Fisher House
The VA North Texas Fisher House provides 21 living suites, at no cost, to family members and caregivers, of hospitalized Veterans and military members.

About VA North Texas Health Care System Fisher House
The VA North Texas Fisher House is available free of charge to families and caregivers, of Veterans being treated for long-term illnesses at VA North Texas and in conjunction with the Veterans Health Administration (VHA).
A Fisher House is a "home away from home" for visiting families and caregivers of hospitalized Veterans and Active Duty service members.
The VA North Texas Fisher House features 21 private suites with private baths and common areas, kitchen, laundry facilities, dining room, living room, library, picnic pavilion, and an outdoor kitchen. All areas are wheelchair accessible.
There is no charge to stay in a Fisher House.
Fisher Houses are built by the Fisher House Foundation, a non-profit organization, and are gifted to the Department of Veterans Affairs or to the Department of Defense and then become federal buildings. VA assumes responsibility to operate, staff and maintain the VA Fisher Houses.
We rely on the generosity of our community partners to help support a safe, home-like environment, so our guests can participate in the treatment and care of their hospitalized loved one.
Family members, loved ones and caregivers of service members and Veterans, who are receiving long-term care or are hospitalized and who live 50 miles or two hours or more from the Dallas VA Medical Center can stay at the VA North Texas Fisher House.
- Guests must be able to care for themselves and follow Fisher House rules.
- One room is assigned to each family, and all guests must meet these eligibility requirements:
- Show medical stability and capable of self-care or accompanied by a caregiver who provides necessary care. VA does not provide nursing or other medical care at the Fisher House.
- Able to stay in unsupervised setting.
- Able to supervise minor children at all times.
VA North Texas Fisher House lodging is on a first come, first served basis.
Families wishing to stay at the VA North Texas Fisher House must have an electronic referral submitted by the Veteran’s treatment team.
It is advisable that families requesting to stay at the Fisher House have back up lodging plans, in case a room is not available, as an electronic referral does not guarantee Fisher House accommodations.
Please call VA North Texas Fisher House manager, Lydia Johnson at 214-857-4401, if you need any help with getting a referral or have a special circumstance you would like to have considered.
Referrals to Fisher House must be completed in advance of your visit.
Guests are eligible to stay at the VA North Texas Fisher House for the duration of the Veteran’s hospitalization or extended episodic outpatient treatment, as long as the Veteran’s treatment team determines it is necessary to have the individual involved in daily support of the Veteran.
VA North Texas Fisher House staff will receive all electronic consults and screen for eligibility and available occupancy.
Fisher House staff will schedule the approved referrals, inform the referring clinician of lodging arrangements and will contact the referred individuals either via telephone or written correspondence.
Electronic referrals that are ineligible or due to 100% occupancy will be notified by the referring clinician.
Meals are not provided at the VA North Texas Fisher House.
The VA North Texas Fisher House has a well-equipped kitchen for guests to prepare meals during their stay. Each guest is given a private cubby to store food and share communal refrigerators and freezers. Some donated foods are available, but guests are expected to bring their own food to prepare.
Yes, children of any age are welcome at the VA North Texas Fisher House, provided that they are supervised at all times. Child care services are not provided by the VA North Texas Fisher House.
Only trained Assistance Dogs (providing a necessary service) are permitted at the VA North Texas Fisher House, if the dog is a companion of our guest.
You can be a part of the VA North Texas Fisher House mission.
We rely on support from individuals and groups to provide for the ongoing, daily needs of the VA North Texas Fisher House, to enhance the stay of our guests and expand our programs.
Please contact Lydia Henderson at 214-857-4401 to find out how you can support our military and Veterans’ families at the VA North Texas Fisher House, as a volunteer or with a donation.
We also have a Wish List, which is coming soon.
Connect with our staff:
Lydia Henderson
Fisher House program manager
VA North Texas health care
Jeffrey D. Alford
Fisher House program support assistant
VA North Texas health care
Mark D. Cyrus
Fisher House program support assistant
VA North Texas health care
Michael D. Wright
Fisher House program support assistant
VA North Texas health care
Ebony M. Bailey
Fisher House program support assistant
VA North Texas health care