News Releases
Get the latest news from the Sheridan VA Medical Center and community clinics. For more information, contact our Public Affairs Office at 307-675-7028.
The Sheridan VA Medical Center and Social Security Administration are hosting “From Unemployment to Opportunity: Clearing up SSDI & VA Benefit Myths” on Tuesday, April 1 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The event will take place in-person at the VA medical center (Bldg. 61) and virtually via Microsoft Teams.
The Sheridan Veterans Affairs Health Care System invites women Veterans, their families and caregivers across Wyoming to join a live virtual town hall Thursday, Jan. 23 at 5:30 p.m. to hear information regarding services for women Veterans, including gender-specific care.
VA provides unique support and resources for caregivers.
The Rock Springs VA Clinic staff cordially invite Veterans and community members to a groundbreaking ceremony for their new clinic Thursday, October 24, at 12:30 p.m. at 1001 Gateway Boulevard. The brief ceremony will be followed by a cookout, provided by the project contractor, the Avens Group.
Bars in Johnson County, Wyoming, along with the county Suicide Prevention Coalition and Public Health, are joining with the Sheridan VA Health Care System to end Veteran suicide through the VA's #ReachOut2Me campaign.
The popular Sheridan KARZ Club Car Show continues to expand this year, including a family-friendly community event, led by staff at the Sheridan Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
Wyoming Veterans rank trust in Sheridan VA Health Care System at 90.3%.
Sheridan VA Health Care System staff are now accepting creative art for a Veteran Art Show scheduled to take place during the annual KARZ Club Car Show and Veteran Resource Fair July 6 at the Sheridan VA Medical Center.
Sheridan VA Health Care System invites Veterans in the Fort Washakie area who may have been exposed to toxic substances during their military service at home or abroad, to attend its Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act: Bringing VA Benefits Home event.
Veterans, families and friends are invited to attend the second annual "Veterans Talking to Veterans, a graduation celebration and Veteran family fair," at the National Museum of Military Vehicles May 25.