Fort Harrison VA Medical Center
***ADVISORY*** Our main facility phone number (VA Health Connect) is experiencing increased wait times for Veterans utilizing this 24/7 virtual care service. VA Health Connect represents the options available to help you access your health care (for example, rescheduling appointments, prescription needs, or speaking to a nurse) each time you dial your local VA facility number. We apologize for the inconvenience and the delays to answer calls from Veterans, caregivers and family members. We are working to resolve this issue.
Location and contact information
Phone numbers
Facility hours
Hours may vary for different services. Select a service on this page to check the hours.
- Mon: 24/7
- Tue: 24/7
- Wed: 24/7
- Thu: 24/7
- Fri: 24/7
- Sat: 24/7
- Sun: 24/7
Prepare for your visit
Select a topic to learn more.
Pre-Screening, Visitation and Mask Policy
Pre-screening is not required for Montana VA staff, contractors, patients, volunteers, and visitors.
Mask Wear is Optional, except in “High Risk” areas:
By direction of the VHA, anyone entering a VHA facility has the option to wear a mask indoors as long as they are not in a “High Risk” area or symptomatic.
High risk areas include:
• Infusion clinic and its waiting areas
• Emergency Department and its waiting areas
• Individual patient rooms in the ICU (staff and visitors only),
• The Community Living Center (staff and visitors only. Residents do not need to wear masks).
Signs indicating a “High Risk” area will be displayed.
Medical grade masks should be provided at each Montana VA “High Risk” location. All masks provided by MTVAHCS are FDA approved.
The Montana VA also requires any person with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection or other viral respiratory infection to wear a mask.
Mask Courtesy:
At Montana VA, we all share in the responsibility of keeping Veterans, staff, and visitors safe. If a patient or visitor asks for a Montana VA staff to wear a mask in a clinical setting, all employees are required to wear a mask..
Hours - 24/7
Lobby entrance: Emergency Department 24/7
General visiting: Inpatient Visitor Restrictions in Place
Updated December 29, 2021
Starting 12/29/2021, the below visitation policy is in effect:
- Inpatient Veterans must be COVID negative to receive visitors.
- Veterans who do not have COVID may have a maximum of two visitors at a time. Visitors must attest to completion of COVID-19 vaccination (2 shots of Pfizer or Moderna or 1 shot of J&J completed at least 2 weeks prior to current date).
- No visitors under the age of 18 are allowed on the inpatient units. Exceptions to this policy may only be granted by the attending physician as a written order in a patient’s chart. Charge nurse must also agree that the exception will not disrupt the routine care of other patients.
- Inpatient visiting hours will be daily from 12:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
- Visitors will have controlled access by entering only through the Emergency Department.
- Relevant family members coming for a patient discharge should be allowed to the bedside, regardless of the time, to facilitate the discharge process.
- Visitors must:
- Check-in and check-out with the AOD and attest to their vaccination status.
- Check-in at the nurses’ station.
- Always wear a medical grade face mask correctly (covering their nose, chin, and mouth) while inside a MTVAHCS facility. Cloth masks, gaiters, and face shields are not permitted.
- Wear a visitor badge at all times.
- Adhere to visiting hours.
- If asked to leave the premises, they must comply immediately.
- Understand that not following VA COVID guidelines and face covering requirements will result in immediate removal.
To reach patients or medical staff on the 4th floor, please contact the nurse’s station at
MTVAHCS General Policy for Allowing Visitors
- All visitors and authorized contractors are required to follow MTVAHCS’s COVID mitigation polices.
- Visitors must wear a medical grade face mask for the duration of the visit to the facility. The medical grade face mask must cover the nose, chin, and mouth. If the visitor is not able to follow the face mask requirement, they will be asked to leave the building. Face coverings must be medical grade. Gaiters, shields, or cloth masks are not permitted.
- Minors under the age of 18 years must follow CDC guidelines for masking and guidance. Minors over two years of age must wear a face mask.
- Visitors and caregivers are discouraged unless the person accompanying the Veteran is necessary for the care and transport of the patient.
