Pharmacy Residency Programs
The VA Maryland Health Care System (VAMHCS) offers a diverse curriculum with experiences in both acute and ambulatory care settings. Our yearly residency class consists of TWO PGY1 Pharmacy Practice residents and ONE PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy resident.
Class of 2024 – 2025 Recruiting Showcases:
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency:
Federal Pharmacy Virtual Recruitment Event - VAMHCS Residency Showcase Thursday, October 10, 2024, from 4pm – 6pm via Microsoft Teams
Maryland Society of Health-System Pharmacy (MSHP) Residency Showcase:
- Friday, October 18, 2024, from 430pm-600pm
- In person at the Sheraton Baltimore Washington Airport Hotel – BWI (1100 Old Elkridge Landing Rd, Linthicum, MD 21090)
- Maryland Society of Health-System Pharmacy (
ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting – New Orleans, LA
- Residency Showcase
- Tuesday December 10, 2024, 1pm-4pm
PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency:
VA Pharmacy Residency Showcase: Wednesday, October 9th AND Thursday, October[KP1] 10th, 2024 from 2pm – 4pm EST via Microsoft Teams
ACCP x SNPhA Residency Showcase: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 from 7pm-8pm EST via Microsoft Teams

Residency Class 2020-2021

Residency Class 2021-2022

Residency Class 2022-2023

Residency Class 2023-2024
About VAMHCS Pharmacy
The VA Maryland Health Care System (VAMHCS) is a multi-facility network of medical centers and clinics with a total of 579 operating beds and six outpatient clinics serving over 58,000 patients throughout the state of Maryland. The Medical Center in Baltimore serves as the main campus and includes acute care, surgical services, psychiatry, oncology, ambulatory care, long-term care and extensive teaching and research. The Pharmacy department includes close to 100 pharmacists and pharmacy technicians and provides 24/7 pharmacy services in Baltimore. Our health care system serves the diverse and unique health care needs of America’s veterans in Maryland by providing primary care, specialized care, and related medical and social support sources.
Unique Learning Opportunities
- At least one journal club and case presentation required
- ACPE-accredited pharmacotherapy rounds presentation
- Select teaching activities in conjunction with the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
- Teaching certificate program available through the National VA Pharmacy Residency Program Office (PRPO)
- Presentation of the results of a research, quality improvement, or service development project at a regional pharmacy conference such as Eastern State Residency Conference Eastern States Conference for Pharmacy Residents and Preceptors (project dependent on residency program goals and objectives)
Application Information
VA Employee Requirements
- U.S. citizenship
- Pre-employment background/security investigation
- Pre-employment physical exam and drug testing
- Doctor of Pharmacy degree (or equivalent)
- Full, current, and unrestricted license to practice pharmacy in a State, Territory, or Commonwealth of the U.S. or District of Columbia
- For PGY2 programs: Completion of an ASHP-accredited PGY1 pharmacy residency
- PGY1 Residency salary: $55,448
- PGY2 Residency salary: $59,289
- 11 paid Federal holidays, 13 accrued vacation and 13 accrued sick days, and paid leave to attend approved professional meetings
- Vacation and sick leave accrued at a rate of 4 hours per two-week pay period
- Health benefits are available at standard government contribution rates
- Dual appointment may be available for additional reimbursement
Application Process
- Applications will be accepted through PhORCAS™ (Pharmacy Online Residency Centralized Application Service) ONLY. PhORCASTM application must include: letter of intent stating career goals, curriculum vitae, three letters of reference (If PGY2, one required by the PGY 1 residency director), and official pharmacy school transcripts. Application deadline PGY1 Pharmacy is January 3, 2025. Application for PGY2 Ambulatory Care is November 7, 2024 for VA National Early Commitment (VANEC) and January 3, 2025 via ASHP National Match.
This program participates in the ASHP Residency Matching Program through the National Matching Service. The residency site agrees that no person at this site will solicit, accept, or use any ranking- related information from the residency applicant. Candidates will be notified of an interview no later than the second Friday of February. For additional information, please contact the Residency Program Director.
PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency
The VAMHCS PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program is accredited by American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) and is committed to the following general purpose:
Residents in PGY1 residency programs are provided the opportunity to accelerate their growth beyond entry-level professional competence in patient-centered care and in pharmacy operational services, and to further the development of leadership skills that can be applied in any position and in any practice setting. PGY1 residents acquire substantial knowledge required for skillful problem solving, refine their problem-solving strategies, strengthen their professional values and attitudes, and advance the growth of their clinical judgment. The instructional emphasis is on the progressive development of clinical judgment, a process begun in the advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPE) of the professional school years but requiring further extensive practice, self-reflection, and shaping of decision-making skills fostered by feedback on performance. The residency year provides a fertile environment for accelerating growth beyond entry-level professional competence through supervised practice under the guidance of model practitioners. Specifically, residents will be held responsible and accountable for acquiring the outcome competencies based on the 2024 ASHP Competency Areas, Goals, and Objectives including: Patient Care, Practice Advancement, Leadership, and Teaching and Education.
