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Melanoma Skin Cancer Screening | East Orange VA Medical Center

Melanoma Skin 
Cancer Screening

Melanoma Skin Cancer Screening | East Orange VA Medical Center


Thu. Jun 20, 2024, 9:30 am – 11:30 am ET


A-level, Blue clinic

385 Tremont Avenue

East Orange, NJ



Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, but it's also one of the most preventable and treatable if caught early. That's why East Orange VA Medical Center is holding a special melanoma skin cancer screening event on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

This event is open to all Veterans and VANJHCS employees by appointment only.

Event Details

Date: Thursday, June 20, 2024

Time: 9:30am-1130am

Location: A-level, Blue clinic, East Orange Medical Center

To make an appointment, please contact the Dermatology department at 973-676-1000 ext. 20-2285.

The Importance of Skin Cancer Awareness

Melanoma is a dangerous form of skin cancer that can spread to other parts of the body if not detected early. Regular screenings are crucial because they can identify suspicious spots that might develop into melanoma. Early detection significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and can save lives.

Why Attend a Screening?

  • Early Detection: Catching melanoma early can lead to more effective treatment.
  • Professional Evaluation: Dermatologists can identify and evaluate moles or spots that might be concerning.
  • Peace of Mind: Regular check-ups can reassure you about your skin health.

Skin cancer does not discriminate; it affects individuals of all skin tones and ages. By participating in this screening event, you are taking an essential step towards protecting your health.

Don't wait—make your appointment today and take control of your skin health. Remember, early detection saves lives.

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