- If a Veteran refuses to wear a mask, telephone or VVC should be offered. If a clinician determines the Veteran requires in-person care, offer a face shield. Ensure the Veteran may safely wait outside until they can be seen and leave as soon as the visit is completed. Staff interacting with the Veteran must use appropriate PPE.
Visitor Policy for RRTP/domiciliary/PTSD Unit
RRTP will allow residents to have visitors Monday through Friday from approximately 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the evening. On weekends, we will have identical visiting hours as the hospital which will be from 12:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
- Veterans are not allowed to miss programming for visitors.
- Veterans are not allowed to leave Ft Harrison Campus with visitors.
All visitors will be required to check in with the AOD at the front entrance near the Emergency Department.
- All Visitors will be screened by the AOD and given a wristband which indicates screening requirements were completed by the visitor.
- Visitors will then present to RRTP main entrance (Room 153)
- Nursing will let the Visitor in the main entrance, verify wrist band and reiterate expectations of staying masked
- Nursing will notify resident of visitor’s arrival.
- Masks are required for all, including those who decide to meet outside of the RRTP
- Options for meeting with Visitors
- Outside
- Main entrance
- RRTP Library as a back-up only
- If meeting outside no time restrictions other, then 4pm to 7pm.
- If meeting inside the RRTP, visitors must stay in front entrance area or library, they are not allowed to be past the nursing station.
- If meeting inside the RRTP, be conscious if there are other residents/visitors (more than one resident that may have visitor near the same time) that also want to meet inside. Letting a resident who is currently meeting with a visitor or has been for a while know that another resident is wanting to meet with visitor and give them an appropriate time frame of when they need to wrap up the visit or to finish the visit outside.
- Nursing Staff will continue to search bags of the visitors as has been the practice.
- If Visitors present to the RRTP main entrance without a wristband the visitor is to be redirected to the Hospital entrance next to the Emergency Department.
- Contact VA Police (Fort Harrison and Billings) or local authorities as needed.
For the health and well-being of a patient, the attending physician may limit, restrict, or deny visitation. We apologize for any inconvenience when this occurs, and appreciate your understanding that it may be medically necessary.
Cost: Free
Wheelchair availability: Fort Harrison VA Medical Center has wheelchairs available upon arrival for patients who need them to access the building.
Report an allegation of criminal activity
Contact the VA Police to report an allegation of criminal activity on VA property.
Fort Harrison: (406) 447-7911 EMERGENCY Line
(406) 447-7586 NON-Emergency Line
Van services for Veterans
DAV vans
Hours: Coming soon!
We work with Disabled American Veterans and county Veterans Affairs directors to provide transportation for Veterans and authorized caregivers to get to scheduled medical appointments.
Non-DAV van services
Many localities in the region provide other van services to Veterans.
Learn more about DAV and the other van services available in your county
Local transportation services
Fort Harrison Transit System
Hours: Coming soon!
Bus - Coming soon!
Other services
Coming soon!
Beneficiary travel
Beneficiary travel benefits include round-trip transportation from your home to the medical center, mileage reimbursement, or special mode transport.
Visitors are not permitted to stay overnight in the medical center itself. Here are some other options.
Nearby hotels
When booking, ask for the hospital rate. Many hotels have shuttle service to VA hospitals. Check with the hotel you’re staying at.
Hotel #1 - Coming soon!
NOTE: These links are provided for your convenience only. VA Montana Healthcare System does not endorse and is not responsible for the content on the linked web sites.
Visit Fort Harrison
The official tourism and promotion agency for Fort Harrison has up-to-date listings for area hotels, as well as activities, transportation, restaurants, shops and more. Visit Fort Harrison
Food and drink
Medical Center Canteen
Visitors are welcomed to eat in the medical center Canteen, which is located on the main floor of the Hospital. We offer hot and cold entrees, beverages and desserts.
Building 154
Main floor
Fort Harrison campus map
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. MT
Vending machines
Located around the corner from the retail store, available for your convenience 24 hours a day.