Program Description
The VAMHCS PGY1 program provides exceptional opportunity for Residents to progressively develop their clinical skills. This 52-week ASHP-accredited Program is designed to build on Doctor of Pharmacy education and outcomes to contribute to the development of clinical pharmacists responsible for medication-related care of patients with a wide range of conditions, eligible for board certification, and eligible for PGY2 pharmacy residency training. Residents will focus on optimization of pharmacotherapy, perform medication reconciliation, and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams. This residency places emphasis on clinical and distributive pharmacy services, using a comprehensive, hands-on, clinically focused approach. Through flexibility and opportunity, this program fosters a unique residency experience, serving a challenging and rewarding Veteran population. Most residents completing this program have been employed as Clinical Pharmacy Practitioners (CPPs) in the Veterans Affairs Health Care System.
The PGY1 resident will work closely with CPPs with advanced scopes of practice in multiple direct patient care areas, including but not limited to Acute Care, Ambulatory Care, and Long-Term Care. The VAMHCS is a teaching facility associated with the University of Maryland Medical Center, School of Medicine, and School of Pharmacy. PGY1 Pharmacy Residents will experience several learning experiences that involve teaching and interdisciplinary teams (IDT) that may include physician attendings, medical residents, medical students, CPPs, pharmacy students, nurses, social workers, case managers and others. The resident will be expected to become an integral part of the interdisciplinary patient care team assuming responsibility for drug therapy for multiple Veterans.
Program Structure
The PGY1 Pharmacy Residency program begins with Orientation and the Hospital Pharmacy experience (Inpatient and outpatient pharmacy training) followed by eight “block” learning experiences with numerous concurrent longitudinal requirements. Block learning experiences are 5-6 weeks long (dependent of calendar year).
Learning Experiences
- PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Orientation
- PGY1 Hospital Pharmacy: Includes Inpatient and Outpatient Pharmacy Training and Staffing requirement (1 weekend [16 hours] per month)
- PGY1 Internal Medicine I
- PGY1 Management
- PGY1 Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) Clinic
- PGY1 Acute Cardiology
- PGY1 Long Term Care
- TEACHING: Each PGY1 Resident will complete the VA Pharmacy Residency Program Office (VA PRPO) Teaching and Precepting Certificate Program with the participation in select teaching activities at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
- Journal Club (2), Case Presentation
- Pharmacotherapy Presentation (CE)
- PGY1 Longitudinal Residency Project with presentation of results at a regional pharmacy conference and final written report
ELECTIVES (Select 3):
- PGY1 Infectious Disease/Antimicrobial Stewardship
- PGY1 Academic Detailing
- PGY1 Acute Psychiatry
- PGY1 Home Based Primary Care (HBPC)
- PGY1 Pain Clinic/PGY1 Clinical Resource Hub (CRH) TelePain Clinic
- PGY1 Ambulatory Care Specialty block which may include:
- PGY1 Anticoagulation Clinic
- PGY1 Clinical Resource Hub (CRH) Tele-PACT Clinic
- PGY1 Cardiology Pharmacy Clinic
- PGY1 Oncology Clinic
- PGY1 Lipid CV Risk Reduction Clinic
- PGY1 Internal Medicine II
- Off-site, non-VA learning experiences (Based on preceptor availability and scheduling; requires MD license)
A Residency Development Plan (RDP) for each resident will be formulated upon entry into the program. Updates and changes will be addressed quarterly by the Residency Program Director and/or Program Coordinator. Following the ASHP Accreditation Standard for PGY1 Pharmacy Residency, this program includes the required 2024 ASHP Competency Areas, Goals, and Objectives for PGY1 Pharmacy Residencies. Resident performance will be documented electronically in PharmAcademic™.
Supplemental Information
PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency
The VAMHCS PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy is accredited by American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) is committed to the following general purpose:
Postgraduate Year 2 (PGY2) pharmacy residency programs build on Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) education and Postgraduate Year 1 (PGY1) pharmacy residency programs to contribute to the development of clinical pharmacists in specialized areas of practice. PGY2 residencies provide residents with opportunities to function independently as practitioners by conceptualizing and integrating accumulated experience and knowledge and incorporating both into the provision of patient care that improves medication therapy. Residents who successfully complete an accredited PGY2 pharmacy residency should possess competencies that qualify them for clinical pharmacist and/or faculty positions and position them to be eligible for attainment of board certification in the specialized practice area (when board certification for the practice area exists).
