinated volunteers must complete an exemption form.
Donations can be done by mail, online, or in person. 100% of donations are used to provide goods and services above and beyond the exceptional care that Veterans already receive through VA. Donors may choose to donate monetarily to various General Purpose Funds or materially to one of our select programs. To ensure that donations are properly acknowledged and used for their intended purpose, we ask that all gifts to Fargo VA HCS be coordinated through the Fargo VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement (CDCE). CDCE can be contacted at

Donation Methods:
The Fargo VA HCS can now accept monetary donations online via credit card or directly from your checking or savings account. Online donations are safe and secure, and you will be provided with immediate confirmation of your donation along with a receipt. To donate online, visit our E-Donate page.
When donating items in person, please contact us at
Your monetary (Check) and material donations (Gift Cards, etc.) can be mailed to:
Fargo VA HCS
CDCE (135)
2101 Elm Street N
Fargo, ND 58102
Monetary Donations:
To donate online, visit our E-Donate page.
If you would like to donate, please make your check out to "Fargo VA HCS" and include a note in the memo portion of the check identifying which fund you wish to support (see General Post Funds below).
General Post Funds
General Post Funds (GPF) were established to meet the needs of Veteran patients. Listed below are several of our most utilized funds.
- 8804-Veteran Emergency Needs Fund: used to support the emergency needs of homeless and indigent Veterans.
- 8001-General Purpose Fund: used to support the various needs of our Veteran patients.
- 8814- Women Veterans: Supports programs and events for women Veterans
- 8825: Suicide Prevention: Outreach items to spread awareness and connect with Veterans at risk
- 8806- Recreation: supports a variety of recreation activities, supplies and events, entertainers and community outings.
For a complete listing of all funds, please click the link below:

Through the generosity of donations to several of our different General Post Funds, the Fargo VA has provided a fish tank and plants to our inpatient Veterans. CDCE specialists are standing by to assist you in donating to any of the numerous General Post Funds at the Fargo VA.
Material Donations:

Comfort Items
Items for inpatient Veterans during their stay at the Fargo hospital to improve their experience and provide comfort.
On-Ear Headphones
Gift Cards (Used for Veterans in Need)
$20/$50 Walmart Gift Cards
- $20 Gas Station Gift Cards
- $20 Grocery Store Gift Cards (Hornbacher’s, Cashwise, Family Fare)
Suggested Donation Items
The following items are based on recurring Veteran request and need but may not be exhaustive. For the latest suggested donations list, please contact a Center for Development and Civic Engagement Specialist or check out our requested donations page on Amazon:
Fargo VA Health Care System Amazon Suggested Donation List
Sewn Items
- 60” X 80” Blankets or Comforters (no lap robes at this time, please)
- Walker-bags
- Wheelchair bags
Children's Activity Bags
Individual drawstring bags filled with items to keep children busy while they attend medical appointments with their Veteran guardians. Suggested items include activity books, crayons, stuffed animals, foam shapes, etc.

Clothing & Hygiene Items
Items for emergent needs at the Fargo hospital and homeless/at-risk Veterans.
- Paddle hairbrushes
- Deodorant (men and women)
- Chapstick
- Shaving Cream
- Full-size shampoo, conditioner, body-wash, and body/hand cream
- Winter coats (L, XL, or 2XL)
- Cold weather hats/caps (no knit or crocheted)
- Insulated gloves (L or XL)
- Sweatpants (S-3XL)
- Tee-shirts (S-3XL)
- Men’s underwear (S-2XL)
*Per facility policy, we cannot accept any used items*
Emergency food bags for at-risk and homeless Veteran
Contact Us
Fargo VA CDCE is committed to making sure your donation is used for the sole purpose of your intent. For any questions or additional information on volunteer positions or donations, please contact a Center for Development and Civic Engagement Specialist:
Fargo VA HCS
CDCE (135)
2101 Elm Street N
Fargo, ND 58102
Email: vhafarvol@va.gov