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Dental general practice residency program

A VA New Jersey Health Care System residency offers advanced comprehensive clinical dentistry. This residency provides experience in treating challenging cases in a diverse inpatient and outpatient population.

General Practice Residency Program

Application due: November 1, 2024

For more information, please contact:

Michael Ferrara, D.D.S.

GPR Program Director




2020-2021 Dental Residents

The program consists of advanced clinical dentistry, including preventative, periodontal, operative, fixed and removable prosthodontics, endodontics, implants, and general oral surgery procedures. The residency begins July 1 and lasts a full year. Upon successful completion, the resident will receive a certificate which is registered with the American Dental Association.

Our purpose is to provide the opportunity and environment for graduate dentists to enhance and perfect the skills and knowledge gained in dental school. This residency will emphasize general dentistry and provide education and patient care experiences involving the management of patients with a wide range of medical conditions in both the ambulatory and inpatient setting.

This hospital-based training program will broaden the residents’ knowledge of oral and systemic diseases. It will offer an opportunity to work with other health professionals in the hospital setting and broaden clinical exposure to medically compromised patients. The residency will enable the graduate of this program to serve their community by providing them with the knowledge and skills to meet the needs of special patients.