The Retail Store
We offer a full-service retail store with such products as electronics, cosmetics, toiletries, and clothing. The retail store is open to patients, staff, and caregivers, and is located on the main floor of the Hospital, adjacent to the Cafeteria. Purchases are tax-free.
Building 154
Main floor
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. MT
Building 154
Third floor
Room 3-2
Hours: 24/7
When you’re admitted, you can request or decline visits by a VA chaplain. Our chaplains provide spiritual, pastoral, and emotional care for you and your family, in accordance with your own beliefs and practices. This includes locating clergy or religious leaders in the community for needs that our chaplain staff cannot meet.
Interfaith chapel
The chapel is open to anyone at any time for quiet meditation and reflection. The chapel also hosts regularly scheduled services for many denominations.
Learn how to request chaplain services during your stay at VA Montana.
Use these maps to help you get around the campus.
Other services at VA Montana health care
Health services offered here
Select a topic to learn more.
Addiction and substance use care
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Telehealth serving all of Montana.
Residential Admissions Coordinator: 406-447-6025
Our residential facility helps Veterans deal with substance abuse, homelessness, mental health and unemployment through its therapeutic and educational programs like:
- Rehabilitation
- Health maintenance
- Community support
Learn more about our VA treatment programs
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Our specially trained doctors, called anesthesiologists, can help with your care before, during and after surgery. They will develop a plan for your care and safety, provide medicine to keep you comfortable during your operation, and help you manage your pain after surgery. Our services include:
- General anesthesia (intravenous drugs, inhaled gasses, or some combination) to keep you pain-free and in a sleep-like state during surgery or other medical procedures
- Regional anesthesia (injecting numbing drugs around nerves) to control pain in specific parts of your body during or after surgery
- Monitoring your breathing and vital body functions while you’re under anesthesia
- Working with the rest of your care team to manage your pain medications after your operation
- Coordinating care with your other healthcare professionals to facilitate a smooth transition from hospital to home
Common conditions: tinnitus, vertigo, hearing loss, vestibular conditions
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first. Referrals are required for Speech & Language appts.
Main Phone
Speech and Language
Service Hours
- Mon. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Tue. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Wed. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Thu. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Sat. Closed
- Sun. Closed
Average number of days to get an appointment
We’ll work with you to schedule an appointment with the shortest wait time. In some cases, we may schedule your appointment at another VA medical center or clinic, or refer you to a non-VA medical provider in your community. For urgent health issues, we offer same-day appointments, telehealth visits, or walk-in express care. Check with your local VA medical center to confirm availability of these services.
New patient
96 days
Existing patient
4 days
Current as of March 12, 2025
Our Audiology and Speech Pathology clinic provides diagnostic and rehabilitative services. We offer a full range of audiology and speech pathology services including:
- Hearing and tinnitus evaluations
- Selection, management, and repair of hearing aids and assistive listening devices
- Consultation and referral for cochlear implant and ossia-integrated services
- Speech therapy services including language, fluency, voice, cognitive communication, swallowing, stuttering and laryngectomy.
Learn more about VA hearing aids
Blind and low vision rehabilitation
Common conditions: macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, glaucoma, corneal diseases, retinitis pigmentosa, uveitis, stroke, injury-related vision loss
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Our low vision outpatient clinic can assess your needs and provide a rehab plan tailored to your personal goals. Our team of specialists and social workers will work with you to find the right aids and services. Our clinic services include:
- Comprehensive eye exams
- Visual skills assessments
- Guidance on how to develop visual motor and perceptual skills
- Training to help you manage daily activities with your vision loss
COVID-19 vaccines
Common conditions: coronavirus, COVID-19
Your VA health care team will contact you if you’re eligible to get a vaccine during this time. As the supply of vaccine increases, we'll work with our care teams to let Veterans know their options.
