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VA San Diego health care top stories.

Changing Lives, One Veteran at a Time

Veteran Leon Huynh

Veteran hearts ‘overwhelmed with joy;’ VA San Diego Holiday Care & Share

Care and Share employee participants

VA San Diego Healthcare System received a five-star rating from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings. This is the second year in a row that VA San Diego received a five-star rating from CMS.

exterior building of VA San Diego Healthcare System.

Kim Kobayashi-Elliott, a recreational therapist in the Spinal Cord Injury Unit at the San Diego VA Medical Center, has been a source of support and inspiration for countless Veterans navigating life after injury.

female wearing ball cap

The VA Supportive Housing (VASH) program focuses on finding housing for homeless Veterans. VASH just reached a milestone steady-state of housing 2,000 Veterans with housing vouchers at one time.

VA San Diego’s Supportive Housing Team along with many community partners who came together to reach this milestone.

VA Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development Program Awards VA San Diego Scientist.

VA Scientist in Lab

The ASPIRE Center is a unique facility offering tailored recovery care for post-9/11 Veterans who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Doctor Pearson shakes hands with ASPIRE Center Veteran

Reaching the century mark as a World War II Veteran is a milestone worthy of celebration, but sharing this unique birthday with Veterans Day is an extraordinary honor and achievement.

World War II Marine Veteran Donal A. Meier poses for a photo with his family and Birthday Cake on his 100th birthday.

Two Veterans in San Diego County, who served in the “War to end all Wars” have reached the 100-year milestone – and have received special recognition from both VA San Diego Leadership and Secretary of the VA Denis McDonough.

100-Year Plaques

Don’t Underestimate Flu. Flu is highly contagious, and anyone can get it. It is especially harmful to the elderly and those who have health problems like asthma, diabetes, and heart disease.

Male veteran sitting down while getting the flu vaccine.