VHA Procurement & Logistics Office (P&LO)
Regional Procurement Offices (RPOs)
The RPOs are subdivided into Network Contracting Offices (NCO). The NCO’s share the same identifying number as the Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISN) they are located in. Each NCO provides local, regional, and national procurement support toward providing the best possible care and support to our Veterans.
Regional Procurement Office East
The Regional Procurement Office, East Region (RPO East) includes all or portions of the following states and U.S. territories: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, and Pennsylvania.
RPO East is composed of seven Network Contracting Offices (NCO): NCO 1-VA New England Healthcare System, NCO 2-New York/New Jersey VA Health Care Network, NCO 4-VA Healthcare - VISN 4, NCO 5-VA Capitol Health Care Network, NCO 6-VA Mid-Atlantic Health Care Network, NCO 7-VA Southeast Network, and NCO 8-VA Sunshine Healthcare Network.
Please feel free to contact RPO East at (412) 822-3431.
Regional Procurement Office Central
The Regional Procurement Office, Central Region (RPO Central) includes all or portions of the following states and U.S. territories: North Dakota, Wyoming, Texas, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Alabama, Minnesota, and Florida.
RPO Central is composed of seven NCOs: NCO 9-VA Mid-South Healthcare Network, NCO 10-VA Healthcare System of Ohio, NCO 11-Veterans In Partnership, NCO 12-VA Great Lakes Health Care Network, NCO 15-VA Heartland Network, NCO 16-South Central VA Health Care Network, and NCO 23-VA Midwest Health Care Network, and the PCA-Central office.
Please feel free to contact RPO Central at (615) 225-6966.
Regional Procurement Office West
The Regional Procurement Office, West Region (RPO West) includes all or portions of the following states and U.S. territories: North Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, Colorado, Alaska, Hawaii, Philippines, Guam, and American Samoa.
RPO West is composed of six NCOs: NCO 17-VA Heart of Texas Health Care Network, NCO 19-Rocky Mountain Network, NCO 20-Northwest Network, NCO 21-Sierra Pacific Network, and NCO 22-Desert Pacific Network.
Please feel free to contact RPO West at (916) 692-7314.
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