Main Phone
Main Phone
- COVID-19 vaccines for eligible Veterans and staff
Cancer care
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
If you’re diagnosed with cancer, our team will work with you, your primary care doctor, and other health care providers to develop a specialized treatment plan. We offer personal, compassionate, and expert care, with services like:
- Surgical removal of tumors and other cancerous tissue
- Immunotherapy, which helps your body’s natural defenses destroy cancer cells
- Chemotherapy, which uses powerful drugs to fight cancer
- Radiotherapy, which uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors
- Palliative care, to reduce pain and control other symptoms and side effects, like nausea
Caregiver support
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
If you’re a caregiver for a Veteran, you can get support by contacting one of our caregiver support coordinators. If the Veteran you care for was injured post-9/11, you may be eligible for even more services, including a stipend to help with expenses, training, and medical coverage if you aren’t already covered. For all caregivers, we can:
- Help you get caregiver assistance available through VA
- Provide progressive needs planning to help you manage degenerative conditions
- Match you with services and benefits
- Connect you with local resources and programs
- Listen to you when you struggle
- Provide you with additional help at home
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Chiropractic care restores, improves, and maintains your function, activity, and health. We work with your primary care doctor and other specialty care providers to provide a complete health care plan for you. We offer many treatments, like:
- Spinal manipulative therapy to relieve pressure on your joints, reduce inflammation, and improve nerve function
- Electrical stimulation therapy, which reduces pain by sending mild electrical pulses through your skin to help stimulate injured muscles or manipulate nerves
- Soft-tissue mobilization, which uses gentle pressure or massage to relax tense muscles, reduce scar tissue, or stretch connective tissue
Dental/oral surgery
Common conditions: teeth cleaning, fillings, restorations, root canal, bridges, dental implants, dentures
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
If you’re eligible for VA dental care, we offer a full range of quality dental services like:
- Routine exams and teeth cleaning
- Restorative procedures, including fillings and crowns
- Comprehensive surgical care, including extractions (pulling teeth) and oral cancer screening
- Routine and advanced prosthodontic care, including bridges, dentures, and dental implants
- Routine and advanced periodontal care, including root canals, gum treatments, and supporting bone care
- Oral and facial reconstruction surgery to repair damage from traumatic injury or serious illness
Emergency care
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
- Mon. 24/7
- Tue. 24/7
- Wed. 24/7
- Thu. 24/7
- Fri. 24/7
- Sat. 24/7
- Sun. 24/7
We provide emergency medical care 24 hours a day, every day. Our emergency room staff can help you with:
- Life-threatening illnesses and injuries that require immediate attention
- Urgent medical issues that must be treated right away
- Psychiatric evaluations
Mission Act will cover you at non-VA Emergency Rooms. You must call 1-844-724-7842 or email within 72 hours of receiving care.
Access health care with VA Health Connect 24/7 by phone or chat
VA Health Connect and VA Health Chat make it easier for Veterans to access the right care, right now for urgent health care concerns.
Connect with VA health care providers without traveling to a VA facility. Just call or tap the app to start accessing health care from wherever you are.
By contacting VA Health Connect's clinical contact centers, you can easily:
- Schedule, confirm, or cancel your primary care appointments.
- Speak with a nurse about your medical or health-related questions.
- Talk to a medical provider about an urgent or developing medical issue via phone or video.
- Refill, request medication renewals, and check on the status of your medications with the help of our pharmacy professionals.
Learn more about VA Health Connect >
Phone: 406-442-6410
Common conditions: acid reflux, fatty liver, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, diarrhea, cancer screening
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Average number of days to get an appointment
We’ll work with you to schedule an appointment with the shortest wait time. In some cases, we may schedule your appointment at another VA medical center or clinic, or refer you to a non-VA medical provider in your community. For urgent health issues, we offer same-day appointments, telehealth visits, or walk-in express care. Check with your local VA medical center to confirm availability of these services.
