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Contact us

Find phone numbers and contact information at VA North Texas Health Care System for frequently requested services like patient advocates, medical records, billing and insurance, and more.

Patient help and resources

Need help? Contact a patient advocate

If you need help getting care or resolving an issue with VA, get help from one of our trained patient advocates.

Medical records office

Access your medical records online or request a copy of your documents from our Release of Information office.

Billing and insurance

Pay your VA North Texas health care bill online, by phone, mail, or in person. You can also raise issues or address billing disputes.


Please find out how to fill your prescriptions, where to pick up new prescription orders, and how to safely take care of your medicines.

Phone directory and mailing address

We've included the phone numbers for many of the administrative and program offices at VA North Texas health care.

Mailing address

Dallas VA Medical Center
4500 South Lancaster Road
Dallas, TX 75216-7167

Garland VA Medical Center
2300 Marie Curie Boulevard
Garland, TX 75042-5706

Sam Rayburn Memorial Veterans Center
1201 East 9th Street
Bonham, TX 75418-4059

To use TeleType (TTY) services: dial 711




  • Canteen Services:

Dallas: 214-857-0967

Ft. Worth: 817-730-3391

Bonham: 903-583-6296

  • Cardiology: 214-857-2187
  • Center for Development and Civic Engagement: 

Dallas: 214-857-0428

Ft. Worth: 817-730-0078

Garland: 469-797-2100 ext. 26435

Bonham: 903-583-6282

  • Chaplain Service:

Dallas: 214-857-1070

Ft. Worth:

Bonham: 903-583-6280


  • Dental/oral surgery: 

Dallas: 214-857-1082

Bonham: 903-583-6256

Ft. Worth: 817-730-0101

  • Domiciliary

Dallas: 214-857-1130

Bonham: 903-583-1396


  • Eligibility and Registration:

Dallas: 214-857-2249

Ft. Worth: 817-730-0130

Bonham: 903-583-6414





Dallas:   after 4pm 1-

Bonham: 800-924-8387

  • Hospice and Palliative Care: 

Dallas: 214-857-1710

Bonham: 903-583-6355



Dallas: 214-857-1355

Ft. Worth: 817-730-0063

Bonham: 903-583-6347


Nephrology, renal and kidney care214-857-1593

Nuclear medicine: 214-857-0130

Nutrition, food and dietary: 

Dallas: 214-857-0078

Bonham: 903-583-6291




Dallas: 214-857-0482

Ft. Worth: 817-730-0009

Bonham: 903-583-6216

  • Pharmacy: 

Dallas: 1-800-849-3597

Ft. Worth: 817-730-0050

Physical medicine and rehabilitation: 214-857-1279



  • Radiology: 214-857-3088
  • Recreation and creative arts therapy:

Dallas: 214-857-1270

Ft. Worth: 817-730-0000, ext. 23327

Bonham: 903-583-6396






Media and press

The office of communications & community engagement can assist local media with queries, interview requests, and expert information about VA North Texas Health Care System.

Phone: 214-857-1158

After hours or on weekends, could you call the operator at and ask for the administrator on duty? 214-742-8387, and ask for the administrator on duty.

HR and credentialing

HR Credentialing is the process of verifying that healthcare professionals meet necessary qualifications, licenses, and standards to practice. This includes checking educational background, licenses, certifications, and any history of malpractice. It's essential for ensuring quality care and regulatory compliance, typically managed by HR or Medical Staff Services. Credentialing must be completed before practitioners can work in a facility and is renewed every few years. For questions or more information, please contact credentialing directly. 


Submit a FOIA request.

Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), any person can access federal agency records unless those records are protected from disclosure by specific exemptions or exclusions laid out in law.

(Please do not submit FOIA requests for medical records.)

Requesting records maintained by VA North Texas Health Care System

You can file a FOIA request for documents (other than medical records) maintained by VA North Texas. Complete the FOIA request form and return it by email, fax, or mail.


Dallas VA Medical Center
Release of Information
4500 South Lancaster Road
Dallas, TX 75216-7167

Garland VA Medical Center
Release of Information
2300 Marie Curie Boulevard
Garland, TX 75042-5706

Fort Worth Outpatient Clinic
Release of Information
2201 SE Loop 820
Fort Worth, TX 76104

For questions about your request to VA North Texas Healthcare System


Additional FOIA request information


Report an issue

  • Report suspected fraud or mismanagement

Contact the VA Office of the Inspector General (VA OIG) to report suspected criminal activity, fraud, inadequate patient care, or mismanagement of VA programs or government resources.

Phone: 800-488-8244


VA Inspector General Hotline (53e)
810 Vermont Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20420

Learn more about the VA OIG hotline.

  • Report patient care or safety issues

If you have any concerns about the care and safety of patients or residents, the first step is to contact

Submit a complaint online:
Phone: 800-994-6610


Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 6018