VA Shreveport health care top stories.
LeVar Allen has worked in Engineering Service at Overton Brooks VA Medical Center (OBVAMC) since 2020 and has made it a habit to step up and help when needed.

The Shreveport VA offers qualified Veterans the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccine booster shots. Qualified Veterans' spouses and caregivers may also take advantage of the booster.

Wow! Great Photo Op—A few Shreveport VA employees, including a few Veterans, masked up, allowed for safe separation, and wore their pinkest pink in observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Oct. 15.

Hours after Hurricane Ida left her catastrophic mark on Southern Louisiana; the Overton Brooks VA Medical Center in Shreveport and Shreveport Vet Center coordinated efforts. Widespread damage and continuous flooding made the potential for hurricane shelters in Northwest Louisiana a reality.
Hurricane Ida did more than leave a wake of destruction amidst severe flooding, infrastructure breakdowns, and region-wide power outages to Southern Louisianians—Hurricane Ida left hundreds of Louisiana neighbors without a home and a need for shelter.

Some people and anyone reading this article may fit the description of a person who lovingly enjoys the scented three-wick candle. You know, the candle that makes the home smell like a freshly baked birthday cake, brownies, banana bread, or warm apple pie or—well, you get the picture.

TeleCritical Care aims to enhance the delivery of critical care.
Linda Resendez, an Occupational Therapist at Overton Brooks VA Medical Center, has been elected American Legion District 4 Commander in Northwest Louisiana.

When it comes to health care, most patients are understandably more focused on their day-to-day troubles. But that’s not the case for Dale Shelton.
The goal of Patient Experience Week is more than an action phrase. The Patient Experience reflects the Veteran's Experience (note the apostrophe) and is an experience formed into the culture of an ever-improving VA.