New patient
18 days
Existing patient
5 days
Current as of March 12, 2025
We diagnose and treat medical conditions in your esophagus, stomach, intestines, colon, and other parts of your digestive system. We can also test and treat other organs, like your liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. Our gastroenterology department provides services like:
- Colonoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), which use an endoscope (a long, flexible tube with a small camera on the end) that lets us examine your digestive system
- Manometry study, which tests how well your esophagus is working
Common conditions: memory problems, sleep problems, falls, bone loss, weight loss
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Home Based Primary Care
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
We assess your situation and condition to decide which outpatient geriatric services are right for you or a senior Veteran in your care, and then we coordinate your care. Our team of specialists provides geriatric services that include:
- Home Based Primary Care
- Community Nursing Home - 406-447-7740
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Our gynecologists focus on the female reproductive system and provide services that include:
- Mammograms for breast cancer, screenings for sexually transmitted disease, and Pap tests for cervical cancer
- Counseling and treatment for contraception, pregnancy, and infertility
- Osteoporosis screening for brittle bones
- Exams for abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, or various cancers
- Primary care checkups
Homeless Veteran care
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, we can help.
We help Veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless including those facing financial hardship, unemployment, mental health, and substance use barriers, and those navigating the legal system. Contact a VA Montana homeless program office to get help with:
- Food and shelter care
- Transitional and permanent housing
- Job training and employment services
- Justice system navigation
- Community resources and referrals
LGBTQ+ Veteran care
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
LGBT Veteran care
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
We promote the health, welfare, and dignity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ+) Veterans and their families. We focus on ensuring a safe, welcoming, and affirmative environment when providing you with sensitive and high-quality health care services like:
- Hormone therapy
- Substance use and alcohol treatment
- Testing and treatment for HIV and STIs (sexually transmitted infections)
- Mental health care
- Psychosocial assessments for gender-confirming surgeries and hormone therapy
Laboratory and pathology
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
- Mon. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Tue. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Wed. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Thu. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Sat. Closed
- Sun. Closed
Our laboratories provide a full range of clinical and diagnostic testing services. Our laboratory and pathology services include:
- Study of blood, urine, and other bodily fluids for illness management
- Testing for infectious diseases
- Cytopathology (study of unusual cells) and surgical pathology (study of tissue removed during surgery)
- Autopsy services
Mental health care
Common conditions: addiction, depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, OCD
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Telehealth serving all of Montana.
Residential Admissions Coordinator: 406-447-6025
Our medical center and clinics provide consultation, evaluation, and treatment for a range of issues that may impact your mental health or emotional well-being. Our confidential outpatient services include individual and group therapy for:
- Psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression
- Marriage and relationship problems
- Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Anxiety, addictive behaviors and personality disorders
- Aggressive or self-harming behaviors
Learn more and connect with a care coordinator
Minority Veteran care
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
If you’re a minority Veteran, we can help you get the services and benefits you need. Our Minority Veterans Program serves all Veterans who are African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, and Native American (including American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Island Americans). We work to:
- Help the medical center address minority Veterans’ needs
- Meet minority Veterans’ needs in the local community
- Identify barriers and create a more accessible environment for minority Veterans
- Inform minority Veterans of VA benefits, services, and programs
My HealtheVet coordinator
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
My HealtheVet Coordinator
My HealtheVet Coordinator
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
My HealtheVet is a web-based tool you can use to manage your care and improve your health from your computer or mobile device. You can access your personal health records and use tools to manage your care through our My HealtheVet online system. You can also use My HealtheVet to refill your prescriptions, track appointments, and read informative health articles. If you need help using My HealtheVet, contact our coordinator by phone at 406-447-7437 or by email at
With My HealtheVet, you can:
