Brooklyn Child Care Incorporated (BCCI)
It is the mission of Brooklyn Child Care to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which we can meet the individual needs of all learners in our community including our students, families, and staff.
***For information about BCCI's Summer Camp Program, please see the last three documents at the bottom of this page***
All Are Welcome!
We are a small NAEYC Accredited, Non-profit, NYC Department of Health permitted school with 2 classrooms for children ages 2 to 5 years old. We have private “Summer Enrichment” camp in July and August. We have extended day program from 7:30 am to 5 pm. We have “Free UPK for all” 3K and 4K from 8:30 am to 2:50pm from September to June for 176 days.
*****We are on Federal Property and we all must follow their laws and policies*****
Please show your ID and Daycare pass when requested by the VA Police
Link to our Facebook
New York 1 video
VA Child Care Subsidy Program (VA CCSP)
The Office of Human Resources Management VA Child Care Subsidy Program Service is administering the child care subsidy program.
Employees who are interested in participating in the VA Child Care Subsidy Program must contact their local servicing Human Resources (HR) office or CCSP Staff for additional program information and/or guidance.
For more information, please visit

BCCI seeks to be an outstanding provider of children’s educational and social development to the children of VA Staff and the community, by offering a variety of educational, cultural, and interactive programs catering to both the group and individual child’s needs.
At Brooklyn Child Care, we believe that children learn best through play and invite 3-year-old to five year old children to learn through active exploration of their environment and through meaningful interactions with their peers and adults. Our program focuses on the developing needs of the whole child so that his/her social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs can be met.
We place emphasis on assisting children and their families as they make the initial entry to the school environment and believe that this effort helps set a positive foundation for ongoing successful school experiences. We warmly welcome and embrace children from all backgrounds and recognize that each child’s family and culture play a vital role in their development.
Parents play an integral role at Brooklyn Child Care, holding board positions, participating in fundraising, and writing for our quarterly newsletter, Tot off the Press. Together we share in making important decisions.
We strive to meet the individual needs of our families and strengthen community relations through ongoing workshops, meetings, and celebratory gatherings. At Brooklyn Child Care, we believe that teachers need to be life-long learners to offer their students optimal care and the finest experiences. We encourage and support the growth of our staff through ongoing professional development and seek to provide many opportunities to engage in collaboration with peers, reflection, and learning.
Brooklyn Child Care Inc. is a child-oriented center that focuses on the whole child. We use the Creative Curriculum as the framework for our learning as it is consistent with our beliefs, and it addresses the central aspects of child development.
We look at the child’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs. The cornerstone of our program is respect. The children see the respectful way the teachers interact with them and each other. They learn respect for the environment, each other and themselves.
Brooklyn Child Care Inc. is a child-oriented center that focuses on the whole child. We look at the child’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs. The cornerstone of our program is respect. The children see the respectful way the teachers interact with them and each other. They learn respect for the environment, each other and themselves.
- Diapers/pull ups (If needed)
- Indoor school and outdoor Velcro Shoes
- Wipes
- Change of clothes (2 pairs pants/ 2 socks/ 2 underwear/2 shirts)
- Sunscreen
- Bug spray
- Diaper cream (if needed)
- Box of tissues
- Fitted toddler bed sheet
- Blanket for rest time in a bag (Not plastic bag)
TUITION 2023 - 2024
Tuition is to be paid on the first of each month unless other arrangements have been made prior with the director. If payment is not made after 5 days and no other arrangement has been made with the director, a late fee of $25 will be added to your tuition. After 10 days a late fee of $50 will be added to your tuition. VA employees please apply for a subsidy to support your tuition payment.
We have FREE 3K and 4K in our program from 8:30 am to 2:50pm for 176 days. We do not follow all Public-School Holidays. See the attached schedule.
September 5th 2024, starts FREE 3K and UPK for all at 8:30am to 2:50pm
Extended day program begins on September 5th at 7:30am to 5:00 pm. Tuition for extended day is: $486.00 per month.
To enroll in “Extended day program” please follow these steps:
1. Annual $200.00 Fundraising Fee is for every family.
2. The Payment of $200.00 Registration Fee (is for New family enrollment only) are non-refundable and non-negotiable tee shirt fee (paid one time) $10.00 is a total of $410.00 which is due by September 1st.
3. Return this form and payment to the director by September 1st, to secure your enrollment in our extended day program
Child Name_______________________ Print Parent Name: _____________________
Check #_____________ Check amount: ___________________
Check the boxes below for the tuition you are paying.
Registration fee/t-shirt (New Family only) September /June Fundraising fee
$210.00 $486.00/ $486.00 $200.00
Re-enrollment registration fee (if you take your child out without tuition payment) $200.00. SEE HANDBOOK FOR MORE DETAILS ON OUR WEBSITE OR CALL US ANYTIME AT 718-630-2831
To enroll in our school please follow the steps below:
1. Please read our handbook
2. Please take your child to the doctor for a yearly physical. Use the form below for your doctor to fill out.
3. Print out and fill out all the following forms. Hand them to your child’s teacher before your child’s first day of school.
4. Student forms:
_______1. Registration form Cover letter
_______2. Medical
_______3. Health Record [ white form]
_______4. Registration form
_______5. Authorization to pick up your child
_______6. Getting to know your child
_______7. Late fee notice
_______8. Parent agreement of Handbook Policies
_______9. Video/ recording/ Security/ Facebook consent form
_______10. DOE consent to photograph
_______11. Privacy Act
_______12. Emergency Procedure
_______13. Evacuation Procedures
_______14. CACFP NYS Food Program Income Eligibility
_______15. Tuition Rates (This Changes every year)
_______16. Nap/ Rest time permission
_______17. VA Drop Off and Pick Up Rules
_______18. Parent involvement
_______19. Release permission form
_______20. Genie potty use permission
_______21. Daily Health Check policy
_______22. Tuition Agreement COVID
_______23. Mask policy
_______24. Sunscreen and Insect repellant Permission
_______25. Infectious Disease policy stay home for 48 hours
_______26. Calendar / Holiday Schedule (This changes every year)
_______27. Lunch program policy
_______28. FREE 176 day 3-K & Pre-K School Term
_______29. Flu Shot Policy
_______30. Re-registration Fee policy
_______31. Absent Policy Form