Program Description
The VAMHCS 52-week ASHP-accredited PGY2 Ambulatory Care Residency is designed to develop proficient ambulatory care practitioners with excellent practice skills and leadership abilities to establish new ambulatory care pharmacy programs.
The resident will be accountable for achieving optimal drug therapy outcomes as members of the health care team. They will exercise proficiency in communication and in educating other healthcare professionals, trainees, and patients on drug related topics. The resident will develop teaching skills by participating in teaching opportunities with affiliated Schools of Pharmacy. Leadership skills will be enhanced through pharmacy administration and research experiences. Residents will demonstrate professional maturity by following the VAMHCS pharmacy mission, monitoring their own performance, and exhibiting commitment to the profession.
The resident will work closely with clinical pharmacy practitioners (CPPs) with an advanced scope of practice as well as other practitioners in ambulatory care clinics. A major emphasis of the residency is providing direct patient care with the supervision from respective preceptors. Resident responsibilities on rotation include but are not limited to the following: obtaining a pertinent patient history, performing an accurate focused physical exam, assessing pharmacotherapeutic issues and implementing an appropriate pharmacotherapy plan, ordering labs, electronic documentation of progress notes, and providing accurate drug information to patients and other health care providers.
Required Learning Experiences:
PGY2 Orientation
PGY2 Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) learning experiences include:
PGY2 PACT Pharm Longitudinal
PGY2 PACT Pharm (various locations such as Baltimore, Perry Point, Eastern Baltimore County, Glenn Burnie, Fort Meade, Cambridge, Pocomoke, Loch Raven)
PGY2 Anticoagulation Clinic
PGY2 Diabetes Clinic
PGY2 Cardiology Clinic
PGY2 Women’s Health
PGY2 Hepatitis C E-Consults/Clinic
PGY2 Population Health Management
PGY2 PACT Practice Assessment and Health Analytics
PGY2 Clinical Pharmacy Administration
Other: PGY2 Ambulatory Care Research/Project, PGY2 Journal Club, PGY2 Case, PGY2 Pharmacotherapy Rounds
*Elective Learning Experiences:
PGY2 Pain Clinic
PGY2 Antimicrobial Stewardship
PGY2 Lipid Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Clinic
PGY2 Home Based Primary Care (HBPC)
PGY2 Rheum Gout Clinic
PGY2 Academic Detailing
VISN 5 Clinical Resource Hub (CRH) learning experiences include:
PGY2 VISN 5 CRH PACT, PGY2 VISN 5 CRH Pain, PGY2 VISN 5 CRH Mental Health, PGY2 VISN 5 CRH Diabetes Clinic
*Other learning experiences may be developed based on resident interest and preceptor availability
Program Structure
The PGY2 Ambulatory Care program is composed of an orientation period (2-4 weeks) and four separate blocks (~12 weeks each). Residents are scheduled to 5 to 6 half-day clinics/experiences per week with the remaining time available to fulfill other administrative residency responsibilities including research. The scheduled will be developed on an annual basis based on the resident’s prior experiences and interests, progress at quarterly meetings and preceptor availability. Block 1 typically focuses on primary care (PACT) and core ambulatory care learning experiences, while Block 4 consists mostly of specialty practices with at least one PACT clinic for continuity of care.
A Residency Development Plan (RDP) for each resident will be formulated upon entry into the program. Updates and changes will be addressed quarterly by the Residency Program Director and/or Program Coordinator. Following the ASHP Accreditation Standard for PGY2 Pharmacy Residencies, this program includes the required ASHP Competency Areas, Goals, and Objectives for PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy. Resident performance on each learning experience will be documented electronically in PharmAcademicTM.
Supplemental Information
Contact Information
Kate Perez, PharmD, BCGP
PGY 1 Residency Program Director
VA Maryland Health Care System
Pharmacy Service (119)
10 North Greene Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Katherine Sánchez Vega, PharmD, BCACP, MSCP
VAMHCS Women’s Health Pharmacy Coordinator
PGY 2 Residency Programs Director
VA Maryland Health Care System
Pharmacy Service (119)
10 North Greene Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Merid Belayneh, PharmD
PGY 2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency Program Coordinator
Eastern Baltimore County (EBC) VA Clinic
5235 King Avenue, Suite 200
Rosedale, MD, 21237