- Ask questions and exchange secure online messages with your VA health care team
- Check your lab and test results
- Refill your prescriptions, track delivery and view a list of your medications
- Keep track of your VA medical appointments and get email reminders
- View, download, or print a copy of your VA medical records
- Enter or update your personal information
Learn more and register for My HealtheVet
Helpful videos
Common conditions: cognitive disorders, epilepsy, headache, motor neuron diseases, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, stroke
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
We provide inpatient and outpatient services for chronic diseases and disorders that affect your brain, spine, and the nerves that connect them. Our neurologists read electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings, which measure the electrical impulses brain cells use to communicate with each other. We evaluate and treat many neurological illnesses and disorders such as:
- Neuropathy (nerve damage), myelopathy and other spinal cord injuries, and radiculopathy (pinched nerves)
- Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis
- Stroke, dementia, and degenerative diseases
- Other neurological conditions
Nutrition, food, and dietary care
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Nutrition and food service
Nutrition and food service
Nutrition, food, and dietary care
Nutrition, food, and dietary care
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Our registered dietitians can help you maintain or improve your health with good nutrition tailored to your needs. Through group, individual and telehealth sessions, we provide nutrition education and counseling in areas such as:
- Cardiovascular and heart health
- Chronic kidney disease
- Diabetes (including gestational diabetes)
- Eating disorders and digestive health
- Pregnancy and postpartum nutrition
- Weight management
Common conditions: cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
We offer comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment for eye-related illnesses, injuries and other issues. Our ophthalmology services include:
- Medical care for glaucoma, eye infections and other conditions
- Surgery for cataracts, traumatic eye injuries and other problems
- Treatment for eye conditions related to illnesses like diabetes or arthritis
- Plastic surgery to repair droopy eyelids, clear blocked tear ducts, and perform eyelid and facial reconstruction (oculoplastics)
Common conditions: arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, tendon repair, ligament repair, joint replacement
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
We use surgical and nonsurgical means to treat illnesses and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, which includes your bones, muscles, joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissue. We treat conditions like:
- Musculoskeletal trauma
- Degenerative illnesses
- Sports injuries
Palliative and hospice care
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Palliative and hospice care
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Our palliative and hospice care services support you and your family as you cope with a life-threatening or terminal illness. Palliative care works to provide comfort, reduce suffering and improve the quality of life for patients being treated for serious illnesses. Hospice care focuses on helping patients with terminal illnesses to manage the final stages of their lives. Our palliative and hospice care services include:
- Pain and symptom management
- Emotional, spiritual and psychosocial support for you and your family
- Help with practical issues that include an advance directive (living will), health care power of attorney, funeral arrangements, and applying for VA death and burial benefits
- Education to help you and your family make informed health care decisions and know what to expect as your health declines
- Bereavement care to help surviving family members during the grieving process
Patient advocates
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Our patient advocates work hard to make sure you receive the best possible care at our health care facilities. They can:
- Help you get answers or address concerns with your care team
- Advocate for patient and family rights
- Serve as advocates for minority Veterans, women Veterans and Veterans with disabilities
- Offer specialized help to former prisoners of war and Veterans transitioning from Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation New Dawn (OND)
Appointments not needed for pharmacy
Pharmacy (toll free)
Service Hours
- Mon. 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- Tue. 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- Wed. 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- Thu. 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- Sat. Closed
- Sun. Closed
Our pharmacy provides you and other Veterans with convenient, efficient service to make it easy to get your medications and medical supplies. You can:
- Pick up new prescriptions in person
- Refill prescriptions online at My HealtheVet, or by phone or mail
- Safely dispose of medicines
Physical therapy, occupational therapy and kinesiotherapy
Physical therapy, occupational therapy and kinesiotherapy can help restore movement and function if you have been disabled by injury or disease.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Care by location
- Physical Therapy – Fort Harrison, David J Thatcher VA Clinic (Missoula), Benjamin Steele VA clinic (Billings), Miles City CBOC.
