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Good News! On Tuesday, February 18, all internal medicine clinics are moving back to building one fourth floor. Note: Neurology will remain in building three for now. If you have any questions, please check-in at the desk in main lobby before proceeding to your appointment.

Community Whole Health & Healthy Living Resources

Find a list of Community Whole Health Promotion Resources at Salt Lake City VA Health Care System.

Physical Activity and Movement Resources

Silver Sneakers

  • With SilverSneakers – You’re free to move. Take online classes from home or visit us at the gym. Available at no cost for adults 65+ through select Medicare plans.

Find Fitness Locations | Silver Sneakers

Recreation Centers (Utah)

  • Our recreation centers offer individual and group fitness opportunities including learn-to classes, drop-in fitness, leagues, teams, weight rooms, sports, and childcare.

Recreation Centers - Parks & Recreation | SLCo

Sports Complexes, Recreational & Fitness Centers | Utah Agenda

Parks and Recreation (Idaho)

  • Check out the Department of Park and Recreation site to find a list of parks, trails, and activates available in your Idaho region!

Find a Park | Department of Parks & Recreation - Idaho

Get Healthy Utah

  • Utah state physical activity resources for Active Living. See what local programs are offered in your county and participate in movement with others in your community!

Get Healthy Utah! - Active Living

The YMCA (Nevada and Idaho only)

  • The Y makes accessible the support and opportunities that empower people and communities to learn, grow and thrive. Find a nearby location using the map tool below to Give Back, Better Your Health & Make Friends.

Find Your Y | YMCA of the USA

Team Red, White, and Blue (Team RWB)

  • Team RWB’s supports America’s most resilient citizens — and has a mission to prioritize the well-being of Veterans. Team RWB exists to guide Veterans through that journey, by offering real-life and virtual opportunities focused on building a healthier lifestyle. Join Team RWB and download the app to participate in Real-Life and Virtual Activities including running, cycling, rucking, functional fitness, and yoga.

Team Red, White & Blue

Local and Virtual Events - Team Red, White & Blue

Operation Combat Boots

  • A Utah based 501c 3 nonprofit corporation dedicated to helping Utah Military Veterans, by providing gym and fitness club memberships to discharged Utah Veterans at no cost. Follow the instructions on the link below to sign up now and obtain a free gym membership to either partner gyms – EOS fitness and Vasa fitness.

Operation Combat Boots - Mental Health Through Physical Fitness

SportsAbilities: Get Outside, Get Active, Get Healthy

  • SportsAbilities serves as a premier resource for people with physical disabilities to find recreational, advocacy, support, and adaptive sporting activities in the nation. Click the link below to find the calendar for your state, with 26 different activities ranging from Team Sports to Social Gatherings. “We believe that having one online location for people to visit to see all that is happening will help increase program participation, promote awareness, and help improve people's lives.”

SportsAbilities Adaptive Sports

Utah Trails

  • Explore local trails and find comprehensive trail guides including trail maps, descriptions, photos and reviews.

Utah Trails | Utah Trail Maps | TrailLink

Top Walking Trails & Maps in Utah | TrailLink

Hiking | Visit Utah

Take a Walk on 5 Urban Trails in Salt Lake City | Wayfaring Views

Utah State Parks

  • Information on 43 state parks as well as off-highway vehicle, boating, golf and trails programs

Utah State Parks

Utah Golf Foundation

  • The Utah Golf Foundation purpose is to “dedicated to financially supporting programs expanding opportunity and access to those who wish to play the game of golf in Utah.”

Utah Golf Foundation

Wasatch Adaptive Sports (WAS)

  • The mission of Wasatch Adaptive Sports Veterans Program is to offer outdoor therapeutic recreational and social activities for Veterans coping with military related physical, cognitive, and emotional difficulties. Our goal is to promote healing, health and well-being while restoring our Veteran’s sense of connection with the outdoors. This allows them to recapture a range of emotions and to encounter safe, meaningful challenges in natural settings that promote trust with others.”

Participate | Wasatch Adaptive Sports

Project Healing Waters

  • “Project Healing Waters is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled Veterans. Learn about fly tying and prepare for all elements of fly fishing.”

Locations | Project Healing Waters


  • “We provide opportunities for our nations veterans as well as underprivileged and disabled children and adults to experience outdoor activities to enhance their lives through education, experience and direct participation in fishing, boating, and camping.” American Heroes Project has engaged 1000’s of disabled veterans in healing and therapeutic outdoor activities since its inception in 2012. The American Heroes Project is devoted to serving disabled veterans exclusively.

American Heroes Project

Continue Mission (CM)

  • Continue Mission (CM) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization serving Veterans and referred Service Members with service-connected physical, mental, and emotional injuries; and their family/support members. “We provide recreational and educational events that support and empower our participants, offer opportunities for healing and camaraderie, and result in improved mental health. We take an active role in suicide prevention.”

Continue Mission | No Veteran Left Behind