Top Stories at the New Mexico VA Health Care System
For many people, everyday life can be both joyful and stressful.

On January 14, 2025, the New Mexico VA Health Care System hosted an impactful in-person and live-streamed Town Hall event for Veterans, their families, and caregivers from across the region.

The New Mexico VA Medical Center recently launched its inaugural Free Food Distribution, a significant initiative designed to provide essential nourishment to Veterans, their families, and local community members facing food insecurity.

The New Mexico VA recently took part in an initiative known as Faces of Service, a nationwide VA campaign aimed at honoring and recognizing all Veterans who have selflessly served our country.

The thirteenth annual VA2k took place on May 17, 2023, at USS Bullhead Park under partly cloudy skies with perfect springtime temps, making this the ideal outdoor event of the year.

On February 3, 2023, a renaming ceremony took place at the Raymond G. Murphy Medical Center’s chapel.

Observed each year, in January, on the third Monday of the month, Martin Luther King Day is the only federal holiday designated as a national-day-of-service and encourages all Americans to volunteer to help improve their communities.

Army Vietnam Veteran and native New Mexican, George Herman-Salas creates bronze sculptures, paints and creates metal art centered around his military experiences and New Mexico history.

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