- Occupational Therapy – Fort Harrison, Benjamin Steel VA clinic (Billings)
- Pelvic Health PT – Fort Harrison
- Cardiac Rehab – Fort Harrison
- Assisted Mobility – Fort Harrison
Care we provide at VA Montana health care
If you’re living with or recovering from an injury, illness, or chronic condition that limits your mobility and independence, we can help. Our physical, occupational, and movement therapists combine therapeutic exercise, counseling, education, and training to help you improve your health and quality of life. Our services include:
- Pain relief and joint mobilization
- Movement and exercise therapies to improve your strength, endurance, balance, and coordination
- Mobility assessment and training with wheelchairs, scooters, and walking devices
- Life skills training and activities to help you maintain the highest level of independence and functionality
- Evaluation and treatment for a wide range of medical, orthopedic, psychosocial, and neurological conditions
- Outpatient/inpatient physical therapy
- Certified hand therapy
- Lymphedema treatment
- Drivers assessment
Common conditions: arthritis, bunions, diabetic foot care, foot deformities, skin conditions, nail conditions
Our podiatry specialists evaluate and treat a wide range of injuries, diseases and disorders that affect your feet and ankles—from ingrown toenails to inflammation to diabetic foot ulcers.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
After years of walking, running, marching, jumping, rappelling and parachuting, many Veterans experience trouble with their feet and ankles. We can help treat those problems so you can continue to enjoy an active lifestyle. Our podiatry services include:
- Arthritis care for inflamed, swollen or damaged joints
- Foot and ankle fracture treatment: repair of cartilage, torn tendons and ligaments
- Injections to reduce pain and swelling
- Joint arthroplasty (surgical repair or reconstruction) and replacement
- Minimally invasive surgery and post-surgical rehabilitation
- Foot health maintenance procedures (bunion removal, resurfacing and nail trimming)
- Diabetic Foot Care & Wound Care
Primary care
Your VA primary care provider will work closely with you to plan for all the care you need to stay healthy and well throughout your life, including immunizations and vaccinations. They will also work with family members or caregivers who support you.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
A strong network of family and internal medicine specialists and services can offer you the best possible care. Internal medicine doctors (internists) prevent, diagnose and treat adult diseases. Doctors who specialize in family medicine provide primary health care to the entire family. Your primary care team can coordinate the many services you receive such as:
- Labs and blood work
- Mental health care
- Womens health care
- Radiology
- Social services
- Telehealth
Prosthetics and rehabilitation
We provide and help you use medical aids, hearing aids, state-of-the-art adaptive home equipment and other equipment to help you preserve and increase your mobility and independence.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Outpatient Clinic
Building 154Rehabilitation and prosthetics
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
VA is the world’s largest and most comprehensive provider of sensory aides and prosthetic devices. Veterans enrolled in the VA health care system and referred by a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician can receive a full range of services and equipment like:
- Artificial limbs and surgical implants, including artificial joints and pacemakers
- Wheelchairs and other medical devices
- Aids for Veterans who are blind, have low vision or are hearing impaired
- Adaptive equipment and modifications to make your vehicle or home more accessible
- Other devices and services to help increase your mobility, dignity and independence
- Clothing allowance for Veterans with devices that damage their clothing
Recreation and creative arts therapy
We offer a wide range of activities (arts and crafts, games, sports, exercise) that we can adapt to your needs.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Recreation Therapy
Service Hours
- Mon. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Tue. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Wed. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Thu. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Sat. Closed
- Sun. Closed
Our therapies help you to increase independence by providing you with modalities to overcome your physical, mental, emotional or social barriers to improve your quality of life. Veterans can ask their primary health care provide, mental health care provider or a licensed independent provider for a referral to Recreation Therapy, after the referral is made a Recreation Therapist will meet with the Veteran to provide goals, objectives and a treatment plan.
- Adaptive sports training
- Outdoor recreation
- Indoor recreation
- Social programs
- Creative Arts- painting, creative writing and more
- Recreation and Leisure assessment and counseling
- National special sports and art programs
Recreation Therapy: 406-447-7759
Rehabilitation and extended care
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
We provide long-term care to help you and your family when you’re dealing with a disability, chronic (long-lasting) illness, terminal illness or serious health issues related to aging. Our long-term health care services include:
- 24/7 nursing and medical care
- Physical therapy
- Help with daily tasks like bathing, dressing, making meals and taking medicine
- Pain management and palliative care to relieve suffering and improve quality of life for people with serious illnesses
- Hospice care to provide comfort and compassionate care for people in the last phases of an incurable illness
- To learn more about the different types of extended care that VA provides, see our guide to long-term services and support.
Learn more about VA long term care
Returning service member care
If you’re returning from military service, we can help you readjust to civilian life and get started with VA health care. We can also help connect you with programs like mental health services and education and career counseling.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Returning service member care
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
We can help you re-adjust to civilian life if you’re returning from military service, on active duty, or an activated National Guard or Reserve member. Talk to one of our care coordinators about how to best use your health care benefits.
- Polytrauma care (if you have multiple traumatic injuries)
- Counseling and rehabilitation
- Mental and behavioral health services
- Family benefits counseling and assistance
- Referral assistance
Social work
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Social work is integral to health care. We can help you and your family manage stress-related problems due to injury or illness, and find VA community resources to meet your needs like:
- Home health services
- Legal services
- Transportation
- Community living
Spinal cord injuries and disorders
If you have a spinal cord injury or disorder, our specialists provide coordinated care throughout your life. We work to help you achieve your goals for independence, productivity and quality of life.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
VA has the nation’s largest system of care for spinal cord injuries and disorders. We provide a convenient, connected network of experts to care for you during each phase of your life. Our experienced primary care providers are trained to check for problems unique to spinal cord injuries.
- Pressure ulcers
- Pneumonia
- Blood clots
- Bladder and sexual issues
- Constipation and other gastrointestinal problems
- Sexual issues
Learn more about the VA spinal cord injuries and disorders care system
Suicide prevention
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Suicide prevention
Service Hours
- Mon. 24/7
- Tue. 24/7
- Wed. 24/7
- Thu. 24/7
- Fri. 24/7
- Sat. 24/7
- Sun. 24/7
We work with behavioral health providers and community organizations to help you and your family during times of crisis. Additional services include but are not limited to:
- Suicide prevention care coordinators
- Suicide prevention case managers
- Community Engagement and Partnership Coordinators
- Gun safety locks
If you are having surgery, we make sure that your procedure and follow-up care are safe and high-quality.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
We provide a wide range of surgical services, like:
- General surgery
- Anesthesia
- Orthopedic surgery (bones, muscles, ligaments, joints, and tendons)
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
We use the latest in secure digital technology to set up remote visits with our health care providers. We offer video conferencing, home telehealth services, and store-and-forward telehealth that lets you securely send your health information to experts at VA facilities. We offer telehealth visits with providers in:
- Mental health
- Retinal care (eye)
- Bariatric surgery (visit remotely with your weight-loss surgery team before and after your operation)
- Dermatology
- Rehabilitation
- Primary care
- Audiology
- Neurology
- Nephrology
- Pharmacy Services
- Social Work Services
- Substance Abuse
- Speech
- Rheumatology
- Pacemaker Clinic
- Dental
- And, more!
Learn more about telehealth
Common conditions: prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, urinary disorders
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
We evaluate, diagnose, and treat a wide range of urology diseases and conditions that include kidney stones, erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence, prostate cancer and more. We provide you with medical care, surgery, and minimally invasive procedures for health issues that affect:
- Kidneys
- Bladder
- Ureter and urethra
- Male reproductive organs
Women Veteran care
Common conditions: women's primary care, mental health, obstetrics, gynecology, pap smear, mammogram
We offer women’s health services to meet your specific needs such as disease screenings, mental health treatment, recovery from military sexual trauma, maternity care and female-specific medical equipment.
Contact us to schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment. If a referral is required, you’ll need to contact your primary care provider first.
Main Phone
Main Phone
Service Hours
The service hours are the same as our facility hours.
Our women's health program offers complete health care for women Veterans of all ages. Our primary care providers specialize in women’s health. They work closely with specialists in gynecology, obstetrics, female urology, oncology, medicine, radiology, surgery, and breast illness. Our services for women Veterans include:
- Ultrasounds, Mammograms, Pap and HPV tests
- Mental health care and counseling
- Lifestyle wellness services
- Menopause treatment, including hormonal therapy
- Family planning, contraceptive care, and infertility evaluation
Learn more and connect with a Women Veterans Program Manager